Outgoing US secretary of state says relocation would also hurt Israel’s relations with Egypt and Jordan; PA instructs mosques to preach against move
ed note–As crazy as it sounds on its face, this may be exactly what Trump & co have in mind as a means of reigning in the Mad Dog.
As we have pointed out here on a regular basis, the only–repeat, ONLY–reason that an inherently dysfunctional political entity such as the Jewish State is able to maintain her stability/dominance in the region is by keeping those around her disjointed, divided, and ‘running around like drugged cockroaches’, borrowing a phrase once used by former Mossad goombah Rafael Eitan. She splits Arab from Persian, Shia from Sunni and Monarchist from Republican so that everyone else is busy quarelling with their brother, sister, cousin, nighbor, etc, rather than focusing on who the common enemy to them all is–Israel.
Something such as this however–moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem, and with it, all the implicit statements concerning Jerusalem being the ‘eternal capital of the Jewish people’ could indeed erase all those artificially-created divisions overnight, and rather than the artificial uprisings that took place during the ‘Arab Spring’, real ones that result in a genuine change of governments as took place in Iran in 1979 could occur.
This being the case, Netanyahu and his band of Siccari would be in no position to demand anything from America/the West, but would find themselves forced by the circumstances of the moment to come in a supplicating, prostrate posture, similar in some respects to what took place in 1953 under Eisenhower, when he threatened to cut off all aid to the Jewish state unless she withdrew from territories she had stolen alongside the British and French during the Suez Crisis.
Times of Israel
Moving the US Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem would cause “an explosion” in the region and have a detrimental effect on Israel’s relationships with Jordan and Egypt, outgoing US Secretary of State John Kerry said over the weekend.
In an interview with CBS News on Friday, Kerry said the move promised by President-elect Donald Trump would cause “an explosion, an absolute explosion in the region, not just in the West Bank, and perhaps even in Israel itself, but throughout the region.”
It would also “have profound impact on the readiness of Jordan and Egypt to be able to be supportive and engaged with Israel as they are today,” he warned.
Kerry also said any alternative to the two-state solution “would be extraordinarily dangerous for Israel, our friend… The simple reality is you cannot be unitary — one state — with more non-Jews than Jews and remain a democracy or a Jewish state. It’s impossible. You can’t do it.”
Trump and his team have spoken repeatedly of his intention to relocate the embassy to Israel’s capital, leading to wall-to-wall condemnations from Palestinian leaders.
On Friday the issue was the chief subject of religious sermons throughout the West Bank, with Palestinian Authority leadership instructing mosques it controls to focus on the matter, Israel Radio reported.
Official Palestinian television also broadcast excerpts from several such sermons, in which clerics urged their followers to wake up to the danger. One warned relocating the embassy would be an attack on the Muslim faith and against history. Another said it was an assault on Islam’s holy place and on Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa Mosque.
Meanwhile top Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat said PA leaders remained willing to meet their Israeli counterparts for direct talks in Moscow, as reportedly suggested late last year by Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Erekat claimed PA President Mahmoud Abbas had agreed to such a meeting, but said Putin’s offer had been rebuffed by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
On Friday Abbas warned Trump not to move the embassy. He invited Trump to visit the Palestinian territories, but also said: “We call on you not to implement your statement… because we consider it as an aggressive statement, when you say you want to move the embassy to Jerusalem.”
The PA president said moving the embassy would throw the peace process into a crisis it would not necessarily overcome, according to Israel Radio.
The Palestinians claim East Jerusalem as their intended capital. An American decision to move the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem would signal US acceptance of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. The status of Jerusalem is one of the core issues that would need to be resolved in Israeli-Palestinian negotiations on Palestinian statehood.
Israel annexed East Jerusalem and the Old City after capturing the areas in the 1967 war. The UN Security Council last month branded all such land occupied Palestinian territory — a designation furiously rejected by Netanyahu, who ridiculed the notion that the Temple Mount and Western Wall could be defined in this way. The US abstained in the vote, allowing the resolution to pass, infuriating Israel, and drawing criticism from Trump.
Abbas said Friday that any action that affects the status of Jerusalem would cross a red line and that the Palestinians would not put up with it.
Palestinian negotiator Erekat said last month that he will resign, the peace process will be over for ever, the PLO will revoke its recognition of Israel and the US will be forced by Arab public opinion to close all its embassies in the Arab world if the Trump administration moves the embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.
In a statement issued by the Trump transition team days earlier announcing David Friedman as Trump’s choice for ambassador to Israel, Friedman said he aimed to “strengthen the bond between our two countries and advance the cause of peace within the region,” and that he looked “forward to doing this from the US embassy in Israel’s eternal capital, Jerusalem.”
