The prime minister endorses Trump on ’60 Minutes’ as pressure on Electoral College mounts and allegations of Russian intervention erupt.
ed note–ooooooh, this one is just ‘chock-full’ of goodies, as we like to say here
1. ‘Many American Jews are anxious…they feel less secure, and not just because most of them voted for his rival, Hillary Clinton.’
So much for the ‘expert’ opinion of many in this ‘movement’ that that Jews ‘loved’ Trump and got him elected.
2. ‘The Israeli leader’s vote of confidence comes at a perfect time, as efforts to persuade Electoral College delegates to pick someone else as president swing into high gear and in conjunction with the sensational Washington Post report on Friday night that Russia was actively involved in getting Trump elected in the first place.’
In other words, Netanyahu hasn’t said BOO about Trump up to this point, something ABSOLUTELY uncharacteristic as to how Netanyahu rolls, and all anyone need do in grasping this is look at the front-and-center roll Nutty Netty played in 2012 with his VERY LOUD endorsement of Mitt Romney.
3. ‘From a realpolitik view of Israeli interests, at least as those are seen by Netanyahu, the prime minister’s endorsement is well placed. Trump, who appreciates blind loyalty, will certainly be grateful.’
In other words, Netanyahu is only saying these things because he wants to be remembered as a friend when he comes around making demands of the new President and not because he means them.
4. ‘Still, Netanyahu’s claim that “there’s no question” about Trump’s warmth towards the Jews may be a bit over the top, to say the least. If Trump was such a Jew-lover as Netanyahu claims, he wouldn’t have cited anti-Semitic stereotypes, wouldn’t have allowed his campaign to use the offensive poster with Clinton’s face plastered on piles of money and a six-pointed Star of David, he would have rejected the support of white supremacist anti-Semites like David Duke swiftly and empathically, would not have seemed to justify the anti-Semitic attacks on journalist Julia Ioffe, and his “closing argument” in the campaign wouldn’t have seemed as if it was directly lifted from the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, wouldn’t have appointed Steve Bannon as his chief strategist, ignoring claims that he had made anti-Semitic remarks or his own boast that he had provided a platform for the alt-right movement, which has anti-Semitism running through its veins.’
In other words, according to this VERY Jewish writer, Trump isn’t a ‘jew lover’ at all and Netanyahu’s saying that he is is disingenuous and not credible.
Remember, folk this is political chess being played here, not checkers.
In all seriousness however, Netanyahu’s statements need to be seen for what they are–a rattlesnake shaking its tail before it strikes, because if it is in Israel’s plans that Trump has the election stolen from him in the Electoral College or is dealt with in the same manner that Israel dealt with JFK, it would stand to reason then that they would create their defense and their alibi ahead of time by appearing to endorse Trump so that when the public began looking for those responsible, the Jews as a group could effectively say–‘Hey, what are you anti-Semites looking in our direction for? We LOVE Trump, and here is none other than the King of the Jews, Bibi Netanyahu, saying so himself on 60 Minutes.’
In other words, ‘By way of deception, we shall make war on the Gentiles’
Chemi Shalev, Haaretz
Many American Jews are anxious. After Donald Trump’s election, they feel less secure, and not just because most of them voted for his rival, Hillary Clinton. Throughout the election campaign, Trump seemed indifferent to anti-Semitic themes emanating from his own campaign, often disseminating them himself. Some of his family members and advisers and made blatantly anti-Semitic remarks. White supremacist and neo-Nazi groups flourished under his wings. The director of the Anti-Defamation League, Jonathan Greenblatt, recently said that anti-Semitism in America has reached levels unseen since the 1930s.
But what is all this Diaspora-Jew whining, most of it coming from suspect liberal Jews anyway, compared to the authoritative verdict of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, self-anointed leader of the Jewish people and self-appointed number one expert on all things America? In an almost shockingly condescending appearance before the Jewish Media Summit in Jerusalem this week, moderated by Forward Editor Jane Eisner, Netanyahu said anti-Semitism in America was only a “fringe” phenomenon. And in an interview with Leslie Stahl of CBS’ “60 Minutes,” set to air on Sunday night, Netanyahu issued a formal kashrut certificate to Trump, befitting the Pontiff from Jerusalem: ‘I know him well,’ Netanyahu said, and “there’s no question” that he feels very warmly about the Jewish state, about the Jewish people and about Jewish people.’
