3 thoughts on “NSA whistleblower says DNC hack was not done by Russia, but by U.S. intelligence”
  1. Who cares WHO exposed the scandal; this a a distraction FROM the scandal. Stay focused on the scandal! Just be glad it was exposed.

    Meanwhile, why aren’t the cuffs on the jewess Debbie Wasseman-Shultz-Platinumstein for her role in Bernie-Gate?

  2. Who cares WHO exposed the scandal? This distracts from the scandal. Stay focused on the Zio Queen’s crime.

    Meanwhile, why aren’t the cuffs on the jewess Debbie-Wasserman-Shultz-Platinumstein for he role in Bernie-Gate?

  3. There is a certain logic to this theory. The NSA would have access to the deleted e-mails.

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