ed note–As the Russians have demonstrated now for some time, they do not act rashly or disproportionately. When provoked by the West, they quietly bide their time while considering the appropriate response to something, whether it is in the form of language or military action.
Language of this sort underscores that the Russians are taking this whole business of the Judaized West attempting to jinn up a war for Israel’s benefit very seriously, and should better clarify what the nature of the game being played here is with regards to Trump and his attempt to de-escalate the artificial tension (s) that has been conjured up by Judea, Inc and why no one should jump to hasty conclusions based upon superficial criteria, such as Trump’s semi-recent bombing of the airfield in Syria.
It took Putin 15 years to clean house…
Wow 🙂
Does anyone know what brought that comment by Fallon forward?
The Brits Make Me Vomit
“Does anyone know what brought that comment by Fallon forward?”
Its to do with the snap election coming up in June and the labour leader suggested Trident renewal might not be in Labour’s election manifesto so its about Corbyn being a serious threat to the UK by weighing up the consequences of nuclear weapons IE “very dangerous chaos” if he (Jeremy Corbyn) becomes prime minister.
The part left out of the article above is that Fallon said Theresa May would fire Britain’s nuclear weapons as a ‘first strike’ if necessary, even if BRITAIN ITSELF was not under nuclear attack.
Russia (who else would be the target for Trident?) just making it clear that the UK would be toast for doing such a thing.
So you see Jeremy Corbyn is a real danger.