HAARETZ – Yair Netanyahu, the son of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, posted an image on his Facebook page Saturday that seems to suggest a conspiracy is behind his family’s growing legal problems. The meme is laden with anti-Semitic imagery.
The meme, captioned “the food chain,” features a photo of George Soros
dangling the world in front of a reptilian creature, who dangles an alchemy symbol in front of a caricature of a figure reminiscent of the anti-Semitic “happy merchant” image.
Thanks again
isn’t it just kinda “Jewish” to drag Sara into all of the High Drama
seriously, what is the Kol Nidre good for anyway,
and all this High Drama right on the eve of Yom Kippur
doomed they are ….doomed they are….oy vey
Downward spiral.
Anything to keep yammering obsessively compulsively the meaningless term, “anti semite”. Their narcissist psychosis believes if they click their heels three times, magically, they will become khazarian Semites.
Deep down, I think Jews despise others Jews. Without some “existential threat,” they’d kill one another off. Judaism’s pathology is never-ending, because it denies Jesus Christ AND pointedly goes against Christ, seeking to murder Him over and over again, wherever he appears in thought, deed, image, and seeks to replace Him with the Jewish people as a whole. Despite their intelligence and power, THEY ARE CURSED DIRECTLY BY GOD. They are not only “contrary to all men,” BUT TO THEMSELVES.