THE PATIENT, A man in his early 20s, was clearly distressed, anxious. There were insects, he said, insects crawling around under his skin.
The graduate student doing the initial assessment was immediately concerned and went straight to her advisor, Dr. Brian Sharpless, a clinical psychologist and professor at Argosy University in Virginia. The patient sounded psychotic — possibly schizophrenic, she said, and she wanted to know what to do.
“Is he by any chance Nigerian?” Sharpless asked. “Yes!” she replied. “How did you know?”
“He’s not psychotic — that’s Ode Ori,” Sharpless responded. “He’s having a panic attack.”
Ode Ori is, in Nigerian Yoruba culture, the manifestation of acute distress. It’s a crawling sensation in the head and under the skin, noises in the ears, heart palpitations, both an expression of and accompaniment to anxiety. And anxiety calls for a very different treatment protocol than schizophrenia. It was lucky, then, that Sharpless had just recently learned about Ode Ori.
“If the diagnostician wasn’t being careful, they could have diagnosed him with a psychotic disorder. Because in the West, having that sensation would be more associated with schizophrenia,” said Sharpless, the author of a 2017 book on rare psychological disorders. “But frankly, a few months before that, I wouldn’t have known that.”
Culture shapes who we are, so it follows that it would also shape our manifestations of stress, mental disorder, emotion. Yet, that also implies a kind of messiness that modern psychology and psychiatry, particularly the American kind, have spent the last 100 years struggling to tidy up.
Since their founding, psychology and psychiatry have strove to standardize the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders — to bring some certainty to what can feel like a very uncertain field.
But increasingly, clinicians are recognizing the downside of those strictures. Delivering the best care for patients will require something broader and more adaptable — mental health care models that can accommodate hundreds of individual cultures. And because no individual patient experiences a culture the same way, those models will ultimately have to do something even more radical: create the sort of super-personalized mental health care that the profession has aspired to — or, perhaps, should have aspired to — all along.
THERE HAS BEEN at least some recognition, from virtually the start of the field, that other cultures — other peoples — experience the world differently. In the late 1800s and early 1900s, explorers described afflictions that psychologists would soon label “culture-bound psychoses” or “culture-bound syndromes” — mental health disorders that seemed to beset only the people in a specific culture.
In 1894, Arctic explorer Josephine Peary described pibloktoq, an “Arctic hysteria” suffered by the Inuit women she and her husband employed on their expeditions. After a brief period of sullen reticence, the women would begin screaming and yelling insensibly, tear their clothes off, and rush out into the freezing dark. Spells could last hours, until the sufferers collapsed and fell into a deep sleep; when they woke, they’d have little recollection of what they’d done, and would recover quickly.
Through the 20th century, psychologists and psychiatrists investigating pibloktoq came to various conclusions, some deeply rooted in racism and colonialism: That the women and, as they began to study it more intensely, the men who also experienced it, were mentally inferior, or that they were part of a culture that raised children as “savages.” This was a distinct mental illness that, for those reasons, did not affect Westerners (except when it did — there had been reports of European sailors hemmed in by ice exhibiting similar rages).
Later, researchers would hypothesize that the disorder didn’t exist prior to contact with Americans and Europeans — seeing it as a kind of psycho-social manifestation of cultural fears, stresses, and anxieties resulting from that clash. Still others suggested that it was an excess of vitamin A driving people raving into the snow, or a lack of calcium. Now, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, the mental health professionals’ Bible, says that pibloktoq is a dissociative trance disorder with a distinctive cultural expression, an involuntary state of disassociation that is found in several cultures around the world, different but sharing a similar mode.
It’s part of the manual’s move away from a “simple list of culture-bound syndromes” to something called “cultural concepts of distress,” according to the American Psychiatric Association. This new wording reflects greater professional awareness of how different cultures might express distress — acknowledging, for instance, that one culture’s symptoms of depression may look very different from another’s. It also underscores efforts to stop exoticizing the expressions of emotional distress in other cultures, while at the same time asking psychologists and psychiatrists to be more fluent in the idioms of distress, whatever the language.
