“Beyond the fact that Israel is assuming characteristics of dark regimes, this archaic approach ignores the accessibility of information. Does anyone in the Foreign Ministry serious believe that the violation of human rights in Israel and the territories would remain secret if the researcher were to be kept out? That no one would know, or be able to provide proof, and that Israel would be acquitted due to a lack of evidence? Just the opposite, in fact: When Israel fails to cooperate, only its accusers’ side is heard. Even when the United States uses its veto power to defeat an anti-Israel resolution, it does not erase the accusations and only causes more damage to Israel’s image.”
The jews still think that the jew media is the only source of info out there. It’s significant that the once might JMSM, which always had the last word and forged opinion, has been torpedoed and is sinking fast. Only the most comatose give it any legitimacy now.