ed note–Good God in heaven, where do we even BEGIN with something such as this, an ‘adorable, must see’ romantic comedy about murdering an unborn child that is ‘wonderfully Jewish’ and ‘pure art’ as described in the Jewiest of all newspapers, the Jewish Daily Forward.
Ok, first the ‘obvious,’ no pun intended–
There is nothing humorous about subject matter such as this. It is as serious and as stark as life and death, literally, given that what we are talking about here is the process of taking a living human being, complete with beating heart, brain waves, and other indicators of its status as a living being and chopping it into pieces, thus causing it to bleed to death and thus enter the world as a mess of human hamburger.
Yes, sorry to have to be so brutal with the ugly truth, but the ugly truth indeed it is.
Can we all IMAGINE the screeching and moralizing that would ensue if some movie were to be made making light of Jooish suffrink in the Hollerco$t, the pograms, the Inquisition, etc?
Mon Dieu, the noise…
However, when we are talking about a movie making light of murdering a baby that was fathered by a Christian (yes, that’s part of the script) leave it to Jews to turn such bloody business into an airy, bouncy, giggling ‘romantic comedy’.
But the real danger in all of this is something which we have discussed many times previously, which is how all of this effects things on much bigger and much more serious level where life and death on a grand scale take place.
Remember, the most subversive, insidious, and dangerous pro-war/pro-Israel propaganda that coaxed the American people into signing on to George Bush’s ‘war on terror’ was not Commentary magazine nor the Weekly Standard, both NeoCon outlets run by NeoCon Jews out to get WWIII started between Christianity and Islam.
No, the most subversive, insidious, and dangerous pro-war/pro-Israel propaganda that coaxed the American people into signing on to George Bush’s ‘war on terror’ with the millions killed, the even more millions displaced and made refugees was none other than Seinfeld, the singularly popular program injected into the American intellectual bloodstream for a decade or more prior to the 9/11 attacks that acted as a date-rape drug of sorts in making America fall in love with Jews and thus rendering them incapacitated from thinking clearly about the apocalyptic voyage towards Armageddon upon which they were embarking.
And likewise with this macabre piece of subversive Judaic propaganda making light of a ‘nice Jewish girl’ deciding to kill the baby in her womb fathered by her Christian one-night-stand.
Please watch the video trailer and note how our witty little Jewish comedienne describes herself–
‘I’m the menorah that burns down the Christmas tree’.
Talk about a statement pregnant with implications, again, no pun intended.
Sad to say however, that the target audience–young women just like our adorable Jewish comedienne–will NOT recognize the fact that for all intents and purposes they are being ‘Weinstein-ed’ with this latest ‘romantic comedy,’ i.e. having the sanctity of their hearts, minds, souls and psyches assaulted and violated as they are very cleverly being coaxed into murdering their own future children, resulting in these young women going through life as the walking wounded leaving behind a trail of tears. Equally sad to say that there will be little to no protest against this obvious act of Judaic subversiveness against Gentile society, save of course a handful of Catholics, God bless them. John Hagee will not utter a burp of protest, nor any of the other false prophets whose job is to assist in seducing the Gentile mind o that it can be Weinstein-ed and turned into just another tool in Judea, Inc’s arsenal.
As we like to say here, prima facie evidence as to ‘how they do it’…
The Jewish Daily Forward
Written and directed by Gillian Robespierre?
Robespierre? Robespierre? Where have I heard that name before? French ‘Revolution’? Reign of Terror? … Something like that.
Starring ‘Jewish archangel Jenny Slate’. All about a ‘Jewish archangel’ (Jenny Slate) … ‘who has one night of casual sex, gets pregnant, and decides to get an abortion’.
So far so good.
The baby fathered by a Christian?
Now this is where things get complicated. While I, and presumably Gillian, might object to the idea of two Christians aborting their child, a special case can and must be made for couplings between Jewe and ‘Gentile’.
You see, from a strictly scientific point of view, different species, however closely related, cannot produce viable offspring. They may produce something – e.g. a ‘mule’, a ‘liger’, or a ‘zebroid’ – but any such ‘issue’ will be sterile.
How do we know? Because the deeply revered and god-like Lubavitcher Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson tells us so… “The difference between a Jewish and a non-Jewish person stems from the common expression: “Let us differentiate.” Thus, we do not have a case of profound change in which a person is merely on a superior level. Rather, we have a case of “let us differentiate” between totally different species.”
Presumably it is to this unique moral dilemma that Gillian directs the theme of her wonderful and deeply sensitive new film. An ‘obvious’ child indeed. No, a specially disadvantaged child. In any such circumstance, as the Lubavitcher Rebbe will tell you, abortion is the only moral choice.
Usura slayeth the child in the womb
It stayeth the young man’s courting
It hath brought palsey to bed, lyeth
between the young bride and her bridegroom
They have brought whores for Eleusis
Corpses are set to banquet
at behest of usura.
– Canto XLV, Ezra Pound
“…woman who has one night of casual sex, gets pregnant, and decides to get an abortion. She’s spitefully adorable.” *boldface mine.
Jews love their spite (not Sprite!), don’t they? I’ve noticed in articles written by Jews (Forward, Haaretz, etc.), and even in their comedy (off the top of my head, a particular Seinfeld episode where Jerry returns a shirt, tells the clerk, when asked “Why are you returning this, sir?”, “For spite.”). Just do a word search sometimes in Jewish sites for the word spite (or spiteful, spitefully)…