BY PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS – The presstitute media are doing everything that propagandists can do to anoint Hillary to the Oval Office. The main issue facing the electorate is whether the next administration will lead us into military conflict with Russia and by implication with China, not Trump’s sexual interest in women. The conflict would be thermo-nuclear. Trump is in the oligarchs’ crosshairs, because Trump disavows conflict with Russia.
15 reasons why Trump audio leak will not do any damage to The Don, as explained by Dilbert Creator Scott Adams:
When you think that the depths that the American puppet media can go to can go no further, they show they certainly can.
Pffft. Not true. The jew media routinely defame people with allegations of homosexuality, like hitler, and get away with it. In spite of always placing faggots on a pedestal. And the masses are so cognitively dissonant they don’t even notice the hypocrisy.
If trump were queer you better believe it’d be perfectly kosher to say things that would get you jailed on a “hate” crime in any other context.
Sadly, I don’t think he can win because of the demographics.