“It doesn’t make me any less British, but it does allow me to reclaim a bit of my history,” Neuberger, whose mother was a refugee from Germany. “It also declares a belief in Europe, an admiration for how Germany has dealt with its Nazi past, and a real belief that [German Chancellor Angela] Merkel’s welcome of migrants was both right and brave.”
I am sure they will be careful not to come under the influence of their own anti-white genocidal cross-breeding program with the blacks, but that has always been a major strength of the Jews, to remain strictly tribal and sterilize Israeli Jewish blacks or kill them by other means in Israel, and now to simply throw all black refugees out of Israel. See ‘100,000 Radiations’ by Barry Chamish.
This is what Israeli Jews do to blacks and how they openly stated that the black Sephardic Jews were subhumans before they subjected them to often lethal doses of radiation, that killed 6,000 of the 100,000 sadistically irradiated young children in just the first few months after the mass irradiation, that was ONLY given to black mixed race Sephardic Jews, who were taken away by bus, whilst their Ashkenazi paler-skinned Jewish classmates were not taken away, and not made to undergo the same genocidal dysgenic procedure.
“The applications, which increased following the 2016 referendum in the United Kingdom to leave the European Union, use a German legal provision that aims to make amends for Nazi-era persecutions, known as article 116-2.”
Because, as we all know quite well, the goyim accept all types of “legal” means which sane people would never accept. And we also know, quite well, the goyim will never “make amends” to the satisfaction of the Yews. I constantly find it amazing how they so easily move about, as do locust, and always arrive with the means to live well, wherever they go.