Well, it’s certainly true that Trump feels “very warmly” towards some Jewish people, including his daughter, his son in law, his grandchildren and those little Jews with yarmulkes who are the only people he trusts to count his money. He’s even appointing two of them, both with Goldman-Sachs pedigree, to watch over America’s coffers as well: hedge fund and investment banker Steven Mnuchin is slated to become secretary of the treasury and Gary Cohn, current president of Goldman-Sachs, is reportedly in line to be Trump’s director of the National Economic Council.
Trump might even have very warm feelings towards Netanyahu himself, especially now: the Israeli leader’s vote of confidence comes at a perfect time, as efforts to persuade Electoral College delegates to pick someone else as president when they meet next week swing into high gear and in conjunction with the sensational Washington Post report on Friday night that Russia was actively involved in getting Trump elected in the first place. After Trump’s endorsement of Netanyahu before the 2013 elections, it’s the least the Israeli leader can do to return the favor.
From a realpolitik view of Israeli interests, at least as those are seen by Netanyahu, the prime minister’s endorsement is well placed. Trump, who appreciates blind loyalty, will certainly be grateful. The same cannot be said of wary U.S. Jews: not only has Netanyahu steadfastly refrained from condemning the surge of anti-Semitism that has come in Trump’s wake, but now he is in fact asserting that their claims are no more than hysterical poppycock. Just as Sarah Palin could see Russia clearly from her home in Alaska, Netanyahu can see America better from the Prime Minister’s Office in Jerusalem.
Still, Netanyahu’s claim that “there’s no question” about Trump’s warmth towards the Jews may be a bit over the top, to say the least. If Trump was such a Jew-lover as Netanyahu claims, he probably wouldn’t have cited anti-Semitic stereotypes when he appeared before the Republican Jewish Coalition last year, saying Jews only supported candidates they could buy with money. If Trump was such a righteous gentile, it’s reasonable to assume he wouldn’t have allowed his campaign to use the offensive poster with Clinton’s face plastered on piles of money and a six-pointed Star of David, and definitely would have been less dismissive of the unanimous Jewish protests against it.
If Trump was so affectionate of Jews, perhaps he would have rejected the support of white supremacist anti-Semites like David Duke swiftly and empathically rather than mumbling the word “disavow” only when his back was to the wall. He certainly would not have seemed to justify the anti-Semitic attacks on journalist Julia Ioffe, who wrote something that his wife Melania didn’t like. If Trump so sensitive to the Jews, his “closing argument” in the campaign wouldn’t have seemed as if it was directly lifted from the Protocols of the Elders of Zion (and against Goldman-Sachs!). If Trump gave a damn what Jews think, he wouldn’t have appointed Steve Bannon as his chief strategist, ignoring claims that he had made anti-Semitic remarks or his own boast that he had provided a platform for the alt-right movement, which has anti-Semitism running through its veins.
But Netanyahu has no doubts. After all, Trump sees eye to eye with him on the “bad deal” with Iran; his deputy-elect, Mike Pence, has vowed to rip the nuclear deal to shreds; his Jewish “advisers”, who have now receded from public view, expressed the president-elect’s support for settlements and distaste for Palestinian statehood. What difference does it make if a few million Jews, who probably voted for that Israel-hater and Netanyahu-tormentor Obama, feel as if the earth is shaking underneath their feet? Don’t some of them finance the New Israel Fund, which Netanyahu now regularly depicts as among the worst of Israel’s enemies because they supposedly gave money to investigative journalists like Raviv Drucker and Ilana Dayan? Netanyahu doesn’t count any of them, just as he doesn’t count many of the Jews who live in Israel: like Trump, his love for Jews is usually restricted to those Jews who happen to love him back.
One can understand Netanyahu’s relief at Trump’s election. The newly installed president will be more than happy to hug him warmly when Netanyahu makes his first visit to the White House. Their aides will make sure to highlight the stark differences between the incoming and outgoing presidents. But on the day that the first confrontation between the two countries erupts, Netanyahu is bound to find that Trump’s “warm feelings” extend only towards himself, and possibly Vladimir Putin, who may have handed him his November 8 victory. If Israel dares defy Trump or insult him, as it did Obama, the president will strike back with a vengeance, as he does to anyone who challenges him. But contrary to the staple accusation that Israeli politicians made towards Obama, it will be hard to accuse Trump of being an anti-Semite, now that he has an official certificate of philo-Semitism from the King of the Jews himself.
