
Sabba – This is an excellent article but I strongly disagree with Israel Shamir on a major point: zionism.

Shamir is either wrong or is deliberately misleading his readers when he writes: “the leading Zionist Theodore Herzl called for establishing the Jewish state elsewhere, from Uganda (modern Kenya) to Argentina”.

Herzl made it clear at the very first zionist congress that the goal was a jewish state in Palestine and nowhere else. And that ‘declaration of faith’ had then been reiterated at all the following zionist congresses held afterwards.

When some jews suffered in their self-inflicted ‘pogroms’ in Eastern Europe after 1897, Britain offered some alternatives to prevent any further ‘progroms’, while waiting for the right moment to create the jewish state in Palestine.
These alternatives (Uganda, Argentina) were described by Max Nordau as “as a shelter for the night”.

Herzl, Nordau and all the zionist leaders were NOT secular/atheist jews but devout jews dressed as European nationalist jews.

Their plan, as revealed in Herzl’s diaries, had always been messianic in nature: bring back the jews to Palestine and rebuild the Temple ‘in glorious remembrance of the faith of our fathers’ as necessary steps to hasten the arrival of their moshiach (our anti-Christ/Dajjal).

Herzl, like many other rabbis and leading jewish figures of his time believed that redemption (understand: WORLD DOMINATION) will not start when their moshiach comes up: it was the jewish people’s duty to start the redemption process, set up the stage and get everything ready so that their moshiach arrives.

Here is what Herzl’s wrote in his diary:

“At Basel, I founded the jewish state. If I said this out loud today, I would be answered by universal laughter. If not in 5 years, certainly in 50, everyone will know it (…) The Temple will be visible from long distances, for it is only our ancient faith that has kept us together (…) Our community of race is peculiar and unique, for we are bound together only by the faith of our fathers (…) A wondrous generation of Jews will spring into existence. The Maccabeans will rise again“

The first zionist congress was held in 1897. Fifty years later, in 1947 and precisely as Herzl ‘prophecized’, the UN voted for the partition of Palestine, the zionist entity was officially born, and it was ‘christened’ in May 1948 as ‘Israel’.

Lucky guess? I do not think so.


BY ISRAEL SHAMIR – President Trump had paid a hefty advance to the Jews. He did (almost) all they wanted for their Jewish state: he promised to move the US embassy to the occupied Jerusalem thus legalising their annexation of the holy city; he condoned their illegal settlements, he gave them starred positions in his administration; he told the Palestinians to drop their case in the ICC or else, he even threatened Iran with war. All that in vain. Jewish organisations and Jewish media attack Trump without slightest hesitation and consideration. His first step in curbing the soft invasion wave had been met with uniform Jewish vehemence.

He was called a new Hitler and accused of hatred of Muslims: what else could cause the President to arrest, even for a few months, the brave new migration wave from seven Middle Eastern states? Today he singles out Muslims, tomorrow he will single out Jews, said Jewish newspapers. Migration is the lifeblood of America, and the Muslim refugees are welcome to bring more diversity to the US.

Massive demonstrations, generously paid for by this notable Jewish philanthropist Mr George Soros, shook the States, while judges promptly banned the banning order. They insisted the orders are anti-Muslim, and therefore they are anti-constitutional. Somehow the constitution, they said, promises full equality of immigrants and does not allow to discriminate between a Muslim and a Christian.

This sounds an unlikely interpretation of the US Constitution. The US, and every other state, normally discriminates, or using a less loaded word, selects its potential citizens. The choice of seven states hasn’t been made by Donald Trump but by his saintly predecessor: President Barack Obama, this great friend of Muslims, made the choice personally some years earlier. So Trump had made a most moderate and modest step in the direction of blocking immigration by picking states already selected by the Democratic President.

One could reasonably claim that people of the seven states have a very good reason to hate America, and the reasons were supplied by previous US Presidents.

Libya, the most prosperous North African state until recently, had been ruined by President Obama: NATO invasion had brought Libya down; instead of stopping migration wave Libya had been turned into a jumping board for the Africans on their way North.

