Tova Ringer, who lost her entire family in Auschwitz, wins annual pageant in Haifa dedicated to survivors of Nazi genocide
ed note–leave it to ‘them’ to come up with something as tasteless and crass as something like this. The only thing missing would have been Sarah Silverman doing a warm-up act where she talks about wanting to eat an aborted fetus or the Schlep Sisters doing one of their burlesque numbers.
just proves once more the obvious truth:
all jews are geniuses, all jewesses are beautiful
(part of the kol nidre opening aria, sung by neil diamond)
“Israel gained independence in the wake of the Holocaust, serving as a refuge for hundreds of thousands of Jews who survived the Nazi genocide. Today, fewer than 200,000 aging Holocaust survivors live in Israel.”
IsRaEl extorted her “independence” (which costs U.S. citizens a bare minimum of 3 Billion USD per year — how “independent” is that? Am I right?)
As for the “fewer than 200,000 aging Hollercost survivors” who live in IsRaEl today, that’s approximately the number that true historians have said may have died during WWII. The tens of millions of non-Yews who ACTUALLY DID perish due to the machinations of “The City of London” and the B’nai B’rith-ish “Crown” FAR exceeds the deaths of the Yews.
Hitler wanted to transfer the Yews out of Germany to—anywhere at all—and many did leave and go to the mid-east, taking their shekels and gold with them.
Another type of happy (temporary) transfer–and many returned to find their homes untouched…go figure.
HOW do zios do it? Same way they ALWAYS have ~ They LIE.. and they LIE BIG TIME; They always have, and always will, it’s their chosen GIFT from the Devil Himself… (Actually, truth be told, Tova’s dad was just another zio pedophile so she SOLICITED and LOVED the sexual attention ever since birth)..
Why is the Holocaust only about Jews?
St. Longinus- The Holocaust was just a device for the Zionists to make their case for a Jewish state. The Zionists allowed poor, swarthy Eastern European Jews to be slaughtered for the bloody effects.
Once they had the goyim tricked and guilt-tripped, they expanded the land to anyone who said they were Jewish or had lots of gelt.