“I think psychology has gotten a lot better at recognizing the influence of culture, so I think that we’re far ahead of where we were even in the ’80s,” said Sharpless. “That being said, these things are very hard to measure and assess. We’re taking steps, but . . . there’s a lot we don’t understand.”
Culture and social environment can shape, even predict, common mental disorders, such as depression and anxiety. But, he said, we don’t know whether the “fundamental mechanisms” of mental health are the same across humanity and it’s the expressions of disorder that vary between cultures, or whether there are distinct, culturally mediated disorders.
These kinds of questions are complicated by who’s doing the asking. Dr. Yulia Chentsova-Dutton, a psychologist at Georgetown University studying the cultural manifestations of mental disorders, believes we don’t fully know the impact that culture may have on mental health. The vast majority of studies, she said, tend to use homogeneous groups of mostly white subjects and assume that “what we see here in the cultural environment or in Europe would apply anywhere.” The majority of studies that do include minorities or other cultures use diagnostic instruments that “assume everybody is the same.”
Even researchers who are aware of the cultural blind spots can make mistakes. Recently, she said, she went to Ghana on a research trip. She brought with her questionnaires asking respondents how they felt at various points in their day. She noticed that what would have taken American subjects a few minutes was taking the Ghanaians upwards of a half an hour. She asked why. “They say, ‘How are we supposed to know how we feel?,’” she said. “I’m just stunned.”
In Western culture, we are socially prepared to ask ourselves how we feel and give names to our emotional states from a very early age. But that is not the case everywhere, and it wasn’t in Ghana. “That ability is not a given. . . . Unless you start from scratch with expertise from the local context, unless you listen and carefully check what is happening, it’s so easy to make mistakes.” In the end, she significantly redesigned her study, with help from local researchers.
Even framing an apparent disorder as disorder could present problems: For one thing, what may look like mental illness in one culture might not in another. It might look like spirit possession or a voice from God. In a significant study published in 2015, Stanford anthropologist Tanya Luhrmann and her colleagues compared how people who met the criteria for schizophrenia in the United States, Ghana, and India considered their auditory hallucinations. The Americans largely perceived their voices as intrusions, violations of their individual mental sanctity, while Ghanaians and Indians had predominantly positive relationships with their voices — Ghanaians tended to hear the voice of God, while Indians described their voices as playful and friendly.
Researchers suggested the difference may be in how “American cultural emphasis on individual autonomy” shapes the response to auditory hallucinations as both a violation and a symptom of a disease, rather than as possibly more benign people or spirits; Ghanaians and Indians, on the other hand, were “more comfortable interpreting their voices as relationships.” Whatever the reason, they suggested, the evidence demonstrated that “everyday, socially-shaped expectations alter not only how what is heard is interpreted, but what is actually heard.” This has implications for how schizophrenia is treated, they suggested, citing evidence that schizophrenia treatments in developing nations tend to have better outcomes than in more developed nations. “More benign voices,” she says, “may contribute to more benign course and outcome.”
All of us live with the real consequences of underestimating the role of culture in mental health treatment. According to a 2017 fact sheet from the American Psychiatric Association, “Ethnic/racial minorities often bear a disproportionately high burden of disability resulting from mental disorders,” adding that, “People from racial/ethnic minority groups are less likely to receive mental health care.” Out of seven listed “barriers to mental health care,” four were related to culture: “Mental illness stigma, often greater among minority populations”; “lack of diversity among mental health care providers”; “lack of culturally competent providers”; and “language barriers.” All of these, the psychiatric association suggested, “may contribute to under-diagnosis and/or misdiagnosis of mental illness in people from racially/ethnically diverse populations.”
THERE IS AN obvious value in standardization — two different clinicians should be able to look at the same patient and come up with the same diagnosis. And there are biological mechanisms at work that cross cultures, ethnicities, and genders.
