ed note–for those who have maintained the half-witted assertion that the very loud and obvious opposition to Trump has been merely a ‘partisan’ thing that has emanated only from ‘the left’, recall that George Will is the darling of the right, is seen as the ‘wise old man’ within conservative circles and whose one constant, unchanging hue has been his limitless support for Israel and especially for Likud.
Like the now died-and-gone-to-hell Krauthammer, another ‘conservative’ who loved Israel and hated Trump, as well as the infamous ‘NeoCons’ who marshaled everything they had (short of assassination) to keep Trump from getting elected, to bought-and-owned agents for Israel such as John McCain, Lindsey Graham et al, Will is now advocating (for Netanyahu’s benefit) that voters ON THE RIGHT deprive Trump of whatever remaining base of support he has within Republican circles so that come November, he will find himself surrounded by wolves out to make a meal of him and in the process, bring to a screeching halt all talks of ‘peace’, in the Middle East or wherever.
It’s just history. Predictable. When one party has the White House, that party loses seats. Clinton, Bush, Obama, many others have lost their parties seats in Congress in the follow-up Mid-Term election.