Historic May 22 visit could reveal if the president is a serious Middle East peacemaker or a delusional wannabe messiah
ed note–as we have said here, this issue alone–the reining in of the entire ‘Greater Israel’ project and setting boundaries beyond which the Jewish state is not permitted to encroach, thus giving the Palestinians at least a portion back of what was stolen from them–is more than likely the one issue more than any other that is the source of so much Judaic angst towards Trump and why there is and has been from the beginning an across the board, no holds barred operation in bringing him down on the part of Judea, Inc. Try and argue with this fact all you want, all of you ‘Trump is owned by the Jews’ one-dimensional thinkers out there, but at this point you are trying to make a case that simply will not stand up to logic and reason any further.
Please note how our esteemed hebraic writer engages in the typical business that Jews must when trying to set the stage for an enemy’s destruction–claiming they are ‘crazy’, in this case, assigning mental illness to Trump’s plan to bring a resolution to the Palestinian/Israeli situation. The Jews DO NOT WANT any resolution to this for the simple reason–as we have stated here previously–that Israel simply cannot exist in a conflict-free environment, as her Hyenic people would turn on each other and devour what little artificially-created stability seems to exist. Furthermore, the very word ‘Palestine’ and all its derivatives, including ‘Palestinians’, are words that are like knives into the ears of Jews worldwide, due to the fact that these are terms first applied to the region by the conquering Greeks and then later re-applied by the conquering Romans after Judea was defeated and destroyed. Therefore, in the Judaic paradigm, any word containing ‘Palestine’ as its root must be eradicated if the Judaic god YHWH is to be exalted and made to appear vindictive and victorious over the enemies of Israel.
Kvetch kvetch kvetch