ED-NOTE – THIS and this alone explains judeophobia/antisemtism, which must only be seen as the normal, healthy auto-immune reaction to the deeply entrenched belief the Jews have in the ‘supremacy of the Jewish race’. And yes, it is all Jews, whether orthodox, secular, liberal, atheist, crypto or even wannabe. So whenever someone identifies as a Jew, what we should all understand is that he is in fact telling us that he believes in the ‘supremacy of the Jewish race’. So yes indeed it is ALL Jews and we, the Brotherhood of Man, are only defending ourselves. Antisemitism/judeophobia is nothing but the rejection of Jewish supremacism
Demonstrators carried flags and placards, one of which read: “Traitors against the Jews will get no rest.”
“put a stop to this phenomenon… the sale of homes to those who are undesirable in the neighbourhood… from the beginning”.
Nothing to do with Likud.
How to answer to this ***** in a polite way????? We can’t be impolite on line, hey?
This is a twisted culture/belief system that is a cancer onto the world and the future of mankind.
@zoharm7, what if I said,”What can you do? We were blessed by God, and I will continue to say that at every opportunity, I don’t have to be ashamed about the European people being the Chosen People; the smartest, most special people in the world.”.. ? You use Yahweh. We use God.
5:16 PM – 14 Jun 2018
A Muslim may insert Allah.
Of course, what I’m saying to him is that I’m not offended by his racism, so long as he extends to me the courtesy of being just as racist.
My approach is for any of us to say,’Fine, be special if you want, as I can be just as special’.
I think it’s my way of laughing at these stone age clowns – yes I know, it was the Bronze Age.
We are ALL “SPECIAL and CHOSEN!!!” Never forget people, the night your father moaned in ecstasy as he penetrated your Mother, over 1 billion sperm were ejaculated, and guess who Won the Race? the “Human Race?”…… YOU!
Congratulations – You’re a Special Winner, and no (((one))) should ever be given the fake right to take that away from YOU.