64 lawmakers demand federal funding of Washington DC memorial be maintained; ADL says cutting budget a ‘mistake’
ed note–will be very interesting to see how all the ‘Trump is owned by Israel’ types try to explain this one, but we won’t hold our collective breath waiting for it.
I have a suggestion; why don’t all the Jews, Jew lovers and supporters of Israel and all the lies simply move to Israel and stop asking for aid from the idiot US government?
Reblogged this on ProphetPX on WordPress and commented:
wow!!!! THIS IS GREAT!!! if it is true? wow!
i hope they spend the money on educating Americans on how the jews slaughtered 100 Christian Russians during the Bolshevik Jew Revolution or when the jews slaughtered 100 million African Blacks when they started slavery or when Judah “the jew” Benjamin as Secretary of War of the Confederate Party ordered the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. the jew holocaust is pure fiction and every memorial built to honour comic book fictional characters should be razed to the ground. It is the greatest of lie in history. Jesus said the jews are as their father the devil, LIARS.
Make the jews pay for it! Let the Hebes who believe the absurd lie called the “Holocaust” send in their contributions. Better yet, demolish it and put in a day care center or something.
Just how much money do they need to be given by the ENTIRE World? It really is the Holocau$$$t.
“Trump is the first president with immediate family members who are Jewish.”
Ahahahahahaha…..I’m sorry but that is just too funny.
Thanks to Isn’treals new time-travelling ground-penetrating satellite-radar the current holocaust total is six hundred sixty-six quadrillion, six hundred sixty-six trillion, six hundred sixty-six billion, six hundred sixty-six million, six hundred sixty-six thousand, six hundred sixty-six dollars – oops I meant Jews