donald trump

Donald Trump, speaking Thursday in West Palm Beach, Fla.:  “This is a struggle for the survival of our nation. Believe me. And this will be our last chance to save it on November 8th. Remember that. This election will determine whether we’re a nation or only — democracy but, in fact, controlled by a handful of special global interests, rigging the system, and our system is rigged. This is reality. You know it, they know it, and pretty much the whole world knows it.

“The establishment and their media neighbors wield control over this nation through means that are very well known. Anyone who challenges their control is deemed a sexist, rapist, xenophobe, and morally deformed. They will attack you. They will slander you. They will seek to destroy your career and your family. They will seek to destroy everything about you, including your reputation. They will lie, lie, lie and then again they will do worse than that. They will do whatever is necessary.

“The Clintons are criminals. Remember that, they’re criminals.

[Crowd chants “Lock her up!”]

“This is well documented, and the establishment that protects them has engaged in a massive cover-up of widespread criminal activity at the State Department and the Clinton foundation in order to keep the Clintons in power. Never in history have we seen such a cover-up as this.”

Jack Abramoff Goes Off On Hillary: ‘Most Corrupt Person In History Of United States To Get This Close To The Presidency’

Jack Abramoff thinks Hillary Clinton should be in prison.

The former super lobbyist, who spent nearly four years in prison himself for fraud and corruption, explained why on the latest episode of “The Jamie Weinstein Show” podcast, where he also discussed the 2016 presidential race, how to fix Washington corruption and the lessons he learned over his infamous career.

Speaking of Hillary Clinton’s role in the Clinton Foundation, Abramoff said she “is the most corrupt person in the history of the United States to get this close to the presidency, including by leaps and bounds Warren Harding.”

“She’s been involved in activities that frankly I was put in prison for and that I was in prison with other people who did other things that she did,” he said.

Abramoff said Clinton was clearly “selling special access” with her and her husband’s charitable foundation.

“Her staff — Cheryl Mills, Huma Abedin — were very involved in facilitating donors getting special access,” he said. “Forget about whether they got results, because that’s not really the metric. The metric is are you using your public service to do something for somebody in exchange for a quid pro quo and there seems to be very little doubt there is.”

Abramoff says even if all that some major donors to the Clinton Foundation received were meetings with then-Secretary of State Clinton, which evidence suggests occurred, “doing the meetings is getting something.”

“People who understand government and understand clients and understand access in this town understand that when you give money and you get a meeting, you’re getting the ask,” he exclaimed. “You may not get the result, or you may get the result by the way. In some cases apparently they did, but just getting the meeting, getting the access, getting use over government, public service employees by virtue of your contributions, that is special access. That may not be statutory bribery but that is certainly absolutely honest services fraud, without question.”

“Anybody who looks at that and says, ‘well that’s perfectly okay,’ is either lying because they’re trying to support Hillary, hypocritical or they just don’t understand what’s going on in Washington,” he went on.

Abramoff argued that “even if all of the money that she extracted and he extracted from these world leaders in exchange for the favors they did in the State Department went to altruistic purposes,” it “is still improper.”

“That was exactly what happened with me,” he explained. “I asked people to give money to foundations that were actually doing things for people. It was still considered to be inappropriate and improper.”

So what do the Clintons get out of their foundation?

“They get importance and they get control,” Abramoff argued.

For her part, Hillary Clinton has called allegations of impropriety surrounding the Clinton Foundation “absurd.” Bill Clinton has vociferously defended the foundation as well.

“We’re trying to do good things,” he said in August. “If there’s something wrong with creating jobs and saving lives, I don’t know what it is. The people who gave the money knew exactly what they were doing. I have nothing to say about it except that I’m really proud. I’m proud of what they’ve done.”



3 thoughts on “Trump: "This is a struggle for the survival of our nation. And November 8 will be our last chance to save it"”
  1. Yes Gary, it does seem so.
    This is truly the last chance for all the Goyim world. I realize that Trump, “came from nowhere” to beat Rubio, Bush, and the rest of the treasonous pieces of shit. A total “Surprise” for (((them))). Like in a horse race, he came from behind and beat the pack with all the odds against him. Any one of the treasonous pieces of shit would have been fine for the JWO to win or lose against Cutlery. He’s a surprise for them, and “he must be stopped, or else”. I’m pleased with social media spreading some real truth bombs about the true terrorists on the planet, the djooowz. Trump is reading the roadmap written by Mr. A. Hitler for un-inslavement from the fed resurv (the djooowz), filth and lies in media (the djooowz), bull shit entertainment/sports (the djooowz), bull shit medicine (the djooowz), and every type of cancer they have spread, and will further spread if their girl gets to d.c.
    The next three weeks are very important to educate all innocent loving citizens to the true face of reality at this current time. Fully expose the hooks, and by all means, have many monitors of the votes at town levels, and up on election night. Don’t let them steal the election before they kill you. 🙂
    FYI – Trump is KICKING ASS all across America, it is impossible for the Killer to win, without cheating. Remember, the djoooowz cheat, lie, and deceive like no others.
    Have a nice day everybody.

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