8 thoughts on “Dissing Claims of anti-Semitism, Netanyahu now Stamps Trump as 'Kosher for Jews'”
personally i think these views are grasping .. the donald is lying to someone.. we have all heard his AIPAC speech and expressed backing of Israel. there has been nothing expressed the other way . only what you imply from his rhetoric you know. has he said something to you guys out of the corner of his mouth of an i missing something?
ed note–the short answer to your question is no, we have not ‘received’ anything said out of the corner of Trump’s mouth, and yes, you are missing something, an unfortunate habit that seems to predominate in discussions of this type with people who take an overly-simplistic approach to sometimes complex situations.
JFK did the same thing that Trump is doing now–kissed the Jews’ hind quarters, and then once in office, decided to do things his way, earning him the wrath of organized Jewry and along with it, a vry public death sentence.
I’d like to add .. low level jews of the left aren’t privy to the international agenda so them bitching about trump adds to the authenticity .. these jews are smart there is no way on earth that they would come this far all this time after all the effort and resources to put all their eggs in the one basket of hillary clinton . take a look at his cabinet and administration choices ? have we not learnt anything?
ed note–we aren’t talking about ‘low lever Jews from the left.’ William Kristol, Paul Wolfowitz, Robert Kagan, almost the entire ‘Neocon famiglia’ worked for over a year to destroy Trump’s candidacy.
Are we the only ones here reading the news, or was a sizable portion of the ‘movement’ vacationing on Mars during the last year and thus missed all of this?
also he has been surrounded by jews from day one. not least his own family .. its utter nonsense to say that he isn’t a jew lover!! he has expressly said it for years.. absolutely stumped here at this fantastical analysis. I need to get my pen out i think.. Time will tell the story and reveal the truth. Peace
ed note–from chapter 5 of Michael Collins Piper’s book ‘Final Judgment’
Ch 5–JFK’s Secret War With Israel
The history books have told us of John F. Kennedy’s epic struggles with Fidel Castro and the Soviets in the Bay of Pigs debacle and the Cuban Missile Crisis. Yet, only in recent years have we begun to learn of Kennedy’s secret war with Israel. Much of the conflict stemmed from Israel’s determination to build a nuclear bomb.
This is a hidden history that helps explain in part the dynamic forces at work resulting in Kennedy’s assassination.
By mid-1963 Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion hated Kennedy with a passion. In fact, he considered JFK a threat to the very survival of the Jewish State.
One of John F. Kennedy’s first presidential appointments was naming his former campaign aide Myer (Mike) Feldman as his point man for Jewish and Israeli affairs—an important post, especially considering JFK’s tenuous relationship with Israel and its American lobby.
According to author Seymour Hersh, “The President viewed Feldman, whose strong support for Israel was widely known, as a necessary evil whose highly visible White House position was a political debt that had to be paid.” 79
However, the administration was determined to make certain, according to Hersh, that nobody—Feldman in particular—would be able to circumvent any administration policy insofar as the Middle East was concerned.
“The President’s most senior advisors, most acutely McGeorge Bundy, the national security advisor, desperately sought to cut Feldman out of the flow of Middle East paperwork.” 80 Hersh quotes another presidential aide as having said, “It was hard to tell the difference between what Feldman said and what the Israeli ambassador said.”
President Kennedy himself had his own suspicions about Feldman, according to the president’s close friend, Charles Bartlett (to whom Kennedy in 1960 had previously voiced concerns about Israeli influence as noted in Chapter 4).
Bartlett recalls a visit with the new President at his home in Hyannis Port, Massachusetts one Saturday (the Jewish Sabbath). Talk turned to Feldman’s role in the White House bureaucracy. “I imagine Mike’s having a meeting of the Zionists in the cabinet room,” the president said, according to Bartlett. 82
The President’s brother, Robert Kennedy, himself said that his brother admired Feldman’s work, but added, “His major interest was Israel rather than the United States.” 83
However, while Myer Feldman was busy promoting Israel’s interests at the White House, the president was sending out a message to the rest of the foreign policy-making establishment in Washington.
