Sabba – Their need for Eretz Israel has never been greater. And while they make babies and fill up their synagogues, we fill up abortion clinics and empty our churches. The article mentions that “the ultra-Orthodox have 6.5 children on average, and that’s solely thanks to public policy. Once, the average was 2.5. David Ben-Gurion said that anyone who doesn’t have more than four children is a traitor.”
The Chabad Lubavitcher Jews are instructed to produce at least 10 children, I read on the Darkmoon site some years ago.
It is clear that mainstream Judaism considers that not only Kabbalah but Torah teachings show that Jewish souls alone are good, from God, that all other souls are not from God, and are eternally and irredeemably evil, and of course, such a vain assumption comes from complete insanity.
Judaism is ultimately advaitist and believes that originally, there was one soul alone, ‘God’ who was all that was in existence, but then he got bored and decided to chip little chunks off ‘himself’ to create all others, but what is the common sense in that Jewish view, when these vindictive Jewish souls come to this world and inflict such intense misery and suffering on all other souls, who the Jews say do not come from ‘God’, but from ‘Satan’ (a God being from some different sector of the cosmos possibly in their view that they regard as innately and unchangeably hostile for all eternity?).
The Jews must be very silly souls indeed to then come to this world and live amongst others that they consider are from a different, and eternally hostile species.
And why should these so-called ‘Godly’ Jewish souls feel the need to come here at such a terrible cost to all other life, their ‘religion’ is truly subnormal, and they should be encouraged to genuinely leave it, or be made to, before they can actually fulfill the practice instructed in their warlike scriptures, that all Gentiles on this entire planet are to be killed and sent to hell.
Far better that the Jewish souls simply remain in their own dimension as one soul with their ‘God’, without incarnating anywhere, who can find a better way to deal with his boredom, and not bother anyone else. But maybe the problem is that this ‘being’ is innately nasty and sadistic in itself, and seeks combat with others for it’s pleasure.
Clearly, such a spiritually subnormal entity cannot be the real God, and should be excluded from being able to incarnate among us all, as it is clearly a very destructive parasite, that really should try to redress it’s spiritual problems by looking within for the real God, and so progress that way.
The following passage from the link below shows that any convert to Judaism can in truth only come from a previously Jewish soul, who for some reason is currently dwelling within some other group of people outside Judaism for some reason (like crypto-Jews currently living under the guise of various other religions such as Islam or Christianity as Donmehs, Wahhabis, Marranos etc.
“A convert who converted (ger sh’nitgayer) is considered to be like a
newborn baby.” A person who comes to convert, the Rebbe explains, is led to that decision because he already possesses a Jewish soul, which happened to mistakenly find its way into a non-Jewish body. In accordance with the Talmudic view that all Jews, including future converts, took
part in the Revelation at Sinai,
22 the convert seeks not to acquire something new, but to recover what was actually his all along.
23 Accordingly, the only reason a non-Jew can convert to the Jewish faith is because he was essentially never a non-Jew in the first place!
24 If a person’s soul truly emanated from an inferior substance, as the Zohar describes non-Jewish
souls, such a situation could never be rectified; he could never convert to Judaism.
I am reading the text of Hanan Balk about the differences in Jewish souls and Gentile souls, and the author is very dishonest when claiming that the Ramabam (Maimonides) “Judaism’s greates philosopher” represents a view based on equal value.
The author pretends not to know that the Rambam ruled that if a Jew have sex with a gentile woman/girl/infant/animal, the woman/girl/infant/animal is killed:
Humanist rabbi Jehiel Jacob Weinberg, page 118 (see also page 112)
Page 118
“In my opinion it is fitting to put an end to the hatred of religions for each other.
More than Christianity hates Judaism, Judaism hates Christianity.
There is a dispute if stealing from Gentiles is forbidden from the Torah, everyone holds that deceiving a Gentile and cancelling his debt is permitted, one is not to return a lost object to a Gentile, according to R. Tam intercourse with a Gentile does not render a woman forbidden to her husband, their issue is like the issue [of horses]. According to Maimonides,
if a Jew has sex with a Gentile [woman],
the Gentile is killed because the Jew stumbeled into sin through her.
The law of the Gentile is the same as that of an animal.
Maimonides derived this law on his own.
It is not found in the Bavli or Yerushalmi. We must solemnly and formally declare that in our day
this does not apply. Meiri wrote as such, but the teachers and ramim whisper in the ears of students that all this was written because of the censor”
The Jewish humanist professor Israel Shahak explains that the English translation of Maimonides
“Guide to the Perplexed” contains obfuscations,
“Jewish history, Jewish religion…” chap. 2, subsection “The deception continues”
“Modern scholars of Judaism have not only continued the deception, but have actually
improved upon the old rabbinical methods, both in impudence and in mendacity. I omit
here the various histories of antisemitism, as unworthy of serious consideration, and shall
give just three particular examples and one general example of the more modern
“scholarly” deceptions….
Yesod ninth sphere of Kabbalah is virtually fertilizing body, the initial and creative power as the foundation of Israel, with Malhut tenth sphere of Kabbalah, or tree of life, Malchut is a woman lying down and Yesod above the union established the first unity – a world of Jews. Be fruitful and multiply, fertilizing body-phallus and its crop is sacred character of the agreed covenant with God. Meanwhile America over one million annually kills children abortion.