Syria is another Obama’s victim: by his insistence that ‘Assad must go’, by massive transfer of weaponry, money and equipment (remember white Toyota pickups?) to the Islamic extremists, he ruined this country.

Iraq has been ruined by President Bush Jr: he invaded the most advanced Sunni state, broke it to pieces and gave the centre of the country to the Isis.

Somalia has been ruined by President Bush Sr: he invaded this unfortunate country in the early nineties, when the USSR collapse allowed him to do so under the UN flag. Since then Somalia has become the supplier of choice of migrants and refugees for Sweden (there they formed the biggest community in Malmo and elsewhere), the US is also keen on getting them.

Yemen has been destroyed by Obama with Mme Clinton playing an important role: she facilitated delivery of weapons to Saudi Arabia in real time as they bombed Yemenis.

Sudan was bombed by President Clinton; afterwards this country had been dismembered and separate South Sudan had been created. Both halves became dysfunctional.

Iran is the odd one in the Magnificent Seven. It has not been invaded, has not been bombed, just threatened with invasion and bombardment for many years since President Carter. This country has no terrorists, it did not fail, its citizens are not running seeking for asylum. It was placed on the list by President Obama, who planned to bomb it, but never got to do it.

While Bush, Clinton and Obama bombed and invaded these countries, the Democratic humanitarians including their Jewish leaders just applauded and asked for more bombs. But they became appalled when Trump promised: no more regime change, end of “invade the world/invite the world” mode. Wikileaks put it well: bomb the Muslims, and you are fine; ban the Muslims, and you are the enemy.

Apparently, the people who instigated the Middle Eastern wars wanted to create a wave of refugees into Europe and North America in order to bring more colour and diversity to these poor monochrome lands. Welfare state, national cohesion, local labour and traditions will disappear, and these countries will undergo a process of homogenisation. Never again the natives will be able to single out Jews, for there will be no natives, just so many persons from all over the world, celebrating Kumbaya.

The Jews will be able to get and keep their privileged positions in Europe as they do in the US. They won’t be alone: by their success, they will establish a pattern to copycat for whoever wants to succeed in the new world, and masses of imitation-Jews will support the policies of real Jews.

Still, Jewish insistence on the Syrian refugees’ acceptance and on Muslim immigration in general is a strange and baffling phenomenon. Hypocrisy is too mild a word to describe that. We may exclude compassion as a cause for it. There are many thousands of natives of Haifa in Israel who suffer in Syria and dream to come back to their towns and villages, but the state of Israel does not allow these Syrian refugees to return for one crime: they aren’t Jews.

Israel accepts Jews only; and American Jews do not object to it; they do not compare Israeli leaders with Hitler or Trump. Israel had build a wall on its border with Sinai, and this wall stopped the black wave of African migrants. American Jews did not shout “No wall, no ban” in front of Israeli Embassy. Mystery, eh?

Kevin MacDonald wrote a thoughtful piece trying to unravel the mystery, Why Do Jewish Organizations Want Anti-Israel Refugees? and published it on January 17, a few days before Trump’s inauguration and full three weeks before the subject moved to the front burner. KMD correctly predicted that Donald Trump won’t appeal for “national unity” in his Inaugural Address, though this was the guess of mass media. Moreover, KMD correctly predicted that “Trump will announce an immediate pause in “refugee” admissions, currently surging, to be followed by a zero quota for the next fiscal year. There would be hysteria, in which the major Jewish organizations would, almost certainly, join. My (KMD’s) question: why would they do that?”

KMD provides a few possible answers, but none answers his own question. The world is full of troubles, and the US can get as many refugees as they wish from the Ukraine or Brazil, from China and Central Africa, without an anti-Israeli angle.

I’d suggest a simple explanation. Jews want to import Muslims to fight Christ and the Church.

Muslims of the Middle East are not, or weren’t, anti-Christian; they co-existed for millennia with their Christian neighbours. In Palestine, Christians and Muslims lived together and suffered together under the Jewish yoke.

