In a local notice advertising a Christmas worship service, the church described Jesus using the pronoun ‘hen’, which in Sweden is used to refer to non-binary people or in cases where a person’s gender is not known or not relevant. 

“The word ‘hen’ is a way to give a new perspective,” said Susann Senter, dean at the church, in a statement after reports on the advert in Swedish media prompted both praise and criticism. CONTINUE READING

3 thoughts on “SWEDEN – Swedish church defends gender neutral pronoun for Jesus”
  1. I was reading about this last month. The “she-man” who is responsible for this movement has that frenzied glaze in her eyes. Remember, we are discussing Sweden here, the nation being so rapidly dismantled by an overpowering agenda of Communism/feminism/Green whatchamacallit-ism.
    Of course not a word makes sense to one who is blessed with common sense. These people are idiocy manifested on the highest levels and only to be acknowledged in order to minimalize the damage they do.

  2. They have even come up with a pronoun for either Jesus or God– HEN. If I went to that church I would just start making clucking sounds like a HEN.

  3. “Trans people are created by God, your bodies belong to the beautiful and extraordinary creation of God.”
    Mogren went on to say that while debate over Jesus’s gender might seem trivial, he found it significant because of the existence of patriarchal structures and the ways in which some rulers used Christian faith to justify oppression of women or to deny personal gender identities beyond male and female.”
    –“Trans” people are not created by God. God created men and women. God did not create mutilated “trans” bodies. Full stop.
    –“Gender” is a made-up term for the sake of ideological leanings.
    Christianity is the one religion which doesn’t “oppress” women. This trash ‘article’ is a reprint of an intelligence services or NGO hand-out. And despite what Susan Senter (“dean” of the church) said, she had every intention of offending people with this trash.

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