ed note–The fact that Judea, Inc was/is willing to risk all the probable blowback amongst Trump’s supporters by choosing Michael COHEN as the designated Judas Iscariot says a lot about the kind of machinations at work here. They want it known by Trump, Inc–as well as any other political leaders who might have similar aspirations–that it was/is the Jews who are out to destroy him and that they are even willing to risk the liability of putting a Jew out there FRONT AND CENTER as the turncoat, risking in the process what is sure to be a rekindling of all the time-proven charges of treachery and untrustworthyness on the part of Yahweh’s chosenites.
Nor should we underplay the obvious reference of Cohen as ‘Judas’ in the piece, something that normally riles up Jewry like no other, as well as the reference to the assassination of Julius Caesar with the lines ‘Et, Tu, Cohen?’, lifted right from Shakespeare’s famous play and the kinds of deep state/deep level conspiracy and intrigue that is at work in all of this.
Just treat all Jews the way they treat non-Jews. They would become an extinct tumor.
I’m sure Mossad agents have Cohen back. They probably told him that he and his family will get an all expense paid relocation to Tel Aviv, once this all is over with
I think this ultimately won’t amount to a hill of beans. In fact, if Cohen had been smart, he’d have shut his mouth and not cooperated at all. Falling on his sword would’ve been the manly thing to do (since we can safely assume, as a lawyer, he can’t be naive to how things work in the world) but these people are not manly. They’re weasels.