Trump’s campaign manager Kellyanne Conway said on December 12 that moving the embassy “is very big priority for this president-elect, Donald Trump.” Conway told radio host Hugh Hewitt in a lengthy interview: “He made it very clear during the campaign, and as president-elect, I’ve heard him repeat it several times privately, if not publicly.”
Explain in plain English how Trump’s plan to move the USA embassy to Jerusalem would in effect negate Netanyahu and Israeli plans to continue the confusion and tension by the Jews. The Arabs obviously do not like the idea. Would this move not exacerbate tensions in the area and in the ME?
I’m reading MG Editor’s explanation, but being a neophyte at understanding these political moves in Israeli USA politics, I find it difficul to understand his logic.
Thank you.
ed note–it was already explained in English that was ‘pretty plain’, to wit–
‘…moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem, and with it, all the implicit statements concerning Jerusalem being the ‘eternal capital of the Jewish people’ could indeed erase all those artificially-created divisions overnight, and rather than the artificial uprisings that took place during the ‘Arab Spring’, real ones that result in a genuine change of governments as took place in Iran in 1979 could occur.
This being the case, Netanyahu and his band of Siccari would be in no position to demand anything from America/the West, but would find themselves forced by the circumstances of the moment to come in a supplicating, prostrate posture, similar in some respects to what took place in 1953 under Eisenhower, when he threatened to cut off all aid to the Jewish state unless she withdrew from territories she had stolen alongside the British and French during the Suez Crisis.’
Well I read what you said…again….but honestly what you said the second time was a repeat of what you said the first time.
I know, you will make me “persona non gratis” here, right?
I’m callin BS Mark Glenn! You either got bought off or are delusional. ed note–prima facie evidence as to what we maintain here on a daily basis concerning the mean IQ of the average ‘truther’ who thinks he’s got it ‘all figured out’ by virtue of an affordable computer that has an internet connection.
The story–appearing on this website a year ago, along with my ed note commentary predicting that this would be the immediate result of any ‘declaration’ on the part of Trump vis a vis Jerusalem and the geo-political earthquakes it would inevitably cause, are taking place right before our very eyes. The entire zionist-concocted Sunni/Shia war has been stopped dead in its tracks. 2 billion muslims have been mobilized over this issue and have put aside whatever differences exist between them. The entire world–save Israel and pockets within the US–are condemning this latest move.
And yet, despite all this, our idiot commentator, ‘Tapp’ (as in ‘tapped out’ in terms of any brainwaves) still does not ‘get it’. Politically speaking, the earth is rumbling beneath his feet and the best he can come up with is that yours truly–whose predictions made a year ago are now materializing before his own eyes–is either ‘bought off’ or ‘delusional’.
And people wonder why we get nowhere, when THIS is what passes for the rank and file of ‘the movement’.
Well well well, you made me “persona non gratis” on your site for almost one year….for my responses to your “predictions”, and I guess I’m not the only one who thinks your are “off the chain” mate.
Brendon O’Connell thinks the same or maybe I didn’t understand him also.
The name callin is childish man. Grow up.
When you talk the talk…you gotta walk the walk. You supported Trump from the get go, and you bought into it and now your stuck.
Back attacha! ed note–no, I would not necessarily refer to it so much as ‘name calling’ as I would to ‘positive identification’. You are, as evidenced by your own commentary, too stupid to see the facts for what they are, and even when they are erupting before your very eyes.
Interestingly (and I might add, a little amusing as well) is your original comment left on that piece a year ago where you basically admit to your own intellectual deficiency on this matter, referring to yourself as a ‘neophyte’ when it comes to understanding the more complex political machinations taking place in the Middle East. ‘Back attacha’, as one idiot here wrote above.
Brendon O’Connell–is this the same BoC, self-admitted convicted drug dealer, whose present legal problems stem from his threatening to murder an Australian law enforcement official, and who told me personally that he did it because it was his ‘strategy’ to garner more attention to himself?
Yeah, I’m REAL worried ’bout what ol’ Brendon thinks about me, and especially from his jail cell.
And finally, since you are either too stupid to remember or were too stupid to understand at the time, we never ‘supported’ Trump. What we said was that no self-described anti-Zionist ‘activist’ should allow him/herself to fall into the traps that have been laid in trying to get Clinton elected so that WWIII could get jump-started, and now that Trump has been elected, not to add any fuel to the fire lit by those seeking to remove him so that his successor can get WWIII started.
