For first time in 53 years polling US attitudes toward Jews, civil rights group asks if respondents believe US president harbors anti-Semitic views
ed note–But, but, but…Trump just bombed Syria, which ‘proves’ he is a ZY-nist…Trump has said nice things about Netanyahu, has a daughter who ‘converted’ to Judaism and keeps Kosher…His son in law, his administration–CHOCK-FREAKING-FULL OF HEBREWS….How can this be? And why would the ADL commission such a study and make the results known if indeed–as we are told on a daily basis–Trump is ‘owned’ by Judea, Inc?
There is no reason for one of the most powerful pro-Israel/pro-Jewish advocacy groups on the planet to put something like this out except to put pressure on Trump and cause him domestic problems with the American people.
Keep in mind as well that according to ADL stats (which are of course somewhere between lies and damned lies, but nevertheless) we are talking about 100 MILLION AMERICANS who believe Trump is an ‘Anti-Shemite, and based ENTIRELY on what Z-information they get from the JMSM, the point being thus–That the collective American mind is a blank slate upon which Judea, Inc can write whatever it wants, no matter how false, irrelevant, contradictory or skewed, and the American people will swallow it whole hog and–VOILA–Judea, Inc has the consensus it needs for whatever agenda it has written out for itself.
THIS is the tangled, convoluted political chessboard on which Trump must play the game on a daily basis and why no one, no matter how smart they fancy themselves being–should assume they have all the data needed in framing a rational, coherent picture as to what is going on behind the scenes.
Never trust a poll. Seriously. They can be and are so rigged in terms of wording and target interviewees. Questions are usually made so one has little flexibility in options. Never trust a poll ~ well ~ these types anyhow. Especially if there are Talmudics involved.
Lol, the ADL are thugs, they have no credibility whatsoever, should be declared as an foreign agent.