‘The United States must help bring about G-d’s plan for the world’
ed note–again, please note several glaringly important ‘burps’ which our deranged Hebraic writer lets loose for all to experience.
Indeed, as is pointed out here on this humble little informational endeavor exhaustively, the Jews don’t just want a lil’ piece-a lan fo’ demselfs to jes liv in peese, as evidenced by the words which our deranged rabbi states plainly, to wit–
‘The land of Israel was given to the Jewish nation exclusively and in accordance with the Biblical boundaries of the Euphrates River in the north continuing to the Nile in the south.’
We are forced to point this out due to the considerable amount of chirping that takes place not only within ‘duh muuvmnt’ but as well, within certain circles on the left who bill themselves as ‘progressive’ and ‘anti-zionist’ and who claim that there is no ‘secret’ plan on the part of the deranged and dangerous followers of Torah Judah-ism to take over the whole of the Middle East, as well as those who make the equally idiotic claim that ‘Judah-ism and Zionism are diametrically opposed to each other’.
As we like to say here often, without Judah-ism there would be no Zionism, as the 2 are as distinct and different from each other as the terms ‘mafia’ and ‘the mob’.
No one should make the mistake of thinking that our deranged Hebraic writer is not sending veiled threats to Trump.
Yes, he may be listing all sorts of ‘divine’ punishments, such as those that appear in the book of Exodus and the weather disasters taking place today, but again, this is a prima facie example of ‘how they do it’.
Utilizing the gangsterese that has been part of the Judaic dialect for thousands of years, they threaten Gentiles with all sorts of holy hell that is sure to come their way if the Jews don’t get what they want, while the whole time, they ascribe it to the ‘wrath’ of the god of the Jews, yahweh, but what they are really doing is saying in effect–
‘We’re going to blow up all sorts of cities, just as our ancestors of thousands of years ago did, if you don’t cave in to our demands’…
‘An open letter to US President Trump from an Israeli Rabbi’
Rabbi Nachman Kahana, Israel National News
Hashem began the Torah with the story of creation in order to refute any future claims of the nations that the Jewish people illegally seized Eretz Yisrael. Therefore, the nations shall know that Hashem, as the creator of all that exists, gave Eretz Yisrael exclusively to the Jewish nation.
As we read in the Torah, Moshe informed Pharaoh that the God of Israel, creator of all, sent him to free the Israelites. And this God is a resolute entity who created the world with a strategic purpose in which the Israelites were destined to play the major role.
Hence, aside from the injustice of slavery, God’s intention is to present his Torah to the Israelites, and then bring them to Eretz Yisrael. Moshe explained to Pharaoh that his intransigence was an obstacle to the realization of God’s plan for the world. So, God would force Pharaoh to yield, for the price of refusal would be the destruction of Egypt, stage by stage, by use of the ten plagues.
‘Dear Mr. President, you are a man with high aspirations to advance the welfare of your nation in every field. But just look around: uncontrollable forest fires in California. Tornadoes in Oklahoma and other states. Devastating hurricanes that are costing the federal, state, and local governments hundreds of billions of dollars. Oil rigs are down. California is counting the days until the next major earthquake, not to mention New York City, which is built on a geological fault.’
‘Stop for a moment and ask yourself, why are these tragedies happening to your country?’
‘The answer is that like Pharaoh, you, Mr. President, are an obstacle to the realization of God’s plan for the Jewish nation and hence for the world.’
‘The land of Israel was given to the Jewish nation exclusively and in accordance with the Biblical boundaries of the Euphrates River in the north continuing to the Nile in the south.’
‘Your prohibition on Israel’s building in the areas liberated in the Six Day war are the obstacle to the implementation of God’s plan, that the Jewish nation return home, hence your nation is suffering plagues of many kinds.’
‘If this prohibition is United States policy, or even if it is the pressure of certain misguided Jews of all ranks, it is your Christian duty to aid and abet the Jewish people’s return to their ancient homeland.’
‘I wish you success in all your endeavors. But remember your success and the success of your nation (and of the world) will be contingent on the manner in which they all relate to the Jewish people’s miraculous survival and return to their ancient homeland.’