But recently a new wind has blown in the Muslim faith, the wind of a very strong rejection of whatever is not strict Sunni Islam of the ISIS brand. Their first enemy is Shia Islam, but Christians follow Shias as a second-best object of persecution. The much softer Muslim Brotherhood has also hardened towards Christians. In Gaza, Hamas (a branch of MB) delivers friendly speeches, but the Christians are leaving the Strip very fast. MB rule in Cairo was considered anti-Christian by their Copt neighbours. So the new refugees from ISIS-touched lands (six out of Trump’s Seven: Syria, Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Somalia, Sudan) have been possibly infected with anti-Christian tendency.

It is almost a superfluous quality, anyway. The Muslims are being used as silent partners in the Jewish war on the Church. Instead of saying: “We, Jews, do not want to hear church bells, see Christmas scenes and hear Christian blessings”, these modest and retiring people usually refer to Muslims. Muslims do not want to hear church bells and see Christmas trees, they say. We Jews are just more considerate towards our Muslim brethren, so we notice that, while you brutes do not. Muslim sensitivities are already quoted in Germany to exclude pork-based local delicacies and to ban Christmas celebrations. It doesn’t matter that normally Muslims do not object to Christmas celebrations, as we know from our experience in Palestine. The Jews and other enemies of the Church say it all the same.

With the new ISIS-infected Muslims, the war on the Church will proceed even better. For sure, the US judges like the Seattle one will ban Christmas celebrations in a few years’ time citing the same refugees they insist on delivering to America’s shores.

The war on Christ and the Church is the most important element of Judaism. Wherever Jews succeed, the Church suffers, and vice versa. Israel, the Jewish state, has been located at the cradle of Christianity not by whim of Zionists: actually, the leading Zionist Theodore Herzl called for establishing the Jewish state elsewhere, from Uganda (modern Kenya) to Argentina. But the struggle against Christ necessitated their choice of Palestine with its deep Christian roots.

The most popular Jewish early medieval text glorified Judas for his victory over Jesus Christ. Fight against the Church and Christ in-formed Jewish weapons: media and money. The Church was an enemy of moneylenders; interest has been forbidden by the church, but it was used by Jews to accumulate their vast capital to be used against the Church.

As for media, the present concentration of almost all mass media in Jewish hands began in France of 19th century, where Jews formed a conspiracy to own and control media and they used it with great success against the Church during the Third Republic, notably in connection with Dreyfus Affair. (I previously wrote about it in a review).

The Jews usually acted in union with Protestants, as they were also enemies of the Church. Protestants, certainly, believed they were using the Jews for their own benefit, but in the end, separate and mutually hostile Protestant Churches submitted to the single will of Jews. This is why Jewish positions are so strong in the US in the absence of a single national church. Judging by the migration affair, it appears the Jews believe they can make a next step in their fight with Christ: by using the Islamic fanatics as a cover, they plan to push the church underground, out of public space altogether.

Much of the future developments depend on the will of President Trump. He fights against incredible odds. His idea to use Zionists against prevalent Jewish positions meanwhile does not work. “His” Jews are under attack as traitors to the Jewish cause. “Kushner is bad for Jews”, says Haaretz. Indeed, Jews have more important things to care than the Jewish state, and they are united for diversity, in other words, for more migration from the Middle East.

He should stop bumping the closed door. Forget the embassy move, forget pussyfooting with other Zionist dreams, and first of all, forget attacking Iran. If the Zionists would deliver Trump the wholehearted support of their American brethren, it would make some (not much) sense; but in the existing circumstances, none whatsoever. If Israel is threatened, then, perhaps, Zionists will be able to prevail upon their liberal cousins and convince them to think more of Israel and less of diversity. Perhaps is the key word.

Avoiding wars is another secret of success. The US spends too much money on wars. Keeping out of Ukrainian and Syrian mess is perfectly possible; spending money in America will improve Trump’s popularity and undermine the adversary. The US working class could be his best supporter, for these people are losing in case of wars and of immigration.

Meanwhile Trump is doing fine. He is doing what he promised; he defended Russia while pushed to denounce them; he tries to stop migration. He even tried to remove the weapon of holocaust from Jewish hands by not mentioning Jews while referring to Holocaust. Jews already called him “a holocaust denier”. This is a good sign. Let us hope he will prevail.


