8 thoughts on “New case of neonatal herpes caused by Rabbi fellatiating baby boy in Judaic ritual”
  1. just when I thought the vulgarity of Judaism could not disgust me further. This goes to show that there truly is no bottom in the bottomless pit.

  2. I know nothing of the Jewish religion ,if this is part of their religious beliefs I am amazed and horrified that this is being done to little babies and some dying as a result ,why is this necessary?the more I find when looking into the beliefs and teachings of different religions it’s all about control,money and sex ,the more I avoid it ,if he’s there he gave us a brain ..use it.

  3. Mark,
    When I tried to post this on my face book…………they took me off for 72 hours so I wasn’t able to post anything……I’m still waiting to get back on.

  4. Umm where’s that in the Torah of the bible oh yeah they follow the satanic bible called the Talmud they not the real Jews of the bible they are converts in 740ad Ashkenazi je-Wish Japhetic ppl. This is them though written in the bible revelation 2:9, revelation 3:9 they are of the synagogue of shattan.

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