Rabbi Nachman Kahana
Jerusalem – Eternal capital of Israel
“But just look around: uncontrollable forest fires in California. Tornadoes in Oklahoma and other states. Devastating hurricanes that are costing the federal, state, and local governments hundreds of billions of dollars. Oil rigs are down. California is counting the days until the next major earthquake, not to mention New York City, which is built on a geological fault. Stop for a moment and ask yourself, why are these tragedies happening to your country?”
Yes indeed, a lot of people have been asking themselves about the uncontrollable forest fires in California. And suchlike ‘natural’ phenomena. Some are even positing the outrageous theory that microwave weapons were used. Hmmm? And now you, dear Rabbi Nachman Kahana of Jerusalem, ‘the Eternal capital of Israel’, confirm the possible presence of an unseen hand…
“The answer is that like Pharaoh, you, Mr. President are an obstacle to the realization of God’s plan for the Jewish nation and hence for the world.”
Uh huh. And that’s the reason for the reason for all the mischief and mayhem, yeah?
Just goes to show what incredible power formerly sovereign nations place in the hands of The Entity once they hand over the license to print the money of the realm. The power to manipulate events AS IF they were ‘God’s Will’. Such, indeed, is the POWER OF USURY.
Crazy Little Thing has just gone crazy
Girl, how’d ya get a name like Crazy Little Thing
Probably the name that drove you crazy all along
She brings things down lower than they should be
She brings things up higher than they could be
She got the answer to the answer
And my only question is how old, how cool, how low can you be?
– Captain Beefheart
“But just look around: uncontrollable forest fires in California. Tornadoes in Oklahoma and other states. Devastating hurricanes that are costing the federal, state, and local governments hundreds of billions of dollars. Oil rigs are down. California is counting the days until the next major earthquake, not to mention New York City, which is built on a geological fault. Stop for a moment and ask yourself, why are these tragedies happening to your country?”
Yes indeed, a lot of people have been asking themselves about the uncontrollable forest fires in California. And suchlike ‘natural’ phenomena. Some are even positing the outrageous theory that microwave weapons were used. Hmmm? And now you, dear Rabbi Nachman Kahana of Jerusalem, ‘the Eternal capital of Israel’, confirm the possible presence of an unseen hand…
“The answer is that like Pharaoh, you, Mr. President are an obstacle to the realization of God’s plan for the Jewish nation and hence for the world.”
Uh huh. And that’s the reason for the reason for all the mischief and mayhem, yeah?
Just goes to show what incredible power formerly sovereign nations place in the hands of The Entity once they hand over the license to print the money of the realm. The power to manipulate events AS IF they were ‘God’s Will’. Such, indeed, is the POWER OF USURY.
Crazy Little Thing has just gone crazy
Girl, how’d ya get a name like Crazy Little Thing
Probably the name that drove you crazy all along
She brings things down lower than they should be
She brings things up higher than they could be
She got the answer to the answer
And my only question is how old, how cool, how low can you be?
– Captain Beefheart
It shows how disgusting this “tribe” could be…
The indigenous people cared for the earth and the forests. Those people who were here long before us. They only wanted to protect everything they had. But that beast of war, Jehovah, stole it all so sad. He stole the land the water and the sky, so blue, then told them all they had to become just like you. He told them they now had to pay just to live. They had to pay homage to Jehovah and give, give, give. Jehovah is the one true evil spirit, but, most refuse to see and hear it. His number is six hundred sixty and six. You carry his mark, that worthless fiat money with mystical pyramid pics.
They forget to mention God cast them out of Israel and forbid them to never return until his return. Did he return?
Our learned Hebraic author has a serious case of cranial rectal inversion which has effected his vision and mental function. This may be excused so long as there is no sociopathic behavior associated with it. Any such behaviors should be punishable by appropriate legal means. If they are unwilling to live within the legal constraints established by international law, they should be eradicated by any means available.
So Jooze are going to unleash a bioweapon on the USA?
UN Security Council Resolution 242 is “official” US government policy. The PLO accepted it decades ago. In 1974, King Faisal of Saudi Arabia, with the agreement of the Arab League, offered full diplomatic recognition of, and normalization of relations with, Israel if it recognized UNSC 242 and withdrew from occupying Syria and Lebanon. Israel rejected that. The Zionists have had their goal of the mythical Land of Israel – from the Nile to the Euphrates – since it presented that plan in 1919.