ed note–please pay attention to the obvious worry in our esteemed Hebraic author’s voice that the recent business involving Flynn may throw gasoline on the fire vis a vis the charge that Jews in America are spies working for Israel.
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“American Jews could well be the collateral damage.” Let’s hope so! But in reality, 90% of Americans won’t know or care. The jew media will probably ignore it, so as usual, important news will be censored & Americans will remain clueless.
Nothing will light a fire under Americans’ Fluoridated asses except for when the checks stop coming.
Just another jew trying to squirm his way out of the bed pan
No one I’ve spoken with thus far knew of, knows of, or remembers about the Obama administration abstention on the U.N. resolution regarding the settlements. They don’t know that Kushner asked Flynn to speak with Kislyak after Trump had been elected but before he took office. They don’t know that Flynn told the FBI that he spoke with Kislyak about the upcoming U.N. vote in order ‘to help Israel’. The reporting on this in U.S. mainstream is little to no coverage.
The “bottom line” is not that “the entire Flynn-Kushner gambit at the U.N. is a sideshow in the larger Trump-Mueller-Russia drama” but that it’s the entire story, since there has been no evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians. Of course, should Judea, Inc. conclude that circumstances dictate their co-religionists needs be thrown under the bus to further the agenda, well, as the saying goes, “make it so.”