ED-NOTE – Please read the introductory note on the article “Putin’s Surprise Withdrawal From Syria Is Part of His Master Election Plan”. We have theorized that Trump, knowing that Judea, Inc is NEVER going to let up, is perhaps planning to step down and has deliberately handed over the  Middle East ‘Peace Negotiations’ process thru his ‘Jerusalem declaration’ to President Putin.

Unless of course, Vladimir Putin himself, like the Iranian Foreign Minister, has also lost all sense of rationality, ‘sold his soul’ to the dark side of the force and has now become a ‘Trump worshiper’ for saying the exact same thing we have been saying all along. CONTINUE READING

One thought on “‘Known limitations’ hold Trump back from doing what he’d like to – Putin”
  1. PJ London 7 days ago
    Trump is not in the least bit interested in Israel, Palestine or in fact anything outside of the US.
    Every one of his ‘Foreign Policy’ actions are idiotic unless you look at his poll figures in USA.
    The US needs an enemy, 15 years ago it was decided that ‘Muslims’ fitted the bill and every Muslim in the world suddenly wanted to destroy the US, according to American opinion makers. They are trying to replace them with ‘Russians’ but it does not work as Americans realise that Russians are in fact very like themselves.
    [“War can be used to arouse human passion and patriotic feelings of loyalty to the nation’s leaders. No amount of sacrifice in the name of victory will be rejected. Resistance is viewed as treason. But, in times of peace, people become resentful of high taxes, shortages, and bureaucratic intervention. When they become disrespectful of their leaders, they become dangerous. No government has long survived without enemies and armed conflict. War, therefore, has been an indispensable condition for “stabilising society.”
    The organization of society for the possibility of war is its principal political stabilizer…. It has enabled societies to maintain necessary class distinctions, and it has insured the subordination of the citizens to the state by virtue of the residual war powers inherent in the concept of nationhood.”
    1966 Report from Iron Mountain.
    You just got to have an external enemy, otherwise the dumb masses will start fighting each other. ]
    What he has done is throw Congress under the bus.
    You people voted for these idiots, they voted for Jerusalem, so let them handle it. He has blindsided both Congress and Netanyahoo, ‘OK you got your wish, now what you going to do?’
    Maybe it is a quid pro quo for the tax deal, but I think he is just rubbing their noses in their stupid decisions.
    Maybe it is payback for AIPAC not endorsing him, but maybe he just hates the corrupt pr*ck.
    I think that he is going to more and more do what Congress says, but do it literally.
    They would not support him in any way, so let the voters see just how bad these fools are.
    In 6 months, America will not have any ‘allies’, just by Trump doing what congress and the voters want.
    He got elected by saying what the voters wanted to hear.
    Congress and the courts have stymied any action, so let the people see the outcome, his hands are clean.
    “Under the relentless thrust of accelerating over-population and increasing over-organization, and by means of ever more effective methods of mind-manipulation, the democracies will change their nature; the quaint old forms—elections, parliaments, Supreme Courts and all the rest—will remain. The underlying substance will be a new kind of non-violent totalitarianism. All the traditional names, all the hallowed slogans will remain exactly what they were in the good old days. Democracy and freedom will be the theme of every broadcast and editorial—but Democracy and freedom in a strictly Pickwickian sense. Meanwhile the ruling oligarchy and its highly trained elite of soldiers, policemen, thought-manufacturers and mind-manipulators will quietly run the show as they see fit.”
    – Aldous Huxley, Brave New World Revisited
    Trump is a genius who is brilliantly exposing the oligarchy.
    Either that or he is a stupid twat.

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