JERUSALEM POST -Jews in Israel, the US and the UK are taking to the streets to express their pain, frustration and solidarity with the victims of fighting in Aleppo, which was retaken by the Syrian regime in recent days, wreaking harrowing scenes of death and destruction.
And what would these lying and hypocritical ‘compassionate’ Jews say to their rabbis who say that ISIS is doing a good thing for the Jews, and that it is best that ISIS is not defeated? Nothing of course.
Where were these “compassionate” Jews when Israel murdered over 500 children in the Gaza Strip in 2009?
Jeeesh…………………If the total had REALLY been 6 million ,then that was not enough.
What?! Jews feel “pain” about “human rights abuses”?!!!! I guess they should all jump off a bridge and rid the planet of themselves then.
Every article one reads about this horde of Psychopathic filth, defies description. They are a mass devoid of ANY positive virtues you care to name. The media tries to show them in a good light, to no avail, the scales have fallen from our eyes and we know who and what they are , and what their aims are. The resistance is growing. The pain and suffering they have inflicted on innocent souls thro’ the centuries is incalculable, their day of reckoning will be an inconceivable pain and their wailing and gnashing of teeth will be heard on the far side of the universe and they will dragged screaming and shrieking into the bowels of Hell……………. A fitting end to the most evil chosen few.
Israel Jews,know the pain ,Syria is saved by Russia,Iran, China,etc. not 100% destabilization around Israel. Syria will survive, and no regime change, and will rebuild again with the help of Russia, China
and Iran.