Kennedy was making it clear that he was very much interested in finding a path to peace in the Middle East and was, in particular, looking for ways to solve the problem of finding a home for the Palestinian refugees who had been displaced by Israel in 1948.
According to Hersh, “State Department Arabists were pleasantly surprised early in 1961 to get word from the White House, according to [one source], that ‘just because 90 percent of the Jewish vote had gone for Kennedy, it didn’t mean he was in their pocket.’”84
Former high-ranking U.S. diplomat Richard H. Curtiss, writing in ‘A Changing Image: American Perceptions of the Arab-Israeli Dispute,’ elaborated on Kennedy’s attitude toward the Middle East controversy. In a chapter appropriately titled: “President Kennedy and Good Intentions Deferred Too Long,” Curtiss comments: “It is surprising to realize, with the benefit of hindsight, that from the time Kennedy entered office as the narrowly-elected candidate of a party heavily dependent upon Jewish support, he was planning to take a whole new look at U.S. Mideast policy.
“He obviously could not turn the clock back and undo the work of President Truman, his Democratic predecessor, in making the establishment of Israel possible. Nor, perhaps, would he have wanted to.
“Kennedy was determined, however, to develop good new personal relationships with individual Arab leaders, including those with whom the previous administration’s relations had deteriorated.
“As a result, various leaders of newly independent countries were surprised to find their pro forma messages of congratulations upon Kennedy’s assumption of office answered with personalized letters from the young American President.” 85
The key Arab leader at the time was Egypt’s Gamal Abdel Nasser, the voice of Pan-Arabism. Kennedy was especially intrigued with the possibility of opening up relations with Nasser.
According to Kennedy associate, Theodore Sorensen, “Nasser liked Kennedy’s Ambassador, John Badeau, and he liked Kennedy’s practice of personal correspondence. Kennedy put off, however, an invitation for a Nasser visit until improved relations could enable him to answer the political attacks such a visit would bring from voters more sympathetic to Israel.” 86
(Unfortunately, however, as noted by Richard Curtiss, “As with most good intentions deferred, the invitation to Nasser for a personal meeting with Kennedy was never issued.” 87)
Thus, it was that upon assuming office, Kennedy made positive attempts to contact Arab heads of state asking how the U.S. could help each country in its individual disputes with Israel.
However, Kennedy wanted one thing in particular understood by all sides in the conflict: the new U.S. president wanted “to make it crystal clear that the U.S. meant what it said in the Tripartite Declaration of 1950—that we will act promptly and decisively against any nation in the Middle East which attacks its neighbor.” 88 This policy was directed not only to the Arabs, but Israel as well. Kennedy did indeed mean business.
Soon after Kennedy assumed office, Israel and its American lobby began to understand the importance of Kennedy’s positioning in regard to the Arab-Israeli conflict. Israel was not happy—to say the very least—and began putting heat on the White House through the egis of its supporters in Congress, many of whom relied upon support from the Israeli lobby for campaign contributions and political leverage.
According to America’s most noted longtime Jewish critic of Israel, Dr. Alfred Lilienthal: “While the President, more often through Vice President Lyndon Johnson, gave much lip service to Israelist aspirations, his administration continued to resist pressures, including a round-robin petition signed by 226 Congressmen of both parties (aided by a large New York Times advertisement on May 28, 1962) to initiate direct Arab-Israeli negotiations. Kennedy had decided to shelve his pledge in the Democratic platform to bring Israeli and Arab leaders together around a peace table in order to settle the Palestine question.”
they speak with fork tongue if we haven’t learned this yet when will we collectively? they always hedge their bets and how long have they outsmarted the goy who are all well behind the game! like i said ..time will tell … to say JFK did the same again implies insider knowledge from trump which we all know none of us have .. really we all all clutching at straws hoping for the best from trump. personally I’m not buying any of it. the kool aid comes in many flavours its usually kosher too .. i’m not in any ‘movement’ i have been paying attention to his rhetoric and for clarity i have been listening to what he says about israel which is all we need to know when there is a (s)election in a proxy jew state ed note–ok, then if they speak with a forked tongue as you allege, then all their professed ‘support’ for Trump is a lie, so at least be consistent with your analysis.
