END OF THE AMERICAN DREAM – After reading the information contained in this article, you will probably find yourself questioning if America is going to be able to survive for much longer, because our young people are a complete and total mess. Yes, all generations of Americans have had their problems, but this generation appears to be particularly screwed up. Obesity rates are at all-time highs, a third of all American teens have not read a single book within the past year, and the average high school senior spends six hours a day on the Internet. On top of all that, we are seeing unprecedented levels of suicide, drug overdoses and liver disease (due to heavy drinking) among our young people. Like other empires throughout world history, will we be undone by our own excesses? CONTINUE READING

5 thoughts on “Overweight, unhealthy, suicidal and addicted: America's youth are a total mess”
  1. Flush the “isn’t-real” scam back down into the sewers of Hell where it festered-up from and all life will improve overnight.. We need zios like we need a new deadly communicable disease..

  2. Well, having read the article, it occurs that it could be suggested that if young people were encouraged to learn how to cook and to bake using raw ingredients rather than buy fast food, they’d be far less likely to drink to excess and then commit suicide from the depressive effects on sobering up.

  3. If one digs deep enough you will find the self destructive behaviors of the youth of Americans and Europeans can be tied to psychological warfare designed and implemented directly and indirectly by the tribe. The “Hate Whitey Campaign” is in full swing and few see it but they are attacking teenagers from every angle. Starting out now on white second graders. Making these kids feel like losers and guilt ridden for being white. I saw a post where a Hispanic girl was bragging on how she was so proud of her boy friend who sold drugs to white kids who were lining up to destroy themselves. Kids do drugs to excape reality, mostly from artificial guilt causing self destruction, and other psychological issues manifested by Jewish psychoanalysts, probably Communist, demanding white kids be shamed and guilt ridden for behaviors that Jews are actually guilty of. Jews blame all slavery on whites when in fact Jews brought slaves to the news lands on their slave ships, including white slaves. Now this campaign is destroying the family unit which will lead to the destruction of the US. Jewish Communist will simply take over when the smoke clears. Hell they already own the Congress.

  4. It’s exactly as you say, Stophypocrisy, and when the Jewish Communist do take over they will try and do what they did in Russia, kill 66M Christians, according to Solzhenitsyn, for to have been Christian was deemed anti Semitic, and as you likely know, the very first law they passed in July 1918 made anti Semitism punishable by death.

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