10 thoughts on “MUST READ – The Futile Efforts of Donald Trump”
  1. Jews always and always use people against other people, this is the secret of their world domination. It is time for all Muslims to understand that as the Jews used the Christians to bomb few Muslim lands, now Judaism is in the next phase which is the destruction, i mean the complete destruction of Christianity, not simply by what they have been doing (homosexuality, abortion, filth, anti-family…) but by the literal genocide of the European race that might one day return to Christianity as the Russian people are doing under Putin. Jews want to have a huge civil war in Europe and make the Muslims win. This is their plan to destroy Europe and Muslims will be their tools. It is why Jews protect Muslims and promote Muslims in Europe. All people know that and It would be hypocrisy to deny it. But Jews don’t love Muslims, they just need them to grow in number in Europe to be able to fight the Europeans on day in the future. This will certainly happen because Muslims and Europeans are completely different and they will find themselves one day in the next 2 or 3 decades, be obliged to share same resources, lands and laws. Jews supported the Muslim invasion to Spain because they were loosing their power in Europe. When Muslims ruled Spain, then the Jews gain power again and were able to shut the Christians using the Muslims. All these are facts and historical fact that we should learn from in order to live peacefully on this planet as Muslims and Christians. If we don’t avoid the Islamification of Europe, then we will have probably a war between Christianity and Islam that will destroy Europe. The Jews then will be able to enslave the middle east because the Muslims will be busy fighting the Christians and the Christians will not oppose the Jews who will slaughter the Arabs. I invite every Muslim to oppose Islamic immigration and especially support Nationalist parties who want to stop immigration. If we don’t do that, then we will have the destruction of Europe in the next civil war. It is time for Muslims to open their eyes and stop thinking that immigration is “good to spread Islam”. In fact it spreads only the clash of civilizations.

    ed note–overall, an accurate comment, but in need of a few adjustments–
    The Christian west did not bomb just ‘a few’ Muslim countries. There have been MILLIONS of people who have been killed, and tens of millions more whose lives have been destroyed. The ongoing chaos–instigated by Zionist-dominated Christian countries in the West–in places like Iraq, Libya, Syria, Sudan, Somalia, Egypt and elsewhere, is the reason for the refugees flooding into europe and elsewhere, and not because they want to ‘spread Islam’.
    Next, while indeed the organized Judaic Mafia does want conflict between Christianity and Islam, it does not want Islam to ‘take over’. All the aforementioned social/moral ills you listed–porn, abortion, gay lifestyle, etc, do not exist in countries where Islam dominates. Jews want Islamic immigration into Christian lands because this feeds fuel to the fire known as the Clash of Civilizations which is then represented in more war on the part of the Judaized west towards Islamic countries.
    Next–When the Muslims ruled Spain, the Christians flourished, so much so that Christian kings in Christian Europe sent their Christian sons and daughters to Islamic Spain–the center of world learning at that time–to be educated in the great Islamic universities in Cordoba, Toledo, etc.
    And lastly, if indeed you TRULY want to end Muslim immigration, then devote your energies towards ending the invasion of their lands by your armies, stop bombing their countries and making them uninhabitable so that Muslims have no other option but to flee to a safe place. Any discussion involving the immigration problem that does not address the crimes that have been committed by the West against the millions of innocent people in the Muslim Middle East whose lives have been destroyed is the equivalent of discussing lung cancer but leaving out of the discussion the issue of cigarette smoke.
    And, naturally, of course, I will be accused of ‘supporting immeegrayshun’ into ‘wyyyyyyte lands’ and of being a ‘white hater’ for making the statements I just made, despite the fact that they are 100% accurate.

  2. When the jews want to rule the world and are only less than 0,5 % of the world’s population it is their tactic to agitate the biggest gentile groups against each other.

  3. While the Jews on the right “befriend” Christians against Muslims, the Jews on the left “befriend” Muslims against Christians. A sinister plan, like all of their plans.