But the pursuit of the quantifiable also prompted a degree of standardization that may be overzealous. Dr. Roberto Lewis-Fernández, professor of clinical psychiatry at Columbia College of Physicians and past president of the World Association of Cultural Psychiatry, acknowledged that researchers and clinicians want to “get under the epiphenomenal elements and get to the ‘reality’ of the illness.” But this, he suggests, is problematic and obscures the fact that “no disease is standard all over the world, not even malaria or tuberculosis.” Lewis-Fernández, who led the culture and gender work group for the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual-5, continued, “Not even infectious diseases are standard, but diseases that are inherently involved in the apparatus of experience are especially prone to construction on the basis of these cultural understandings.”
Phenomenological subjectivity is the basis of human experience — what’s cold to me is not to you — and culture is an unavoidable layer on top of that variability. Trying to fit mental disorders into neat boxes leaves too little room for cultural, social, even individual wiggle. This tightness will only become more pronounced as cultures continue to meet, mingle, and morph; America now is more diverse than it has ever been and, according to the Pew Research Center, by 2065, there will be no one dominant racial or ethnic majority.
For psychiatrists and psychologists, culture and background must be a necessary part of the picture they form of a patient in assessment, diagnosis, and treatment. If not, the potential for misunderstanding is acute.
This is precisely the thinking behind initiatives like the Cultural Consultation Service at the Jewish General Hospital in Montreal, a partnership with McGill University’s Division of Social and Transcultural Psychiatry. Dr. Andrew Ryder, a cultural psychologist at Concordia University who works on the project, explained that clinicians can refer patients with unfamiliar cultural backgrounds to the service, which will then assess the patient’s situation in a thoroughly interdisciplinary fashion, with input from anthropologists, translators, and people they call “cultural brokers,” who can help explain cultural meanings and behaviors.
“We have these really fascinating meetings,” Ryder said, explaining that they then give that information back to the clinician to augment their treatment. “You’re arming the clinician with a lot of tools” — tools to not only deal with the patient in front of them, but also potential future patients from diverse backgrounds.
Though all of the researchers I spoke with agreed that psychology and psychiatry underestimate the role of culture in mental health, they all also agreed that clinicians are more and more aware of the impact that culture has on their patients and on themselves. Now, it’s a question of training. Chentsova-Dutton and Ryder, who are collaborating on a paper, said that though the American Psychiatric Association mandates cultural training for clinicians, it’s not particularly strong. “It has been for years dominated by the so-called ‘cookbook’ approach, where you get this book and it has a chapter on each group, like Jewish-Americans, this is what we know, Italian-Americans. . . it implies that everyone is the same in those groups,” said Chentsova-Dutton. “It’s more harmful than helpful. . . we cannot infer from the group to the individual.”
And perhaps the biggest blind spot we all have, not just psychologists and psychiatrists, is with people who we think are like us — just because we speak the same language, or share the same skin color, or are from the same region doesn’t mean that we share a culture.
“There’s a self-centeredness that I think is common, where you assume that everybody thinks like you do and everybody experiences the world like you do. And clearly from all we know about psychology, that is a spurious assumption,” said Sharpless. “But it’s very easy to do, because we use what we know to explain the world, we use what categories are available to us. But not everybody has the same categories.”
Since the 1990s, cultural psychologists and researchers have implemented a broader definition of what “culture” means, inspired in part by other disciplines, including anthropology. “Culture” isn’t any longer the strict ethnographic, religious, or nationalist background that we come from, but rather a subtle and complex landscape of all of those things, plus affiliations, gender, sexual orientation, age, profession, region, social class, and education — even technological immersion. Culture, explained Dr. Lewis-Fernández, is “the process by which a person makes sense of their experiences and the way that process is anchored or based in that person’s participation in particular social groups. . . anything that is in some way affecting, contributing to their understanding of the world.”
Cases like the Nigerian man suffering from Ode Ori are foreign to most Westerners, and if Sharpless hadn’t recently learned about the syndrome, then perhaps outcomes would have been different for the man. But with a broader definition of culture comes the recognition that it is subtle and it works on each of us uniquely. What is perhaps more necessary for modern psychiatrists and psychologists is not just a cultural awareness, but also an awareness that culture is everywhere, that each person has a unique context.
