ed note–not that it should need any further elaboration, nevertheless, well say it again for the record–

Islam is not the enemy of the West, Judaism is, and anyone in ‘duh muuvmnt’ from whatever neighborhood, be they White Nationalist, Anti-Zionist or otherwise–who even in the most subtle manner and delivery possible introduces this false construct into any discussion, (including the ridiculous non-starter that somehow Islam and Judaism are working ‘hand in hand’ to ‘destroy duh wyyyte man’) needs to be seen for what they are–passive and sometimes active enablers/accomplices to Judea’s planned revenge against the West, utilizing the ‘clash of civilizations’ between Christianity and Islam as the MO for doing it.

The only–repeat, ONLY–way out of this is for (what remains of) the Christians and Muslims to cease and desist all conflict between each other and to join forces against their common enemy who has jinned up this artificial clash in the interests of seeing the 2 eradicated from the planet through the process known as mutually assured destruction.


The state of Maryland has adopted a rule barring companies that engage in boycott, divestment and sanctions against Israel from receiving government contracts, joining 22 other American states–almost half the country–with similar laws.

Maryland’s governor, Larry Hogan, issued an executive order implementing the new provision. “Boycotts based on religion, national origin, place of residence or ethnicity are discriminatory,” Hogan said, announcing the move alongside Jewish leaders. “Contracting with businesses that practice discrimination would make the state a passive participant in private-sector commercial discrimination.”

The US’s largest states have already taken similar action – either through state legislative work or gubernatorial executive order – including Florida, California, New York, Illinois and Texas.

And legislation has been proposed on Congress that would codify these conditions for US business on a federal level. The Israel Anti-Boycott Act, introduced by Democratic Sen. Ben Cardin of Maryland and Republican Sen. Rob Portman of Ohio this past summer, has earned bipartisan cosponsors, but drawn criticism from civil liberties groups fearing the move would infringe on constitutionally protected freedom of speech.

One thought on “Maryland latest to join list of states with anti-boycott laws against I$rael”
  1. “Boycotts based on religion, national origin, place of residence or ethnicity are discriminatory,” Hogan said. That’s NOT what the Boycott is based on, ass-wipe! Someone punch that punk in the nose!

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