  4. “And lastly, if indeed you TRULY want to end Muslim immigration, then devote your energies towards ending the invasion of their lands by your armies, stop bombing their countries and making them uninhabitable so that Muslims have no other option but to flee to a safe place.”
    Absolutely correct:mg this is the key issue. Europeans and Americans must demand an end to the wars. Then the refugees will stop coming.

  5. Did anybody else catch in the second part of the O’Reilly Trump interview When OReilly asked what the worst problem facing America was in a discussion that Obama had with Trump in the limousine going down Pennsylvania Avenue. Trump was very evasive but finally hinted that Obama told him it was a “place.” Could it be our “Special Ally….”

  6. Well, here it is … straight from the horse’s mouth … “The war on Christ and the Church is the most important element of Judaism. Wherever Jews succeed, the Church suffers, and vice versa. Israel, the Jewish state, has been located at the cradle of Christianity not by whim of Zionists: actually, the leading Zionist Theodore Herzl called for establishing the Jewish state elsewhere, from Uganda (modern Kenya) to Argentina. But the struggle against Christ necessitated their choice of Palestine with its deep Christian roots.”
    One tends to think of Palestein as simply a staging post for International Jewelry’s nefarious criminal activities and a store for their nuclear arsenal. But one should NEVER forget the symbolic aspect of the whole enterprise … i.e. returning the ‘home’ of Christianity back to The Juze. Full circle. Ze drim shell phinally cum trooo!!
    And how many idiotic ‘Christian Zionists’ have they signed on to the Rotshite enterprise? In Yanklandia alone, they’re said to number 60 mill. O’ course the Rotshites have been fostering and fermenting it all across the ‘Zest’ ever since the birth of ‘Zionism’ and the Popsicles of Ziax back at the end of the 1800s. Financing all them crackpot evangelical cults, corrupting their leadership, and enfevering the minds of their adherents with promises of the glories to come if only they support the Zionist utopian enterprise lock, stock ‘n barrel.
    Of course, none of it would be possible without their control of the money supply. Christians need to ask, now as ever … should the money supply be in the private hands? Or should it be in public hands? I believe Jesus Christ had something to say on the matter.

  7. Israel Shamir is either wrong or is deliberately misleading his readers when he writes: “the leading Zionist Theodore Herzl called for establishing the Jewish state elsewhere, from Uganda (modern Kenya) to Argentina”.
    Herzl made it clear at the very first zionist congress that the goal was a jewish state in Palestine and nowhere else. And that ‘declaration of faith’ had then been reiterated at all the following zionist congresses held afterwards.
    When some jews suffered in their self-inflicted ‘pogroms’ in Eastern Europe after 1897, Britain offered some alternatives, while waiting for the right moment to create the jewish state in Palestine.
    These alternatives (Uganda, Argentina) were described by Max Nordau as “as a shelter for the night”.
    Herzl, Nordau and all the zionist leaders were NOT secular/atheist jews but devout jews dressed as European nationalist jews.
    Their plan, as revealed in Herzl’s diaries, had always been messianic in nature: bring back the jews to Palestine and rebuild the Temple ‘in glorious remembrance of the faith of our fathers’ as necessary steps to hasten the arrival of their moshiach (our anti-Christ/Dajjal).
    Herzl, like many other rabbis and leading jewish figures of his time believed that redemption (understand: world domination) will not start when their moshiach comes up: it was the jewish people’s duty to start the redemption process, set up the stage and get everything ready so that their moshiach arrives.
    Here is what Herzl’s wrote in his diary: “The Temple will be visible from long distances, for it is only our ancient faith that has kept us together (…) “Our community of race is peculiar and unique, for we are bound together only by the faith of our fathers” (…) A wondrous generation of Jews will spring into existence. The Maccabeans will rise again“
    “At Basel, I founded the jewish state. If I said this out loud today, I would be answered by universal laughter. If not in 5 years, certainly in 50, everyone will know it”.
    The first zionist congress was held in 1897. Fifty years later, in 1947 and precisely as Herzl ‘prophecized’, the UN voted for the partition of Palestine, the zionist entity was officially born, and it was ‘christened’ in May 1948 as ‘Israel’.
    Lucky guess? I do not think so.

