ed note–WHAAAAT? The US economy collapse under Trump’s watch? An economy DOMINATED by organized Jewish interests, whom we are told on a daily basis LOOOOOOVE Trump for the various gestures he has made in favor of Israel?

Well, the only possible explanation for this is that control of Wall Street, the Stock Market, the Federal Reserve and all other avenues of financial liquidity have obvious fallen out of the hands of organized Jewish interests and have now fallen into the hands of DEM MOOZLUMS, who indeed do have an ax to grind when it comes to DJT, POTUS.

In all seriousness folks, two things to keep in mind about all of this–

1. Indeed, it is prima facie evidence that a genu-wine, knock-down, drag-out war IS taking place between Judea, Inc and Trump, Inc over various issues and divergences, but most likely the ‘big enchilada’ being his ‘ultimate peace deal’ between Israel and the Palestinians, paired with his refusal to commit the US to any new wars for Israel’s benefit, 


2. That this story (and especially when paring it up alongside Trump’s recent statement concerning the Federal Reserve being the ‘biggest danger’ to his administration) should be recognized for what it is–a threat to Trump that if he does not cease and desist in what he is doing and in what he plans to do that the entire economic house of cards is going to come tumbling down–not by accident, coincidence or happenstance, but rather in the same manner and for the same reasons as did the Twin Towers on the morning of 9/11–per Israel’s demands and per Israel’s machinations.


Financial experts noted several ominous economic indicators, including skyrocketing student loans and U.S. household debts, that could predict a crash “worse than the Great Depression,” according to a report in the New York Post.

Goldman Sachs predicted that this year’s U.S. fiscal outlook would be “not good,” and that U.S. household debt had been increasing since the 2008 housing crisis led to American taxpayers bailing out the big banks.

In 2018, experts said, a $247 trillion global debt will be the greatest cause of the next cataclysmic financial crash. Additionally, low wages and the U.S. national debt’s steady rise are expected to drag down the economy.

Economists downplayed recent positive indicators such as low unemployment and soaring business confidence, reiterating they wouldn’t last through Trump’s first term.

Economists downplayed recent positive indicators such as low unemployment and soaring business confidence, reiterating they wouldn’t last through Trump’s first term. At least one expert predicted that recent slides in housing and auto sales were the first step toward a U.S. recession.

Murray Gunn, chief of global research at Elliott Wave International, told the Post, “We think the major economies are on the cusp of turning into the worst recessions we have seen in 10 years. Should the [U.S.] economy start to shrink, and our analysis suggests that it will, the high nominal levels of debt will instantly become a very big issue.”

Experts cautioned that several economic markers had gotten much worse over the past decade, especially in regard to borrowed money. The U.S. household debt of $13.3 trillion is now far worse than it was during its 2008 peak, due primarily to mortgage lending.

Outstanding student loan debts have simultaneously increased from $611 billion of unpaid debt in 2008 to more than $1.5 trillion today. Automobile loans have far exceeded their 2008 peaks, sitting at about $1.25 trillion today, and unpaid credit card balances are just as high as the years leading up to the Great Recession.

Central bankers have also more than doubled global debt as they flooded national economies with cheap and easy money. In 2008, global debt sat at $177 trillion, in comparison to $247 trillion today.

“We won’t be able to call it a recession, it’s going to be worse than the Great Depression,” economic commentator Peter Schiff told the Post. “The U.S. economy is in so much worse shape than it was a decade ago.”

A widespread drop in spending and income means that default rates will likely worsen in coming years. Schiff also blamed the U.S. Federal Reserve and other central banks in part for the impending crisis.

“I think we are going to have a dollar crisis—you think the Turkish lira looks bad now, wait till you see when the dollar is imploding and we have a sovereign debt crisis in the U.S.,” Schiff told the Post. “The U.S. government is going to be given a choice between defaulting on the debt, or else massive runaway inflation.”

2 thoughts on “Experts warn of financial crash before end of Trump's first term”
  1. F…g j…s. It’s time for P. Trump to return to the green backs and f… off the jewish fed. Americans and the world (palestinians included) deserve to be saved.

  2. I’m waiting for the inevitable fireworks. I wonder if the orders have been given as to what type of fireworks it will be? Will Trump be able to stave it off?

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