SOTT – During the question and answer portion of the hearing, an exchange between Rabbi Abraham Cooper of the Simon Wiesenthal Center and Dr. Barry Trachtenberg, the Chair of Jewish History at Wake Forest University, was revealing and rooted in American Jewish history. Trachtenberg argued that the State Department’s definition of antisemitism was deeply flawed because it defines all accusations of American Jewish dual-loyalty as inherently antisemitic. By these standards, the ideas of Theodor Herzl could be defined as antisemitic. Herzl argued that because Jews represent one people, it is useless for them to be loyal to any other state but the proposed Jewish State. Rabbi Cooper seemed to misunderstand the argument, reflexively accusing Trachtenberg of providing “cannon fodder for antisemites”.  CONTINUE READING

3 thoughts on “Jewish identity politics gone crazy: "Anti-Semitism" bill could equate criticism of Israel with racism – Jewish community split over implications for dual-loyalty”
  1. It is not like we do not have enough ammunition already.
    One more item of fodder hardly makes a difference.
    Israel p*sses on the US and Americans praise the lord for rain.

  2. It seems that I recall that during one of his podcasts our illustrious host when discussing the removal of statues in the south, said, what next: Mount Rushmore? Well, there you have it, mates.

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