But I guess, as you said, you don’t understand things like this, being a ‘neophyte’ after all, a polite word for ‘idiot’.
Why would Trump do it if he’s been warned up & down and all around that it will cause the Muslim world to unite and will be nothing but double trouble for the Israelis if that wasn’t exactly what he wants?
He may be dumb but he isn’t stupid. I tend to agree with MG. Israel will pay for this “gift” with blood and a further deterioration of it’s illegitimate presence in Palestine. More people will be exposed to Israel’s Judaic racist supremacy.
And the biggest threat is if Muslims unite over this, which would be great – they’ve been shooting themselves in the foot for way too long over stupid schisms within their religion. After all, their common and most lethal enemy is the jews. Muslims need to wake up and so do the American people. Despite Trump’s actions, the jews hate him and don’t trust him. He’s already out-foxed them a few times, like mentioning the Muslims celebrating in NJ on 9-11, when it was jews who were. The smart ones sense this won’t be good for the jew state.
In Amerika, we can’t take on the jews in a frontal attack; we have to sneak around their perimeter and attack them from the side & behind, because jew power in this country is too great and there are too many idiots who support Israel, not to mention traitors embedded in our govt.
If this causes IDF cowards to come home to wailing families in body bags, that’s great. If Hezbollah missiles rain down on Tel Aviv, I’m buying the drinks!
ed note–the only fitting response to your comments are summed up in just one word–
indeed, to my knowledge, this website and this website alone predicted this would be the outcome of any jerusalem declaration. Clearly, as anyone with even one functioning eye can see, it is playing out in this manner.
It is for this reason that when I want to get an accurate perspective of what is going on, I come here. When I want to be entertained, I go to other ‘truther’ websites and sample the inanity that passes for intelligence and expertise.
The fine editors at this website should not be too bothered by the Tapps of this world who exist in a state of extended intellectual stagnation and paralysis. This comes with the territory these days where identity politics governs a person or a group’s thinking processes instead of reason. They oftentimes believe what they believe not because the facts tell them so, but rather because their membership in a certain ‘identity group’ commands they believe such things.
I did get a chuckle over Tapp’s comment about the ‘childish’ nature of ‘name callin’, as I have seen comments he has left on other websites where he has indulged in the very same activity which he now criticizes when he finds himself and his ‘identity’ as the target.
I pray the good editors of this website maintain present course and that the ‘neophyte’ commentary of the ‘Tapps’ out there not distract them too much.
Mark, DEMONIC, MONSTROUS Israel is a SOULESS “IT” and should be referred to as such — do not personify this TOTAL ABOMINATION in once was the Holy Land of the Middle East and the whole of Human Civilization.
Explain in plain English how Trump’s plan to move the USA embassy to Jerusalem would in effect negate Netanyahu and Israeli plans to continue the confusion and tension by the Jews. The Arabs obviously do not like the idea. Would this move not exacerbate tensions in the area and in the ME?
I’m reading MG Editor’s explanation, but being a neophyte at understanding these political moves in Israeli USA politics, I find it difficul to understand his logic.
Thank you.
ed note–it was already explained in English that was ‘pretty plain’, to wit–
‘…moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem, and with it, all the implicit statements concerning Jerusalem being the ‘eternal capital of the Jewish people’ could indeed erase all those artificially-created divisions overnight, and rather than the artificial uprisings that took place during the ‘Arab Spring’, real ones that result in a genuine change of governments as took place in Iran in 1979 could occur.
This being the case, Netanyahu and his band of Siccari would be in no position to demand anything from America/the West, but would find themselves forced by the circumstances of the moment to come in a supplicating, prostrate posture, similar in some respects to what took place in 1953 under Eisenhower, when he threatened to cut off all aid to the Jewish state unless she withdrew from territories she had stolen alongside the British and French during the Suez Crisis.’
Well I read what you said…again….but honestly what you said the second time was a repeat of what you said the first time.
I know, you will make me “persona non gratis” here, right?
I’m callin BS Mark Glenn! You either got bought off or are delusional.
ed note–prima facie evidence as to what we maintain here on a daily basis concerning the mean IQ of the average ‘truther’ who thinks he’s got it ‘all figured out’ by virtue of an affordable computer that has an internet connection.
The story–appearing on this website a year ago, along with my ed note commentary predicting that this would be the immediate result of any ‘declaration’ on the part of Trump vis a vis Jerusalem and the geo-political earthquakes it would inevitably cause, are taking place right before our very eyes. The entire zionist-concocted Sunni/Shia war has been stopped dead in its tracks. 2 billion muslims have been mobilized over this issue and have put aside whatever differences exist between them. The entire world–save Israel and pockets within the US–are condemning this latest move.
