ed note–and keep in mind, if Netanyahu would have gone to such lengths in ‘targeting’ a US President whose term was about to expire, imagine what he would do in trying to prevent someone even more problematic from getting elected, and then, after being unsuccessful in this endeavor, to pull the strings in getting him impeached, utilizing not only the JMSM in the US, but as well the ‘alternative’ media that includes significant persons/neighborhoods making up the ‘9’11 Truth’ movement’.Note how the piece states that Facebook was chosen as the medium for this agitprop and then consider what Facebook is now in terms of the entire ‘get Trump’ agenda that plays so prominently within circles of ‘DUH MUUVMINT’.
The Jews are very powerful thanks to their control of the world money supply, and there is no doubt they will continue to harry and harass Trump to keep him trotting around the OK corral, just as they did with ultimate Jewish sock-puppet Barack Obongo. But in fairness, even Ann Coulter is tiring of the Trumpeter…
“I’m not very happy with what has happened so far,” Coulter said. “I guess we have to try to push him to keep his promises. But this isn’t North Korea, and if he doesn’t keep his promises, I’m out. This is why we voted for him. I think everyone who voted for him knew his personality was grotesque, it was the issues.”
And Ann, with the best will in the world, could NOT be described as either ‘Left’ nor ‘Alt-Right’. She is just yer good old-fashioned blond-haired blue-eyed nationalist gal. And sometime right-wing agit-propagandist. I’m actually quite warming to Ann when just a short while ago I was dry-retching. But she did hope for a nationalist in Trump, as did all his supporters, and what she get for her troubles? What did we all get?
More and ongoing carnage in Syria on behalf of the Jews. And massive arms sales to Saudi Arabia with whom the Jews are now all cuddly and cozy in anticipation of an Arab-led attack in Iran.