ed note–posted as a lil’ reminder as to why Trump must pay a certain amount of lip service to creatures such as Adelson and not just as a result of him being ‘owned’ by Judea, Inc.
Keep in mind as well that Adelson figures in several high-level federal criminal investigations regarding charges of his having violated the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act by bribing government officials in Macau in expanding his gambling empire there which obviously goes a long way towards explaining why he has been so ‘generous’ with his money when the rest of his Judaic contemporaries are moving heaven and hell to see Trump removed.
Is it the Jew Adelsons’ money or just the Jew Adelsons’ front?… Remember, J.P. Morgan was a Jew Rothschild banksters’ front more than anything else.
just hedging bets, is all … what’s $25m on these astronomic scales but a frozen chunk of ice floating in the outer space.
See the 666 building! Just kidding.