
Sabba –  We can bet it was not just Berlin, it was not just in the 70s and we can all rest assured that it is still happening now and not just in Germany but all throughout the ‘Christian’ West. How can children disappear without a trace?

SPUTNIK – German media report that homeless teenagers were given to the care of pedophiles in Germany in the 1970s.

Homeless teenagers were given to the care of pedophiles in Germany in the 1970s, and the Senate of Berlin was aware of the “practice,” German media report. Street children — boys of around 13-17 years of age, were given to men known to be pedophiles, Spiegel said on Friday citing a study by Göttingen-based scientists.

The Berlin Senate also sent boys to the Odenwaldschule boarding school, where students were sexually abused in the 70s and 80s, the newspaper added.
According to Spiegel, the existence of the “practice” has long been revealed, but this is the first time that researchers have presented documented evidence of it

One thought on “GERMANY – Street Kids Given Away to Pedophiles in Berlin in 1970s – Reports”
  1. As long as Germany and other so called “Christian Nations” are controlled by the Judaic Criminal Mafia all these maladies will prevail.

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