“The contextual approach is one that should be baked into clinical practice, not something we pull out of our pocket when we say, ‘Oh, this person is a minority or this person is an immigrant,’” said Ryder. In his classes, Ryder likes to use the phrase “informed curiosity” — “that’s the idea that you’re informed, in that you know what the different possibilities are. . . . But you have to be curious, rather than being closed and saying, ‘I read the book on Jewish-Americans, now I know what Jewish-Americans are like.’ I need to be curious about what’s going on for them.”
5 thoughts on “How culture shapes your mind — and your mental illness”
The pictures tell a thousand words. They are degenerate and racist to the core.
How immature they are… incredible to have men acting like that… disgusting!
out of the article i picked out this: “cultural brokers” at the Jewish General Hospital in Montreal.
nuff said.
hey Mr. Devil, will you be my exorcist?
…..”In Western culture, we are socially prepared to ask ourselves how we feel and give names to our emotional states from a very early age.”…..
The writer meant to write in “Judaized cultures”.
The judaizers (among them the purveyors of this pseudo-science called ‘psychology’) are the new priest class.
Absolutely brilliant article. But Gentile westerners are in for a very nasty surprise (without going too far off subject), especially in the UK, if ever they are unfortunate enough to come under the powerful grip of what are mistakenly thought of as psychology or psychiatric health ‘care’ professionals.
There is a huge and disproportionate number of ‘health professionals’ of Jewish background running these ‘professions’, accompanied by a huge number of medical ‘staff’ (heavies) working underneath them to stick the needles in under their direction whenever required. It was Sigmund Freud who is held to have stated: “The West does not suspect the poison that we are bringing”. ‘Western’ psychiatry and psychology are almost a total fraud, as they are in fact being used by a very largely Jewish-controlled medical system in what is actually, in some cases merely a weapon to erase individuality in subjugated peoples. We may remember the fake psychiatric diagnosis of ‘sluggish schizophrenia’ in Russia that was used to forcibly detain and erase the minds of political dissidents, and even those of religious groups not acceptable to the Russian state. Of course, real mental illness does exist in many people, and there can be real solutions for that, but current mainstream psychiatric ‘medicine’ is actually not really curative or helpful at all, but often merely disabling.
This may sound like a rant, but when we think about how Judaism is intended to become the ONLY religion in the entire world, then ‘psychology’ and ‘psychiatry’ will most certainly increasingly be used to pave the way for that military-enforced goal, as people will be made to ‘understand’ and accept that all their own cultures are in fact delusory and totally non-valid, so that they will not blink an eyelid when their minds and cultures are erased, and this process most definitely does require an army of psychologists and psychiatrists to prepare the ground, just as an army of Jewish bankers was required to accompany the armed forces of the the invading French Norman King, William the Conqueror in 1066 to subjugate the English under usury after the military defeat of the English at Hastings, putting them in a form of chains that they would never be able to understand or free themselves from, especially fractional reserve banking, hobbling and enslaving the English.
The bloke with the biggest stick decides what is sane and what is not sane in today’s sick society, just as the ‘sane’ governments in the West bomb to death any people they wish to rob, especially on behalf of their master, Israel, as all oil stolen by invading Iraq goes to no other people or nation except Israel. Such bloody monsters as the criminally insane mass-murderers currently occupying government office in the West truly do not give a damn about actually healing any of their goy farm animals, after all, the Gentiles are all supposed by the Jews to be demons and to have come from hell, and to be destined only to return there, so why would our Israel-supporting fanatics in government actually want to ‘heal’ any Gentile? Rather, they will ensure by the means of fake medicine they can actually harm, torture and even murder their subjects. The Jewish-named GP Harold Shipman who murdered around 270 people in the UK was merely too sloppy and aroused too much suspicion and had to be thrown to the wolves so that the government would not be seen in any way as being complicit in his actions. Hastened death by means of the ‘Liverpool Path’ is still a current practice though, even in the US that employs similar methods, and it is simply the case that some doctors get a little too enthusiastic in their application of that actually state-sanctioned program and then have to be publicly disowned by their masters to cover everything up when they go completely off the rails. Read ‘Why Is The US Honoring A Racist Rabbi’ by Alison Weir, Counterpunch, to see what Israel-firsters in our government truly support, they are inhuman monsters.
