ed note–readers of this website will recall that back when Trump first issued his ‘Jew-rusalem’ declaration which then resulted in everyone, his brother, sister, cousin, manicurist, gardener, milkman and everyone else in between each losing his/her mind over the entire ordeal that it was a handful of outlets–this one included–who cautioned not to get too ‘caught up’ in the moment and to wait and see what happened next.
Furthermore, as we explained, utilizing nothing less than Israeli news sources closely tied to/aligned with Israel’s Likud, that despite the favorable noises which Netanyahu & co made about Trump’s declaration that in fact, this was something which Netanyahu did not want at that time due to the fact that the ‘status’ of Jew-rusalem has been the grenade which Israel has utilized time and again in scuttling any and all forward movement towards some resolution of the situation with the Palestinians, a fact recently validated by Moshe Feiglin himself in an interview he conducted here.
Someone watching all the political drama that has taken place, from Jew-rusaem to JCPOA to ‘right of return’ to UNRWA without all the blindness-inducing blood in their eyes could see this coming from a mile away, the fact that all of these preparatory moves in ‘buying’ the good will of Israeli Jews was done in the interests of ‘setting the table’ for the grand feast–Trump’s ‘ultimate’ peace deal.
A few takeaway quotes from this Israeli insider to consider–
‘According to Trump, Israel was dealt a better hand when he moved the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem this past May, and therefore will have to compensate the Palestinians within the framework of this long-gestating deal.’
as well as —
‘If the Republicans lose their majority in Congress in the midterm elections next month Trump will be far more constrained on domestic issues and will therefore shift his game to the international arena. He thinks he is capable of resolving the long-festering conflict with the Palestinians and he believes in himself and the team he set up to advance this move.’
As well as–
‘The expression on Netanyahu’s face as he heard Trump speaking at their joint New York news conference Sept. 26 about favoring a two-state solution was reminiscent of the frozen expression on his face that the cameras caught when Obama spoke in a similar vein at the time. There is no way on earth that Trump’s remark about two states was coordinated in advance with Netanyahu.’
As well as–
‘The closeness between the two leaders on the Iranian issue is strategic in nature. On the Palestinian one, it is tactical, and it rests on very thin ice, and the minute there is any evidence or talk of significant movement on this front, the ice will crack. Two sides of the American-Israeli-Palestinian triangle are seeking a change in the status quo, while one (Netanyahu) strenuously objects and will try to postpone the decisive moment and the unveiling of the Trump plan because he cannot agree to any blueprint involving the division of the land between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River into two states. If the administration succeeds in bringing the Palestinians on board, Netanyahu will be the one who finds himself thrust into a corner by the two other sides of the triangle.’
Translation–Nutty Netty is about to start blowing things up in order to prevent Trump moving forward on this endeavor.
But, by all means, all the exspurts out there blinded by the blood in their eyes and feeling light-headed after letting themselves get ‘caught up’ in the moment, pay absolutely no mind whatsoever to glaringly important pieces such as this, written by no less an authority than a former Minister of Knesset who therefore is obviously someone hyper-trained and hyper-focused on events such as this for their impact on Israel and her long-term agenda in the Middle East and beyond.
Furthermore, make sure to completely disregard and disconnect the significance of all the political drama taking place in the US on a minute by minute basis featuring the Deep State, charges of ‘Russian Meddling’ in the 2016 elections, the Mueller probe, Stormy Daniels, Kavanaugh and everything else that is directly tied to Trump’s peace deal which Israel is determined 666% to making sure never sees the light of day.
How will the Israel-worshiping, EVILvangelicals handle this???
ed note–that is an excellent point TFI, and one which I have not yet completely decoded.
The only way I see it for Trump to ‘sell’ this to them is to promise that America will be there as the military force dividing the two sides from each other and therefore ‘protecting’ the apple of GAAAAWD’S eye, Israel. Otherwise, I can’t see it any other way other than Trump has a dilly of a pickle to deal with on this issue.
IF, and I repeat, IF President Trump actually gets Nuttyahoo to agree to a two-state solution, American service people would have to be the guarantors of ‘the peace’ as it was 2,000 years ago. To my mind, that isn’t a good outcome and I don’t think it is one that would be at all permanent because the Yewes have much, too much control of all aspects of society, beginning with the issuance of money.
However, I do NOT think the Yewes will agree to this plan. They will “pull a fast one” to avoid it. THEN we’ll see how committed Pres. Trump is to actually making this deal a reality.
Will Pres. Trump, and whatever white hats are with him, REVEAL the madness and duplicity of the synagogue of Satan or will it be covered over and thrust down the memory hole like NUMEC in Apollo, Pennsylvania, the assassination of JFK, the attack on the USS LIBERTY and the slaughters on September 11, 2001 and the post 9-11 slaughters for the Yewes?
OR, will Pres. Trump have another ace up his sleeve, even after a “terror” attack to twist the arm of the Yewes without outting them to the rest of the world?
OR, will the Yewes be successful in ousting Trump from the presidency, in which case the Council on Foreign Relations and the Royal Institute for International Affairs and The City can breathe a sigh of relief and continue distributing soma to the world populations?