The Hill

Russia on Wednesday announced it will send troops to the Syrian town of Douma in the aftermath of a deadly chemical weapons attack there, according to multiple reports.

Russian military police will reportedly be deployed to the town, located just outside of Damascus, on Thursday to help secure the area.

On Tuesday, Russia rejected a United Nations Security Council resolution that would have created a new investigative body to examine the alleged use of chemical weapons in the wake of last weekend’s deadly attack on a hospital in the rebel-held town.

Moscow, however, has denied such reports. Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said Monday that specialists sent to Douma had determined that no chemical weapons were used in the area, contradicting the findings of aid workers.

President Trump and U.S. allies have condemned the attack. Trump and U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley have blamed Syrian President Bashar al Assad and Russian President Vladimir Putin for it.

While the U.S. has not yet announced any formal military response to the latest chemical attack, Trump on Wednesday morning warned Russia that it should “get ready” for a missile launch at Syria.

“You shouldn’t be partners with a Gas Killing Animal who kills his people and enjoys it!” Trump tweeted.

Prior to the tweet, Russia said its air defenses would strike down any incoming missiles, and that its forces would retaliate against the source of any attacks.

4 thoughts on “Russia to deploy troops to site of chemical attack in Syria”
  1. Putin has laid down a ‘Red Line”.
    The USA would do well not to think that it is a dotted line.
    The whole world, or at least those with an IQ higher than a Turnip, know that the Syrian government and Assad in particular would not attack civilians.
    What is disgusting is that Haley, France and the UK sit in the UNSC and boldly and blatantly lie.
    There will be a “Nuremberg” and these people will be held to account.
    Hanging is too good for them.

  2. Russia said its air defenses would strike down any incoming missiles, and that its forces would retaliate against the source of any attacks.
    They previously said they would not as it would start WW3;
    Silence of Russian S-300 and S-400 systems in Syria prevented nuclear war
    However, military experts explained that Russian air defences were deployed in Syria in agreement with the legitimate Syrian government to protect Russian facilities – the airfield, bases, troops and infrastructure of the Russian Air Force.
    In other words to protect Russia not Assad!

  3. See how they all fall into line with Jehovah’s narrative. I know what you mean, Winston, I’m starting to think Putin and Assad borrowed a U.S. Humvee, drove to Douma, and gassed all those innocent, unarmed men, women and children. Who else could’ve done such a thing, Winston? I can’t think of anyone who would fabricate such a horrifying tragedy. I hear footsteps, Winston, let’s get outta here.

  4. This feels like Germany 1939 where Hitler was communicating with the B’rith-ish and the French asking for peace, telling them he wanted peace, but the die had been cast by the money power.

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