put it this way .. their subversion and deception is better than our detection of their BS otherwise we wouldn’t be in this boat now would we … like i have said time will tell but personally i’m not buying any of it. its just my opinion based on what i have heard and seen .. opinions are like arseholes too ..we both have one and neither are totally free from shit on occasion
Every time I hear or read the words of a jew, I instinctively think the opposite. This tactic usually proves to be fool-proof in ascertaining the truth.
ok lets be consistent by the same token their anti trump rhetoric is a lie then too. i made the point about trump lying to someone from his AIPAC speech and various other statement of him backing israel 100% so take your pick who he is lying to.
ed note–ok then, let’s be REALLY consistent–
If there anti-Trump talk is ‘mere rhetoric’ as your comments suggest, then was all the anti-Iraq/anti-Saddam Hussein talk that led up to the destruction of that country ‘rhetoric’ as well? Is all their anti-Palestinian talk, wherein they promise bringing about a ‘shoah’ against the people of Gaza rhetoric? How about Iran? All their talk about wanting America to go to war against Iran, Syria, and throughout the entirety of the Islamic world–mere ‘rhetoric’ as well?
Unfortunately, the world seems to hover between 2 extremes–
1. The general public who believe virtually everything that the Jewish mainstream media tells them without applying an ounce of skepticism or critical thought, in other words, individuals who are all brakes and no gas pedal in terms of thinking out side the box, and
2. Those within ‘the movement’ who believe absolutely NOTHING that the Jewish mainstream media tells them and whose skepticism is so extreme that they come up with the most insane, off the wall ‘theories’ about major events such as ‘No one died at Sandy Hook’ or notions involving giant lizards in human form that run world affairs, in other words, all gas pedal and no brakes.
Obviously in arriving at this destination known as ‘the truth’, where our social, cultural and political salvation lies, a balance has to be struck where the gas pedal and brake pedal are used accordingly when circumstances calls for it, and I believe that the present Trump phenomenon is one of those cases. Do I like Trump? No. But Can I see that there is a different paradigm at work here in this particular and peculiar election cycle? Yes, and because of that, we have to sit up, take notice
and analyse this thing ACCURATELY lest we wind up doing our enemies’ dirty work for them, the intended target of which obviously is ourselves.
personally i think these views are grasping .. the donald is lying to someone.. we have all heard his AIPAC speech and expressed backing of Israel. there has been nothing expressed the other way . only what you imply from his rhetoric you know. has he said something to you guys out of the corner of his mouth of an i missing something?
ed note–the short answer to your question is no, we have not ‘received’ anything said out of the corner of Trump’s mouth, and yes, you are missing something, an unfortunate habit that seems to predominate in discussions of this type with people who take an overly-simplistic approach to sometimes complex situations.
JFK did the same thing that Trump is doing now–kissed the Jews’ hind quarters, and then once in office, decided to do things his way, earning him the wrath of organized Jewry and along with it, a vry public death sentence.
I’d like to add .. low level jews of the left aren’t privy to the international agenda so them bitching about trump adds to the authenticity .. these jews are smart there is no way on earth that they would come this far all this time after all the effort and resources to put all their eggs in the one basket of hillary clinton . take a look at his cabinet and administration choices ? have we not learnt anything?
ed note–we aren’t talking about ‘low lever Jews from the left.’ William Kristol, Paul Wolfowitz, Robert Kagan, almost the entire ‘Neocon famiglia’ worked for over a year to destroy Trump’s candidacy.
Are we the only ones here reading the news, or was a sizable portion of the ‘movement’ vacationing on Mars during the last year and thus missed all of this?
also he has been surrounded by jews from day one. not least his own family .. its utter nonsense to say that he isn’t a jew lover!! he has expressly said it for years.. absolutely stumped here at this fantastical analysis. I need to get my pen out i think.. Time will tell the story and reveal the truth. Peace
ed note–from chapter 5 of Michael Collins Piper’s book ‘Final Judgment’
Ch 5–JFK’s Secret War With Israel
The history books have told us of John F. Kennedy’s epic struggles with Fidel Castro and the Soviets in the Bay of Pigs debacle and the Cuban Missile Crisis. Yet, only in recent years have we begun to learn of Kennedy’s secret war with Israel. Much of the conflict stemmed from Israel’s determination to build a nuclear bomb.
