In rare admission defense minister tells EU ambassadors IAF active in Syria, says peace with Palestinians far off
ed note–ahem, allow me to translate that for you–
‘We have spent years trying to paint Hezbollah, Syria, and Iran as terrorist entities, and now they have just liberated Aleppo and are busy killing all the ISIS terrorists that we have created, armed, trained, funded, etc. This is going to expose us as the liars that we are and in the process, the Axis of Resistance will secure a huge PR victory around the world, and especially in the Middle East. This is nothing less than a weapon of mass destruction–the veil of duplicity being lifted from the eyes of the Goyim–and therefore we have to at least try and salvage something from this disaster that took place, so we are going to lob a few bombs, which is what we do best, outside of lying, of course.’
Furthermore, what the liberation of Aleppo reveals as well is that when Christians and Muslims unite against a common enemy–as indeed took place with the cooperative efforts of Russia, Syria, Iran and Hezbollah–victory is assured, something which Jewry has feared now since the 6th century when Islam first made its appearance on the world stage.
Times of Israel
Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman acknowledged that Israel was responsible for recent attacks in Syria, saying on Wednesday that they were meant to prevent “advanced weapons, military equipment and weapons of mass destruction” from reaching Hezbollah.
Speaking to ambassadors from the European Union, Lieberman did not specify what incident or incidents he is referring to, saying only “what was done in Syria,” according to a statement from his office.
“We are working, first and foremost, to defend the safety of our citizens and to protect our sovereignty, and we are trying to prevent the smuggling of advanced weapons, military equipment and weapons of mass destruction from Syria to Hezbollah,” he said.
He did not expand on what weapons of mass destruction Hezbollah may have been trying to acquire.
During the meeting with EU officials, the defense minister also laid out his view for how Israel would like to see the Syrian civil war resolved and his skepticism at the prospects of a peace deal with the Palestinians in the near future.
One EU ambassador told The Times of Israel that a “good, constructive conversation” had been held with Lieberman, but expressed “deep concern” over the so-called regulation bill, which would legalize some Israeli settlements built on private Palestinian land.
“They entire world is watching” what Israel is doing with this bill, the ambassador said, requesting anonymity.
On Wednesday morning, a bombing near a Damascus military airport was blamed on Israel.
“At 3:00 a.m., the Israeli enemy fired several surface-to-surface missiles from inside occupied territory,” the Syrian state news agency SANA said, citing a military source. The report said the Israeli missiles caused a large fire but no injuries or deaths.
Last week, Israeli planes also reportedly struck both a weapons site near the Syrian capital and a Hezbollah convoy, causing some large explosions but also no casualties.
Israel generally does not officially admit to carrying out attacks deep inside Syria, though it has publicly maintained it will not allow advanced weapons to be transferred to Hezbollah.
In his remarks, the defense minister insisted that Israel is not interested in getting involved in the Syrian civil war, but will work to defend itself.
Regarding an eventual resolution to the civil war, which has been raging since 2011 and has caused the deaths of the hundreds of thousands of people, Liberman said he would be amenable to any peace deal — so long as it does not include Iran and Syrian President Bashar Assad.
“When I am asked, time after time, what a possible future agreement with Syria will be like, I say that my position is that regardless of what agreement will be in Syria — the Iranians and [Syrian President Bashar] Assad have to be out of Syria and not be a part of any deal,” Lieberman said.
The defense minister also dismissed the possibility of a peace agreement with the Palestinians anytime soon, calling it “unrealistic and impossible” for one to be reached at the point in time.
“The notion of a permanent solution will have to be postponed for at least a few years, and in the meantime, we need to ensure normal lives in Judea and Samaria for both Jews and Palestinians,” Lieberman said, using the biblical term for the West Bank.
The defense minister scolded European leaders in general for considering Israeli settlements to be “the biggest problem in the world,” pointing to deadlier conflicts around the world.
“At least five hundred people are killed each day in the Middle East, from South Sudan to Iraq, which is much more serious and important than what is happening in Amona, but this is something you don’t see in the European press,” he said.
Addressing the EU ambassadors directly, he said: “The fact that you are always talking about the settlements is hypocritical. I’m waiting for you to start talking about North Korea and the Iranians’ ballistic missiles.”
8 thoughts on “Lying Lieberman: Israel hit Syria to keep WMDs from Hezbollah”
In the meantime, look at the legions of idiot white nationalists getting together and grumbling about ‘the muzzies’ in their midst when in fact it was ‘the muzzies’ and Christians working together that defeated Israel and the US in Aleppo.
I didn’t see it back way back, when this website made the allegation that the entire white nationalist paradigm was something that has become a tool of Jewry aimed at preventing a coalescing of anti-Judaic forces between the white christian west and the Islamic world, but I certainly see it now. Geert Wilders and all the anti-Islamic judas goats working for jewry, including those individuals who claim to be against Jewry but who nevertheless act as water carriers for the ZIionist conspiracy by propagating hostility towards Islam and Muslims need to be seen for what they are–traitors to humanity who are not really interested in saving their people as much as they claim, for if they truly cared about saving their people, they would align themselves with a winning team and with winning ideals.
Very well put Humanity-I wish more people saw it that way.
there goal is to have us go to war for there takeover the middle east
Death to Israel!
In military matters, we do not brag, but ACT and WIN or be a KAMIKAZE!
“…North Korea….” Sure: bring on the Zionist tried-and-proven-effective tools of diversion, distraction, manipulation and control of the conversation.
Palestine Is Still The Issue, but the Bouncer put that Issue to bed along the path of a “good, constructive conversation.”
Viva Syria! Viva Palestine!
ISRAEL: lying and bombing is what we do best.
Evil bastards.
“THE entire world is watching”….you evil bastards in Israel.
In the meantime, look at the legions of idiot white nationalists getting together and grumbling about ‘the muzzies’ in their midst when in fact it was ‘the muzzies’ and Christians working together that defeated Israel and the US in Aleppo.
I didn’t see it back way back, when this website made the allegation that the entire white nationalist paradigm was something that has become a tool of Jewry aimed at preventing a coalescing of anti-Judaic forces between the white christian west and the Islamic world, but I certainly see it now. Geert Wilders and all the anti-Islamic judas goats working for jewry, including those individuals who claim to be against Jewry but who nevertheless act as water carriers for the ZIionist conspiracy by propagating hostility towards Islam and Muslims need to be seen for what they are–traitors to humanity who are not really interested in saving their people as much as they claim, for if they truly cared about saving their people, they would align themselves with a winning team and with winning ideals.
Very well put Humanity-I wish more people saw it that way.
there goal is to have us go to war for there takeover the middle east
Death to Israel!
In military matters, we do not brag, but ACT and WIN or be a KAMIKAZE!
“…North Korea….” Sure: bring on the Zionist tried-and-proven-effective tools of diversion, distraction, manipulation and control of the conversation.
Palestine Is Still The Issue, but the Bouncer put that Issue to bed along the path of a “good, constructive conversation.”
Viva Syria! Viva Palestine!
ISRAEL: lying and bombing is what we do best.
Evil bastards.
“THE entire world is watching”….you evil bastards in Israel.