By Gilad Atzmon – The following article was written by a friend of mine who is clearly scared of Jewish power and the possible personal consequences of writing such an article. He decided to remain anonymous. I would add that Jewish suffering may be a myth, but Jewish fear is real. Why are Jews fearful? Because they believe in the history of Jewish suffering but they also know that, considering the acts committed by Jewish oligarchs, lobbies, Ziocons and Israel, future Jewish suffering seems too real.
‘Hitler’s big crimes weren’t that he invaded countries and exterminated many millions of people (that was done in the colonies all the time, of course with a ‘God-given’ right). No, his crimes was to invade European countries and to commit genocide in Europe.’
So Hitler’s crime was ‘to commit genocide in Europe’? Could you give us an example? The only true genocide in Europe between 1939 and 1949 or so of which I am aware is that carried out against the German people by Stalin, Roosevelt/Truman and Churchill. Unless of course you have allowed yourself to swallow the Jews’ Great Lie regarding the holohoax.
He left out the Red Bolshevik Jew communists of the old Soviet Union, who liquidate at least 60,000,000 Gentiles. Every single Gulag commander was a Jew, as were the elite.