KATHEON – The impotency of New Zealand as a nation is reflected in its tendency to compensate by sanctimonious lectures at world forums on any possible occasion. The use of moral humbug as a diplomatic weapon is the resort of hypocrites who have an agenda in which they wish to give moral sanction to amoral methods, such as the USA, or who are, like New Zealand, too weak to act; like a bully who circles threateningly yelling abuse and waving fists but lacking courage.
In September 2014, John Phillip Key, son of a Austrian Jewish immigrant won his third term as prime minister of New Zealand. Key, in fact is the third prime minister of the country with Jewish family roots. Julius Vogel served in the 1870s and Sir Francis Henry Dillon Bell, who later converted to Christianity, was at the helm for two weeks in 1925. In addition to that Auckland had seven Mayors throughout its history. New Zealand is home to only 7,000 Jews.
Key is a blind supporter of Israel. His top two propagandists, David Farrar and Cameron Slater have close links with Netanyahu’s Likud Jewish racist party. Their websites are consistently pro-Israel and follow the Zionist narrative of the bad Hamas raining bombs on the poor Israelis while in fact the IDF bombed the Gaza strip killing thousands of civilians, destroying over 80.000 homes and infrastructure.
Some of Key’s relatives are Israeli citizens.
In September 2011, Key walked out of UN General Assembly during Iran’s president Dr. Ahmadinejad’s speech after Israeli delegate made the exit. In spite of this butt-licking, Key’s recent nominee Jonathan Curr as New Zealand’s new ambassador to Tel Aviv was rejected by Netanyahu regime for his having dialogues with the Palestinian Authority in the past.