Yep. there you have it, you can always count on that the enemies of humanity, will try to pull off this deception when discussing the position of the Gentiles in the Talmud.
“The Gentile who studies the Torah is like a High Priest”
You can bet money on that they will pull this up.
At page 20 in the pdf linked by motman777
“A statement in the Talmud supports Maimonides: “R. Meir used to
say: ‘How do we know that even a non-Jew who occupies himself with
Torah is comparable to the High Priest?’ As it says (Lev. 18:5): ‘That man
should do and live through them… ”
The full Talmud quote is however this:
“R. Johanan said:
A heathen who studies the Torah deserves death,
for it is written, Moses commanded us a law for an inheritance;2 it is our inheritance, not theirs.3 Then why is this not included in the Noachian laws? — On the reading morasha [an inheritance] he steals it; on the reading me’orasah [betrothed], he is guilty as one who violates a betrothed maiden, who is stoned.4 An objection is raised: R. Meir used to say. Whence do we know that even a heathen who studies the Torah is as a High Priest? From the verse, [Ye shall therefore keep my statutes, and my judgments:] which, if man do, he shall live in them.5 Priests, Levites, and Israelites are not mentioned, but men: hence thou mayest learn that even a heathen who studies6 the Torah is as a High Priest! — That refers to their own seven laws.7 ”
The enemies of humanity always omit the rest of the part which says
“A heathen who studies the Torah deserves death,”
@ Lasse Karagiannis
That is very interesting, that any Gentile sexual partner of a Jew must then must be killed, whether that Gentile be a woman, a girl, an infant or a female animal. Of course, the Jews will not wish other Jews to know of their secret forbidden lust, so they will naturally desire to kill the Gentile in order to conceal their own sin, like any other criminal, such as a rapist, who then murders his victim to prevent her revealing what happened to her, of course the Jews will lie to conceal this.
The article that I quoted from proved several things, that Jewish souls reincarnate repeatedly amongst the Jewish people again and again, and that they never accept any Gentile souls to convert into the Jewish religion, ever, completely disproving the often stated false truth that was invented by Arthur Koestler, that the Ashkenazim who are largely repsonsible for the criminal acts of those people we call Jews, are in fact Gentiles and not true Jews, that idea having been deliberately invented by Koestler as a red herring to throw people off the scent of the Jews, and make them believe that real Jews are good Jews, and that fake Jews who are really Gentiles, are the only actual bad guys.
Amongst 99% of even the most sincere and well-intended activists on the good side now, that erroneous ‘truth’ is still unfortunately accepted as gospel. In truth they all participate in nefarious actions equally, both Sephardim and Ashkenazim, and in Israel, no Jew ever calls any other Jew a Gentile fake Jew, but they encourage that view of Ashkenazim ‘fake Jews’ outside of Israel amongst the Gentile activists, because then we can be led to think that the evil has come from amongst our Gentile peoples, and not from the ‘true’ Jews. The Ashkenazim and Sephardim are all real Jews, they are all evil predators and parasites.
@ #4 by Lasse Karagiannis Of course, the Jews will have no equals, so even if a Gentile somehow becomes learned in the Torah, they will not allow any Gentile to seek to become their equal, and will kill him. This is actually prescribed elsewhere in their scriptures for any nations that seek to become ‘equal’ by not being remaining in the grip of their usurious economic structure of enslavement.
This is exactly what they do with the people of any nation that they have used to fight their wars for them, once they have built up military power to accomplish that task and demonstrated it, when they are no longer required, if they are not a country seen as easy to control for a prolonged period, they are simply destroyed in case they ever turn that might on Israel itself, and of course, with many people in the US becoming aware of the real truth behind 9/11, the Jews are getting busy destroying America in every way they can, even as they are still milking it for every last drop of blood, with the genocidal 1991 US Noahide Laws lurking in the background, just waiting to be physically effected whenever the constitution is suspended, to stab all the American people in the back should they ever decide to do something against Israel because of that, with the deaths of scores at the very least of millions of Americans sure to ensue.
Look what happened to Iraq after the Jewish-controlled CIA and the rest of the US establishment got Iraq to attack Iran, even with depleted uranium weapons, the Israel Jews and their counterparts in the US establishment then simply destroyed Iraq and covered the entire country in radioactive depleted uranium, so that today, most children there are either born dead, or with some genetic defect or disability, despite the official figures in the MSM that ‘prove’ how seldom these deaths, defects and disabilities occur.
Real Iraqis can tell you the real situation in Iraq, the Israeli-controlled US have used genocidal weapons there that will destroy the integrity of the genome of all living beings there in the fullness of time, fulfilling the Biblical Torah edict to kill every living thing that breathes in the land that their ‘God’ gives them.
And so it is with the USA today, the people there are just being destroyed now by GMO’s, fluoride, chemtrails, vaccinations, withholding of the 1939 Raymond Royal Rife Beam Machine that could provenly cure 100% of all cases of cancer and 100% of all pathogenically-caused diseases like polio, meningitis, diphtheria etc, a machine taken out of circulation by the cruel crypto-Jew POTUS Roosevelt’s FDA at the time, another chosenite establishment, so for many years, the Jews in power have effectively simply been destroying the American people behind their backs, as well as by repeatedly sending them to die in wars arranged for them to die in by Jews, with the intention that not only the soldiers on the opposite side are killed for the Jews, but also so that even the American Gentiles themselves are killed.