TIMES OF ISRAEL – A London cafe sparked outrage by selling bottles of swastika-labelled smoothie drinks. The Nincomsoup cafe in Old Street Tube Station in central London was selling an almond-based smoothie called “Nutzy” bearing the Nazi emblem.
A horrified Jewish member of the public, whose family were killed in the Holocaust, spoke with the management, who refused to apologize. She contacted the Campaign Against Antisemitism and alerted them to the pro-Nazi product.
I find the Talmud and the Torah very offensive against non-Jews. Why are these racist Jewish pigs allowed to live among us to exploit us? When is enough enough? Will there be the 110th purging of this anti-God, anti-nature, and anti-human filth?
The Jews protesting about the use of this symbol are the real ‘nutters’, trying to ban the Hindu symbol, which is in fact expressed in both directions in Chinese Taoism, Buddhism and Hinduism. I am a Hindu myself and know this as fact.
It is completely offensive to claim that the Swastika is somehow ‘evil’ when used in one direction, and that malicious falsehood is a deliberate part of the hysteria put about by the Jews, and it is in fact an attack on the religious freedoms of those three faiths and any others that use it. Even some Native American Indians are too scared to use the Swastika now because they feel it is ‘cursed’. It is part of the plan to make people feel ashamed of non-Jewish religions. The Jews are horrible bullies in this regard.
And we all know, that every Jew And his dog lost their entire families in the fictitious ‘holocaust’, whilst they are always still around to talk about it, and we are tired of hearing whining Jews making up blatant lies about it.
And how does Silverman think ‘Nazis’ ‘murdered’ almost 500,000 English people? He should view the video by Lady Renouf on how Churchill secretly ordered the RAF to bomb civilian areas in Germany with high explosive and incendiary bombs for many weeks, while England refused to accept any terms for peace repeatedly offered by Germany, so as to deliberately provoke Germany into bombing England back, all this having been deliberately done to create a ‘war psychosis’ as Churchill himself put it, in the British people, that would make them lust for ‘revenge’, and that would never have happened unless Jewish agent Churchill had not callously and traitorously forced the Germans to bomb England’s cities.
Oyyyyyyyyy!! I lost all my families in the holocaust…..they were steamed and electrocuted to death, killed in gas vans, shot, hung & starved. My cousins were thrown into narrow, deep ditches and burned alive with gasoline or diesel.
You could always tell when jews were being burned; the smoke was white and smelled like roses. I personally survived 2 gassings and a firing squad and escaped 4 times until saved by a pack of dogs who fed me and led me to safety before I was recaptured and survived another firing squad and was buried alive. I had organs removed. I only have one lung, one kidney and one liver. I ate dirt to survive and only weighed 47 pounds. My father was electrocuted to death by a truck battery before the entire camp for stealing a rotten potato, then lit on fire until only ashes remained.
I haven’t slept in 50 years because I’m afraid to dream. Oy! I’m the only survivor from my town in Poland. SIX MILLION innocent jews were murdered in record time. I only survived by emptying the gas chambers, which killed 25,000 Jews per day. The crematories were burning stacked up bodies of jews 24/7 for years. I survived eating fingers cut off of gassed corpses…..623 members of my family died; I’m the sole survivor. I’m 97 years old.