ed note–a few reminders here concerning the persons making these comments and from just what kind of cloth they are cut.

As concerned earthlings paying close attention to those heady political earthquakes taking place these days will recall, Colin Powell was an integral gear making up the machinery of the JNWO in furthering the millenia-old agenda that is now coming into focus more and more everyday. As Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, he oversaw the initial destruction of Iraq per Israel’s orders under George H. W. Bush, and then a decade later, acted as THE firing pin on the gun that sentenced Iraq to the final assassin’s bullet to the head where as Sec of State he gave false testimony to the UN concerning Iraq’s non-existent nuclear weapons program and why for the sake of world safety it was necessary to go in and finish that process of deliberate destruction of the Middle East begun by GHWB at the very same time not-so-coincidentally Jews around the world were celebrating Purim.

His counterpart, Madeline Albright, played an almost mirrored-image role and is now infamous for publicly justifying the deaths of 500,000 innocent Iraqi children as part and parcel of that deliberate genocide inflicted against them by the American Golem who was for all intents and purposes the plaything of Judea, Inc in acting as the Maccabean hammer against the Ishmaelites of the Middle East.

And along comes one Donald J. Trump, who has made clear his intention (s) not only to steer clear of any new wars for Jewry’s sake, but as well, has signaled his intention to begin at least the rudimentary process of coming to some sort of workable resolution to the Palestinian catastrophe that has acted as the ignition point for all the unrest in the Middle East and elsewhere.

Note that neither of these two had anything similar to say about Trump’s predecessors who for all intents and purposes recited (almost) exactly word-for-word the scripts written for them by the various Spielbergs and Weinsteins who got them their ‘starring roles’ within that big action adventure drama known as the political process in America.

For those still a lil’ slow in the political math department who just don’t seem to ‘get it’ vis a vis what Powell and Albright are up to here, allow us to spell it out for you…

Trump has–in various ways and on various fronts–not only began putting the brakes on that hateful piece of machinery known as American military adventurism in the Middle East and elsewhere, but as well, is attempting to put said machinery into reverse and back away from the abyss while (he imagines) there is still time.

The powers-that-be responsible for pouring the mobs of long haired, tattooed, vulgar, violent types covered head to toe with so many body piercings that they appear to have been dragged through a fishing tackle box understand that there is only so much of this that middle-of-the-road Americans can take before they swing in directions antithetical to the intended outcome and therefore have to bring out the ‘respectable’ voices–a black former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs/Secretary of State and a white Jewish woman, also a former Secretary of State–to ‘balance’ things out.


The emergence of social media and the rhetoric of President Donald Trump have upended the old world order in dangerous ways, two former secretaries of state told Fareed Zakaria in an interview that aired Sunday.

Madeleine Albright, who served under President Bill Clinton, and Colin Powell, who served under President George W. Bush, both expressed concern on CNN’s “Fareed Zakaria GPS” about disturbing disruptions in the international order.

“I do think we are in a very different era,” Albright said, “where, in fact, voices have been disaggregated so that people are getting their information through their social media. They see things from the perspective of what they already agree with.”

She added: “People want to know what their identities are. So, all of a sudden, there’s — we’re going to have great pride in identity, but if my identity hates your identity, then it’s not patriotism, it’s hypernationalism and it’s very dangerous.”

Powell seconded her concerns.

“We used to be the leader of the world that wanted to be free,” the former general said, adding: “In recent years, the pressures and the forces that Madeleine talked about has come into play. They’ve come into play. And what are we doing? We’re walking away from agreements; we’re walking away from the alliances, frankly, that we used to have.”

Powell put some of the blame on President Donald Trump’s behavior on the international stage.

“President goes to Europe to a NATO meeting, but he starts out by insulting some of the other participants, our allies,” Powell said. “And so, America has to take a hard look at itself, and especially the Congress. Take a hard look at yourself, and see what we are doing to try to keep these forces in check and put America back in the middle of all this.”

Powell also told Zakaria he doubted Trump could be “a moral leader” for the world.

“I hope the president can come to the realization that he should really stop insulting people,” Powell said, adding, “We somehow have got to get back on track.”

Discussing Trump’s presidency and what she said was “a tumultuous time where there is just hatred,“ Albright added: “I really am appalled.”

4 thoughts on “Powell and Albright say world is changing in disturbing ways after Trump”
  1. “And along comes one Donald J. Trump, who has made clear his intention (s) not only to steer clear of any new wars for Jewry’s sake, but as well, has signaled his intention to begin at least the rudimentary process of coming to some sort of workable resolution to the Palestinian catastrophe that has acted as the ignition point for all the unrest in the Middle East and elsewhere.”
    So a question needs asking…..
    When will the pro-war, corporate media start to play concern-troll and say that Trump is not taking the so called “war on terror” seriously?
    ed note–actually TfI, they are way ahead of you on this one.
    Instead, what they are doing/have been doing is stoking WAR FEARS, saying that Trump is a cornered animal and as such is likely to start a war in order to achieve the same scenario as featured in the movie ‘wag the dog’. I have seen it myself many times, and coming–from all people–some of the very NeoCons who were/are responsible for the entire war on terror’ apocalypse taking place at this very moment.
    The lesson in this one is obvious–never underestimate the Jooz’ ability to shape shift.

  2. Huh? So Colin Powell and (((Madeline Albright))) have the nerve to “moralize” about Trump after they were directly involved in the mass murder of millions of Iraqi civilians?
    Powell blatantly lied at the U.N. in front of the entire world about Iraq’s NON-EXISTENT WMD’s and Albright said it was “worth it” to kill 500,000 Iraqi children. Geez, these people should be in the dock at the ICC and then hung by the neck until dead in front of the entire world. Disgusting.
    Excuse me while I go to the bathroom and throw up.

  3. She added: “People want to know what their identities are. So, all of a sudden, there’s — we’re going to have great pride in identity, but if my identity hates your identity, then it’s not patriotism, it’s hypernationalism and it’s very dangerous.”
    Well Mzzz Albright, since YOUR Yewish identity hates ALL other identities, then yeah, I’d say you’re correct…it’s NOT patriotism on YOUR part but it sure as hell is racial supremacist political ideology masquerading as a religion of ‘god’ that wants nothing short of the Yewish ‘utopia’ on earth, meaning the destruction of all religions and philosophies that might stand up against the hive mind of the Yews.
    And what Albright is “appalled” about is the fact that the long-range plans of the Yews have to deal with a bump in the road (again) because these damned goy simply won’t lick the boots of the Yews upon command.
    As for Powell, he’s just a tool who obviously got stooped over long ago and hasn’t been able to stand up straight for decades.

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