  8. For Admin who answered me, i understand your point of view, but still you jutify the immigration into Europe. For you, we can’t stop the coming civil war unless we stop the wars in the middle east, which means unless we remove the Jewish power in western countries, which means it is almost impossible unless we will have a smart leadership like Putin who use the Jews and turn against them when reaching power. For you there is no way to stop the Islamification of Europe unless all this is done, so for you there is no way to stop the coming civil war unless a leader like Hitler is sent from God to remove the Jews from their positions in government, media and finance.
    I understand this approach to this huge problem that will face humanity, always blaming the White common people for all problems. Why we don’t share the responsibilities? Fir of all we should admit that 90% of so called refugees are NOT refugees, neither fleeing wars, but they are illegal economic immigrants coming from North Africa, and all other Muslim countries after receiving the invitation of the Jewish Angela Merkel and all the Jews ruling the EU council. Sure these people have no clue about what is happening and have no goal of “spreading Islam” but they are seeking a better life in White countries. However, when we see all Muslims of the world promoting immigration, we can’t really understand WHY. In fact the deepest reason is, to support all Muslims because Muslims consider themselves brothers before considering non Muslims in the same level. This is healthy and natural, I wish the Christians are like that, to unite and defend themselves such as in Ukraine or any Christian countries being bombed by other Christian country. The religious reason why Muslims support this immigration is because, as the Christians, they become proud and happy when their religion spread in some foreign land. I don’t want to criticize that, but the Christians are like that as well.
    Now we need the Muslims to understand that this immigration is 100% engineered by the Jews and has nothing to do with wars, but it started right after WW2, means since 6 decades! Most Muslim immigration don’t even come as “refugees fleeing wars” but as normal immigrants. a proof of that is most western Europe countries have just few thousands of Muslims 5 decades ago! Now we have a significant number of Muslims. The real numbers are hidden by the Jewish rulers, but when you walk the streets you can assume that Muslim population are around 20% in average. This also is seen in schools. We have a huge demographic problem in Europe because 40% of native Europeans are above 50 years old, this means in the next 3 decades, Europe will be almost half Muslim half non Muslim. Now think who is behind this plan? We all know that without the Jews in Europe, we would not have such situation! Jews lower the birth rate of natives by all means, especially feminism and female revolution to drive away white females from the mother roles, then by usury and high life cost and anti-family lifestyle which make couples unable to raise children, then sure the Jewish culture of homosexuality and sexual liberation and abortion laws. Some studies show that abortion laws caused 50 million White lives since the 1960’s.
    As I say again, if we don’t stop the rise of number of Muslims by simply stopping immigration of all sorts, the we will have a global war between Christianity and Islam in the next 30 years probably. Not only that, but Israel will be able at that time to expand its territories as the Jewish God asked them. This requires a war on Muslims and the distraction of Muslims in other wars in Europe.
    I wish i can find awakened Muslims on this issue, because we are now in a critical moment that will decide what will happen to all of us as Muslims and Christians.
    Concerning Spain, i prefer not to argue with you on that, because we have different narratives of History. Each of Muslims and Christians wrote the narrative that suits them. We should just accept that the Jews promote the rise of Muslim number in Europe so anyone who celebrate that is celebrating the Jewish plans to destroy Europe not only the Middle East

    ed note–as I have found to be typically the case when dealing with those who hyper-focus on the effects of immigration while paying no mind whatsoever to the causes, you don’t ‘get it. Literally, within your first sentence wherein you make the completely fallacious statement that I ‘jutify’ (sic) immigration, you have revealed what is a complete incapacity on your part in understanding both the spirit and the letter of what I am saying.
    So, we’ll try it again, even though experience on this matter has told me that it will be wasted time and wasted words.
    Your ridiculous statement that ‘immigration has nothing to do with wars, but it started right after WW2’ is just about the most idiotic thing I have ever run into, and I have run into a lot in my line of work. The immigration problem stems directly from the fact that for close to a century now, the militaries of white countries have invaded, bombed, and destabilized Muslim countries and made them uninhabitable. Millions have been killed and tens of millions have been displaced. Those who have remained have found their world literally broken to pieces and barely able to make ends meet. To try and argue otherwise is like saying that lung cancer is caused by not eating enough carrots and that cigarettes have nothing whatsoever to do with it, since the patient contracted lung cancer after not eating carrots for a week.
    No one is ‘blaming the white people for the world’s problems,’ we are simply stating a fact of history, politics, and demographics. The same statement would be made about African countries if they doing to muslim countries what the Europeans have done. Would we be ‘anti-Black’ for saying so? Piss and moan about it all you want, but facts are facts–white countries have an immigration problem because for the last century they have made muslim countries uninhabitable. Now, please, don’t disappoint me–conjure up the typical nonsense that I/we support immigration and that we ‘hate whites’ for making these factual statements.