This is a hidden history that helps explain in part the dynamic forces at work resulting in Kennedy’s assassination.
By mid-1963 Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion hated Kennedy with a passion. In fact, he considered JFK a threat to the very survival of the Jewish State.
One of John F. Kennedy’s first presidential appointments was naming his former campaign aide Myer (Mike) Feldman as his point man for Jewish and Israeli affairs—an important post, especially considering JFK’s tenuous relationship with Israel and its American lobby.
According to author Seymour Hersh, “The President viewed Feldman, whose strong support for Israel was widely known, as a necessary evil whose highly visible White House position was a political debt that had to be paid.” 79
However, the administration was determined to make certain, according to Hersh, that nobody—Feldman in particular—would be able to circumvent any administration policy insofar as the Middle East was concerned.
“The President’s most senior advisors, most acutely McGeorge Bundy, the national security advisor, desperately sought to cut Feldman out of the flow of Middle East paperwork.” 80 Hersh quotes another presidential aide as having said, “It was hard to tell the difference between what Feldman said and what the Israeli ambassador said.”
President Kennedy himself had his own suspicions about Feldman, according to the president’s close friend, Charles Bartlett (to whom Kennedy in 1960 had previously voiced concerns about Israeli influence as noted in Chapter 4).
Bartlett recalls a visit with the new President at his home in Hyannis Port, Massachusetts one Saturday (the Jewish Sabbath). Talk turned to Feldman’s role in the White House bureaucracy. “I imagine Mike’s having a meeting of the Zionists in the cabinet room,” the president said, according to Bartlett. 82
The President’s brother, Robert Kennedy, himself said that his brother admired Feldman’s work, but added, “His major interest was Israel rather than the United States.” 83
However, while Myer Feldman was busy promoting Israel’s interests at the White House, the president was sending out a message to the rest of the foreign policy-making establishment in Washington.
Kennedy was making it clear that he was very much interested in finding a path to peace in the Middle East and was, in particular, looking for ways to solve the problem of finding a home for the Palestinian refugees who had been displaced by Israel in 1948.
According to Hersh, “State Department Arabists were pleasantly surprised early in 1961 to get word from the White House, according to [one source], that ‘just because 90 percent of the Jewish vote had gone for Kennedy, it didn’t mean he was in their pocket.’”84
Former high-ranking U.S. diplomat Richard H. Curtiss, writing in ‘A Changing Image: American Perceptions of the Arab-Israeli Dispute,’ elaborated on Kennedy’s attitude toward the Middle East controversy. In a chapter appropriately titled: “President Kennedy and Good Intentions Deferred Too Long,” Curtiss comments: “It is surprising to realize, with the benefit of hindsight, that from the time Kennedy entered office as the narrowly-elected candidate of a party heavily dependent upon Jewish support, he was planning to take a whole new look at U.S. Mideast policy.
“He obviously could not turn the clock back and undo the work of President Truman, his Democratic predecessor, in making the establishment of Israel possible. Nor, perhaps, would he have wanted to.
“Kennedy was determined, however, to develop good new personal relationships with individual Arab leaders, including those with whom the previous administration’s relations had deteriorated.
“As a result, various leaders of newly independent countries were surprised to find their pro forma messages of congratulations upon Kennedy’s assumption of office answered with personalized letters from the young American President.” 85
The key Arab leader at the time was Egypt’s Gamal Abdel Nasser, the voice of Pan-Arabism. Kennedy was especially intrigued with the possibility of opening up relations with Nasser.
According to Kennedy associate, Theodore Sorensen, “Nasser liked Kennedy’s Ambassador, John Badeau, and he liked Kennedy’s practice of personal correspondence. Kennedy put off, however, an invitation for a Nasser visit until improved relations could enable him to answer the political attacks such a visit would bring from voters more sympathetic to Israel.” 86
(Unfortunately, however, as noted by Richard Curtiss, “As with most good intentions deferred, the invitation to Nasser for a personal meeting with Kennedy was never issued.” 87)
Thus, it was that upon assuming office, Kennedy made positive attempts to contact Arab heads of state asking how the U.S. could help each country in its individual disputes with Israel.
