TIMES OF ISRAEL – An exhibition at Bath Abbey, “Raising Voices, Holy Sites”, has been denounced by both Jews and Christians, with one Australian visitor claiming that through it, “the Church of England promotes Jew-hatred”.
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The truth s anti-Semitic.
Poor Australians (Jew no doubt) … so sensitive, first they cower when Sikhs shout Allahu Akbar now “the Church of England promotes Jew-hatred”
The only people who promote Jew hatred are Jews themselves, not the church of england.
To hate murder, destruction, usury, war, lies, more death, blood letting, killing innocent little children, porno and the twisted lgbqtrsfu groups, is wrong? No people can “hate” like the members of Judea, Inc., No people. Now that telling the truth about the parasites is becoming “hate” speech, the time is close for the uprising of full light and truth which will drown the parasites forever.
The so-called Jew’s in Israel & USA & UK (& more) top government & religion ARE the most hated of the world…………& Growing Daily !
The Council of Christians and Jews (CCJ) has offered advice and resources to the Abbey. We hope this leads to a less offensive display.”
Translation: we pay you to do what we tell you and not to believe your lyin’ eyes.
Cuck Christians.