Agreement sealed in Tehran last month provides for Iran to export crude oil to Russia, where it will be refined and sold worldwide, Foreign Ministry document reportedly specifies
Intelligent & thought-provoking 'anti-Semitism' for thinking [email protected]
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let me irritate you all by repeating what i’ve been saying since trump inauguration, jan 17:
he is picking his shots, ostensibly on behalf of JEW, so cartoonishly badly, that the true collusion with anti-JEW alliance (russia, china, etc.) is obvious and moreover, that the road to american freedom is through the ruins of (((american))) empire, founded on petrodollar usury and military supremacy – both just about destroyed by now.
We need slithering zios on this Earth like we need a new deadly communicable disease.. Join the Human Race or be flushed back down where you festered out from.. DNA has proven the jewish joke is a SCAM . . (as if anybody ever took their money grabbing scam seriously anyway).. As history has proven, “No lie can live forever”..