2 thoughts on “Putin ally tells Americans: vote Trump or face nuclear war”
  1. Looking deeper into the Facts, the man is not a Putin ally. He is of course Russian, and leader of the 3rd Party in Russia’s Duma Legislature.
    That does no make him part of Putin’s inner circle or even a close ally no matter how much propagandists falsely spin it.
    There are Americans and many different people from Countries other than Russia who see it the same way. I’m Canadian, and independently from that Russian Legislator, see the same possibility!

  2. Whoever this man might be I thing he is telling the truth. Criminal Hillary will take us directly into more provocations against Russia and she and her masters: the Rothschild’s diabolical mafia will see that WWIII is a done deal. They do not care how many billions of people disappear from the face of the earth, al they want is the consummation of WWIII.

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