And yet, despite all this, our idiot commentator, ‘Tapp’ (as in ‘tapped out’ in terms of any brainwaves) still does not ‘get it’. Politically speaking, the earth is rumbling beneath his feet and the best he can come up with is that yours truly–whose predictions made a year ago are now materializing before his own eyes–is either ‘bought off’ or ‘delusional’.
And people wonder why we get nowhere, when THIS is what passes for the rank and file of ‘the movement’.
Well well well, you made me “persona non gratis” on your site for almost one year….for my responses to your “predictions”, and I guess I’m not the only one who thinks your are “off the chain” mate.
Brendon O’Connell thinks the same or maybe I didn’t understand him also.
The name callin is childish man. Grow up.
When you talk the talk…you gotta walk the walk. You supported Trump from the get go, and you bought into it and now your stuck.
Back attacha!
ed note–no, I would not necessarily refer to it so much as ‘name calling’ as I would to ‘positive identification’. You are, as evidenced by your own commentary, too stupid to see the facts for what they are, and even when they are erupting before your very eyes.
Interestingly (and I might add, a little amusing as well) is your original comment left on that piece a year ago where you basically admit to your own intellectual deficiency on this matter, referring to yourself as a ‘neophyte’ when it comes to understanding the more complex political machinations taking place in the Middle East. ‘Back attacha’, as one idiot here wrote above.
Brendon O’Connell–is this the same BoC, self-admitted convicted drug dealer, whose present legal problems stem from his threatening to murder an Australian law enforcement official, and who told me personally that he did it because it was his ‘strategy’ to garner more attention to himself?
Yeah, I’m REAL worried ’bout what ol’ Brendon thinks about me, and especially from his jail cell.
And finally, since you are either too stupid to remember or were too stupid to understand at the time, we never ‘supported’ Trump. What we said was that no self-described anti-Zionist ‘activist’ should allow him/herself to fall into the traps that have been laid in trying to get Clinton elected so that WWIII could get jump-started, and now that Trump has been elected, not to add any fuel to the fire lit by those seeking to remove him so that his successor can get WWIII started.
But I guess, as you said, you don’t understand things like this, being a ‘neophyte’ after all, a polite word for ‘idiot’.
Why would Trump do it if he’s been warned up & down and all around that it will cause the Muslim world to unite and will be nothing but double trouble for the Israelis if that wasn’t exactly what he wants?
He may be dumb but he isn’t stupid. I tend to agree with MG. Israel will pay for this “gift” with blood and a further deterioration of it’s illegitimate presence in Palestine. More people will be exposed to Israel’s Judaic racist supremacy.
And the biggest threat is if Muslims unite over this, which would be great – they’ve been shooting themselves in the foot for way too long over stupid schisms within their religion. After all, their common and most lethal enemy is the jews. Muslims need to wake up and so do the American people. Despite Trump’s actions, the jews hate him and don’t trust him. He’s already out-foxed them a few times, like mentioning the Muslims celebrating in NJ on 9-11, when it was jews who were. The smart ones sense this won’t be good for the jew state.
In Amerika, we can’t take on the jews in a frontal attack; we have to sneak around their perimeter and attack them from the side & behind, because jew power in this country is too great and there are too many idiots who support Israel, not to mention traitors embedded in our govt.
If this causes IDF cowards to come home to wailing families in body bags, that’s great. If Hezbollah missiles rain down on Tel Aviv, I’m buying the drinks!
ed note–the only fitting response to your comments are summed up in just one word–
indeed, to my knowledge, this website and this website alone predicted this would be the outcome of any jerusalem declaration. Clearly, as anyone with even one functioning eye can see, it is playing out in this manner.
It is for this reason that when I want to get an accurate perspective of what is going on, I come here. When I want to be entertained, I go to other ‘truther’ websites and sample the inanity that passes for intelligence and expertise.
The fine editors at this website should not be too bothered by the Tapps of this world who exist in a state of extended intellectual stagnation and paralysis. This comes with the territory these days where identity politics governs a person or a group’s thinking processes instead of reason. They oftentimes believe what they believe not because the facts tell them so, but rather because their membership in a certain ‘identity group’ commands they believe such things.
I did get a chuckle over Tapp’s comment about the ‘childish’ nature of ‘name callin’, as I have seen comments he has left on other websites where he has indulged in the very same activity which he now criticizes when he finds himself and his ‘identity’ as the target.
I pray the good editors of this website maintain present course and that the ‘neophyte’ commentary of the ‘Tapps’ out there not distract them too much.