‘Dishonoring Christian religious symbols is an old religious duty in Judaism. Spitting on the cross, and especially on the Crucifix, and spitting when a Jew passes a church, have been obligatory from around AD 200 for pious Jews. In the past, when the danger of anti-Judaic hostility was a real one, pious Jews were commanded by their rabbis either to spit so that the reason for doing so would be unknown, or to spit onto their chests, not actually on the cross or openly before the church. The increasing strength of the Jewish state has caused these customs to become more open again but there should be no mistake: Spitting on the cross is considered an act of traditional Jewish piety…’
—Professor Israel Shahak

‘I still remember old Jews spitting while passing by a church, and cursing the dead while passing by a Christian cemetery. Last year in Jerusalem, a Jew decided to refresh the tradition by spitting at the Holy Cross carried in the procession along the city…Even today, Jews in Israel refer to Jesus by the demeaning word ‘Yeshu’ (instead of Yeshua), meaning ‘Perish his name’.

—Israel Shamir, Israeli Jew turned Christian writer

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6 thoughts on “Christian Priest spat upon and insulted by Jewish settlers in Jerusalem”
  1. “Such blind extremism and hatred will only increase our ties with our holy city, which is our spiritual and national capital and an incubator for our most important holy sites,” he [Father Atallah Hanna, Archbishop of the Palestinian Orthodox Church in Occupied Jerusalem] said.
    Oh dear. This doesn’t auger well at all. I mean, ya got two major religions … and a criminal cult … ALL laying claim to the same piece of real estate. How can it end? … except in tears.
    But you have to wonder what the argument, at root, is all about. Why do Jews insisting on spitting? Why the contempt? Why the animus? Why the spite?
    Christ, after all, was a figure of tolerance. Why so intolerant … of tolerance?
    Mind you, Christ was definitely intolerant of Pharisees, it must be admitted.
    And money lenders.
    Maybe that’s what the argument, after all this time, at the end of the day and the going down of the sun, is, after all, all about? … THE MONEY!

  2. Imagine God’s little sheep dogs the Evangelical Christians reaction if it were Muslims doing the spitting. Oh how they would howl and howl. But its not Muslims its Jews and the priest is a brown colored Palestinian Arab so he does not count any way.

  3. I’ve known about these incidents for a number of years now. Disgusting people. Whenever an orthodox Jew walks by or near me, I cross myself, In nomine Patri et Filii et Spiritus Sancti. Amen.

  4. so why did Adoram get stoned…?
    why is righteous judgement turned away
    and truth lays unattended in the mire
    knowing the Truth about the Economic Terrorists essentially
    validates the 1st Commandment
    as the “Jewish” narrative is the exact true example of the
    Violation of the 9th Commandment
    surely the argument cannot be made that the so-called “Jews”
    actually “LOVE”… their [Non-Jewish] neighbors, or “Treat others”
    the way {{{{THEY}}}}
    would like to be treated….

  5. if the other name for your saliva is skunk water
    you’d be spitting everywhere
    if the other name for your sweat is skunk water
    you’d build high, thick walls to surround and protect your neighbors
    because you are so considerate
    if your head and body were covered in lice, fleas, ticks
    you’d be swinging arms and hands
    maybe hitting someone
    of course

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