Sabba – While all of the European so called far right parties are jew lovers and Israel supporters, the people at the base of these parties are often just as judeophobic as they are Islamophobic. But while they hate both equally, they often understand that those at the top, those plundering their countries, those impoverishing them a little bit more every day, those who have destroyed their countries, those forcing them to feel guilty for WWII, those forcing them to worship at the altar of the Holocaust, those in control of their governments, banks, Academia, media etc. are the jews.
And this is what this man, a descendant of jews who had worked with the Germans during WWII, this is what he aims to tackle and defeat. He does not have a problem with crypto-jew Geert Wilders as such but rather with the ‘jew-wise’ members of his electorate. He does not have a problem with racism (i.e. Islamophobia), but only with ‘anti-semitism’. He fears an awakening might take place among his electorate, awakening which would allow them to connect the dots. And once we connect the dots, we understand that all destruction leads to Israel, all blood leads to Israel and the ideology it is based on: judaism.
“Wilders needs to be confronted in debates, among voters, not in courtrooms” he says. Would he say the same about Professor Robert Faurisson?