As far as Judaism is concerned, the equation is as follow: Esau=Edom=Rome=the Catholic Church=Christian Europe=The West in general.

To quote Adolphe Isaac Crémieux, 

“Our cause is great and holy, and its success is guaranteed. Catholicism, our immemorial enemy, is lying in the dust, mortally wounded in the head. The net which Judaism is throwing over the globe of the earth is widening and spreading daily, and the momentous prophecies of our Holy Books are at least to be realized.

The time is near when Jerusalem will become the house of prayer for all nations and peoples, and the banner of Jewish monodeity will be unfurled and hoisted on the most distant shores.

Our might is immense, learn to adopt this might for our cause. What have you to be afraid of? The day is not distant when all the riches and treasures of the earth will become the property of the Jews.”

9 thoughts on “WATCH – Jews Say the Catholic Church Is Edom and Is Going Down”
  1. The Khazarians are 1.73% of the US’ population. They make up 33% of the US Tyranny’s Supreme Court. Catholics make up the other 66% (Gorsuch was raised Catholic). Catholics are around 18% of the US’ population.
    So, just from the view of the Supreme Court, 20% of the US’ population is riding roughshod over the remaining 80%.
    Such a 20%/80% imbalance is where many draw the line for minorities behaving as tyrannies.
    The Khazarians are the “Harlot” sitting (ruling) from atop of the great “scarlet beast,” the Catholic church. Partners in plunder and destruction.
    One is not a true American until resident in the ADL’s database.

  2. jorge bergoglio is the culmination, or should i say nadir, of vatican’s downfall from grace that has been ongoing for couple of centuries and in free fall since 1962 when satan chaired the second council, essentially decapitating the Catholic church, leaving it aimlessly wandering in the wilderness, notwithstanding the lower ranking clergy, many of whom retained their decency and dedication to the cause.
    as for the top idumeans of vatican, here is the latest; they are enthusiastic bilderberg participants, looking forward to delectable child barbecues and all.
    i guess that in order to make their decision, they asked themselves, “what would Jesus do”.
    and did the exact opposite.

  3. There is no doubt that today’s catholic churche is far from being perfect and very far from the ideal.
    But people who stop on criticizing the church only without looking deeper in to reason of such situation will do only more damage . Sometimes with the best intentions.
    It took jews several centuries to undermine church from inside.To have jews pretending to be Christian to enter the church hierarchy on every level .
    Aim was always the same: to destroy the only power which could derail jewish plans.
    We don’t know how many of the depraved priests were in fact jews pretending to be catholic priests.
    But the blame is left with church as such.
    I’m agnostic but even from my point of view a healthy catholic churche is the only way to stop jewish cancer.
    But by ” healthy” I understand the church with its classic cannon and according to that jews are just a spawn of hell on earth.
    Jerzy Ulicki-Rek

  4. You’re not Edomites But Amalekites.
    And the rest is true and proven:
    Esau=Amalek=Rome=the Catholic Church=Christian Catholic Europe.
    NOT the West in General, because most of the the West is not influenced by the Catholic Church and many righteous people love the Nation of Israel, under the blessing of God.
    ed note–no, not ‘fiction’ here ladies and Gentile-men, the real deal, with an IP address hailing out of the Jewish state itself.
    View it for yourself in all its unbridled Judaic self-worship, hatred for non-Jews and its seething desire to see Rome pay for its pat ‘sins’.
    This is Judaism, and this is the Jewish people.

  5. Essau = Russia not the Catholic Church. If anything the Catholic Church is sodom & gomorrha.Both are godlessness and will go down for that reason. Christ will own all things, be all things & repair all things. The term Jews technically only means of the tribe of Judah, so a little more study needs to be done here.

  6. Well, the Evangelicals have been calling the Catholic Church the Whore of Babylon for years – the only difference is that Evangelicals are not striving for total world domination.

  7. it comforts me to hear that jews loathe catholicism with undiminished passion.
    it is proof that its beating heart is still with Jesus, despite the diseased top leadership.
    i can personally attest that the few clerics, including couple of bishops whom i know, are exceedingly humble, wise and morally strong people and live by word and deed of Christ.

  8. Met a Catholic priest(head of the local parish) who told a group of my neighbors that yahweh is another name for God. I should have asked whose “God” was he talking about but kept my mouth shut because I like my neighbors and know they all suppose themselves to be good Catholics. I knew if I did say something it would have resulted in losing a lot of good friends. No one ever calls out the priests and pastors who spew such garbage and until someone does the Catholic church as well as the other alleged Christian churches in the west are finished.

  9. @Gary… good could those “good friends” that you mentioned, be? Don’t keep your mouth shut. God gave it to you to speak truth. He didn’t give it to you to make “friends.”

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