However, Kennedy wanted one thing in particular understood by all sides in the conflict: the new U.S. president wanted “to make it crystal clear that the U.S. meant what it said in the Tripartite Declaration of 1950—that we will act promptly and decisively against any nation in the Middle East which attacks its neighbor.” 88 This policy was directed not only to the Arabs, but Israel as well. Kennedy did indeed mean business.
Soon after Kennedy assumed office, Israel and its American lobby began to understand the importance of Kennedy’s positioning in regard to the Arab-Israeli conflict. Israel was not happy—to say the very least—and began putting heat on the White House through the egis of its supporters in Congress, many of whom relied upon support from the Israeli lobby for campaign contributions and political leverage.
According to America’s most noted longtime Jewish critic of Israel, Dr. Alfred Lilienthal: “While the President, more often through Vice President Lyndon Johnson, gave much lip service to Israelist aspirations, his administration continued to resist pressures, including a round-robin petition signed by 226 Congressmen of both parties (aided by a large New York Times advertisement on May 28, 1962) to initiate direct Arab-Israeli negotiations. Kennedy had decided to shelve his pledge in the Democratic platform to bring Israeli and Arab leaders together around a peace table in order to settle the Palestine question.”
they speak with fork tongue if we haven’t learned this yet when will we collectively? they always hedge their bets and how long have they outsmarted the goy who are all well behind the game! like i said ..time will tell … to say JFK did the same again implies insider knowledge from trump which we all know none of us have .. really we all all clutching at straws hoping for the best from trump. personally I’m not buying any of it. the kool aid comes in many flavours its usually kosher too .. i’m not in any ‘movement’ i have been paying attention to his rhetoric and for clarity i have been listening to what he says about israel which is all we need to know when there is a (s)election in a proxy jew state
ed note–ok, then if they speak with a forked tongue as you allege, then all their professed ‘support’ for Trump is a lie, so at least be consistent with your analysis.
put it this way .. their subversion and deception is better than our detection of their BS otherwise we wouldn’t be in this boat now would we … like i have said time will tell but personally i’m not buying any of it. its just my opinion based on what i have heard and seen .. opinions are like arseholes too ..we both have one and neither are totally free from shit on occasion
Every time I hear or read the words of a jew, I instinctively think the opposite. This tactic usually proves to be fool-proof in ascertaining the truth.
This speaks for itself. Business as usual will continue under Trump.
Trump’s ‘Mad Dog’ Military Policy – YouTube
ok lets be consistent by the same token their anti trump rhetoric is a lie then too. i made the point about trump lying to someone from his AIPAC speech and various other statement of him backing israel 100% so take your pick who he is lying to.
ed note–ok then, let’s be REALLY consistent–
If there anti-Trump talk is ‘mere rhetoric’ as your comments suggest, then was all the anti-Iraq/anti-Saddam Hussein talk that led up to the destruction of that country ‘rhetoric’ as well? Is all their anti-Palestinian talk, wherein they promise bringing about a ‘shoah’ against the people of Gaza rhetoric? How about Iran? All their talk about wanting America to go to war against Iran, Syria, and throughout the entirety of the Islamic world–mere ‘rhetoric’ as well?
Unfortunately, the world seems to hover between 2 extremes–
1. The general public who believe virtually everything that the Jewish mainstream media tells them without applying an ounce of skepticism or critical thought, in other words, individuals who are all brakes and no gas pedal in terms of thinking out side the box, and
2. Those within ‘the movement’ who believe absolutely NOTHING that the Jewish mainstream media tells them and whose skepticism is so extreme that they come up with the most insane, off the wall ‘theories’ about major events such as ‘No one died at Sandy Hook’ or notions involving giant lizards in human form that run world affairs, in other words, all gas pedal and no brakes.
Obviously in arriving at this destination known as ‘the truth’, where our social, cultural and political salvation lies, a balance has to be struck where the gas pedal and brake pedal are used accordingly when circumstances calls for it, and I believe that the present Trump phenomenon is one of those cases. Do I like Trump? No. But Can I see that there is a different paradigm at work here in this particular and peculiar election cycle? Yes, and because of that, we have to sit up, take notice
and analyse this thing ACCURATELY lest we wind up doing our enemies’ dirty work for them, the intended target of which obviously is ourselves.