  9. I find your website which I discovered recently, one-sided and against Western/White civilization while you pretend to be anti-Jews but you cover the biggest Jewish crimes and plans against the White nations. I think you are mainly Muslim administrators. But I tell you that people can notice that very easily and you will have almost majority of followers from Muslim people. This unfairness you are practicing is so obvious in your writings and reflects your hatred of European civilization. For example why you don’t support Europe Nationalism? Why you don’t support Marine Lepen who wants to avoid the civil war by halting immigration and leaving the Jewish tyranny of EU? Why you don’t speak about the Islamification of Europe? How you want Europe to leave EU that is created by the Jews if you oppose those who want to leave EU? Why you always portray the Muslim people as eternal victims? For example you always say that “immigrants are fleeing wars” you know it is false and immigration is not recent since the wars in Iraq and Syria, but 50 years old and it aims at the genocide of the white race, or the racial replacement of the whites in their homeland while preparing the coming civil war in Europe with the growing number of Muslims. Why you never talk about white genocide in America perpetrated by the Jews using massive immigration and miscegenation? Why you don’t expose the Jews in Britain allowing Muslims to create Sharia courts? why you don’t expose the Jewish role in slavery and that only 1.5% of american whites had slaves and the first slave owner was black, and the Muslims of Ottoman empire and North Africa were the biggest slave traders and owners? Why you always say that 3rd world people are poor because “white countries are evil” and not because their race has a lower average of IQ and that”s why Japan, Europe are advanced and were always advanced since centuries? For the first while you look interesting but you really lack a lot of knowledge in these topics, or maybe a lack of honesty and love to non-Muslims in general. But don’t think the whites will just die and accept their civilization to be replaced, the whites will fight all the haters, and will win as we always won (remember all the Muslim conquests of Eastern and south Europe, all kicked out after bloody struggles) America also will be saved, the Americans will create a new country for whites inside America because we know that we can’t survive unless we will have a place for us as all races of the world have. Jews want to destroy us since centuries because we have the biological advantage (average IQ) and real morality (Christianity), and you just support the Jewish plans, if we don’t stop you and stop the Jews, then we will almost disappear as a civilization by 2100. Already now America became 60% European after being 95% in 1965. Europe on this same way because all the world envy at the same time hate us, except the North Asiatics who love us.

    Ed note–from time to time, people ask me why I hold White Nationalists in such low esteem. My answer typically is because they think and behave just like Jews, but not as smart.
    The comment above is a perfect example of what I’m talking about. Delusions of grandeur, self worship, unwilling to face their past, unwilling to deal with reality, always coming up with an ‘explanation’ why things are the way they are but explained in such a way where their own misdeeds are discounted or dismissed outright, and when you refuse to go along with their bullshit, you’re a ‘white hater’, which in itself is just a mirrored reflection of the’jew hater’ charge which jews throw around when people refuse to buy into their BS.
    The good news is that in all the years I have known these people, the one thing I have found the most common about them is that none of them are married, as no self-respecting woman would want to hitch her futures to nutcases such as these, and therefore not being married, they do not reproduce and further infect the world with their stupidity, something which I have found is itself the nucleus of their white nationalism–the fact that they are alone and about to leave this world without any offspring and rather than just do a thorough and honest examination of their own shortcomings, instead choose to blame it on all a grand anti-white conspiracy on the part of dark-skinned peoples.

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