When the American National Socialist Ezra Pound was committed to an insane ‘asylum’ for what were his political and spiritual understandings in truth, the Jews in power had decided that he had to be declared mentally insane. Indeed, Jews have lobbied to have Holocaust Denial declared as a recognized mental illness, and of course, the Jews would then have the right to compel any holocaust-denier to be forcibly subjected to mental ‘treatment’ (erasure). I suppose that is a variation on the Kremlin’s demand after WWII that every nation in the entire world be made to introduce a law that ‘anti-Semitism’ would be a death penalty offence, as it already was at that time throughout Russia under Stalin. Russian President Putin even in recent times has asked every nation in the world to make it an imprisonable offence to deny the falsely-alleged Holocaust of 6 million Jews, though not every nation complied. Putin continues the program of Stalin and the Bolsheviks before him as best he can.
In the UK, if someone is sectioned under the mental health act (held compulsorily in a mental hospital), the first thing they do with everyone is offer them a plastic beaker of some liquid to drink, and then they ALL start dribbling. If you do not offer to submit to that mental suicide voluntarily, 4 very large, heavily-built male ‘nurses’, will very forcefully drop you and stick a syringe needle in your shoulder or in your buttock, whichever they can get to first, it is just the same in prison as in a mental hospital in the UK, and a black former mental hospital nurse who I was speaking to very recently told me why she had left that profession and entered more general healthcare on the physical side of things because the mental hospital where she had worked had so horrified her in how literally everyone was abused like this, she told me that everyone there had had that done to them, with no exceptions. So much of the fancy, trumped up claims by the ‘ever-caring’ mental healthcare profession that they aim to offer individualized healthcare programs. ‘Doctors’ simply have not got the time, one size fits all, they will simply have people chemically erased in a quick flash of impatient temper, that is all there is to it. The government, of course, puts out all this propaganda about the system actually caring, it does not.
We see a constant stream of news reports of supposed treatments for cancer and everything else that are constantly ‘invented’ by the medical researchers working for the Big Brother state system, though such news reports are in fact mostly feel-good state propaganda to bolster sheep-like trust in the system, with all cures promised to be released to the general public in the next three years or so, and then we never see any mention of those treatments in the media ever again, we never learn, it is all crap and lies. And just the same applies to the mental healthcare profession, they know exactly what they are doing, they are planting people, they only want workers who will turn up to work in factories etc., any’thing’ else is just crap that can be deleted as fast as possible as far as they are concerned, though some who encounter the system on a more superficial level may get away with a few small grazes, and even feel ‘better’ in some small way, unaware that their ‘treatment’ is still very likely to leave them with significant and disabling permanent changes to their mental chemistry and function, and shorten their lifespans by a great number of years if they carry on taking ‘anti-depressants’ for a number of years. Doctors who refer to you as ‘this’ or ‘that’ or ‘it’ do not genuinely have your welfare in mind, you are merely a lump of meat to be processed as far as they are concerned, and NHS doctors have used every single one of those terms to apply to me over the years personally.
The fluoride-based drugs like SSRI’s attract massive amounts of calcium and aluminium into the brain, causing dementia, brain damage, Alzheimer’s, and heavily-calcified areas throughout the entire brain, producing even stones in the brain, where once there was living brain tissue, not just in the more usually publicised pineal gland that many think is the sole area of calcification in the brain that is caused by fluoride, and when DMT production from the pineal is cut off or reduced in the brain, DMT being one of the neurotransmitters that enable psychic phenomena and multidimensional consciousness in the individual, then the normal and natural multidimensional societal interconnectivity of the human being is also reduced or severed, which is another method of destroying society, rather than healing it. The person becomes increasingly isolated psychically on conscious and subconscious levels, and can no longer properly integrate in society with a permanently modified and damaged brain.
The current system badly needs to be replaced. A spiritually scientific means of healing needs to be employed instead, accompanied by such measures as proper nutrition and even medical treatment to detect and remove harmful brain-damaging pathogens, like cytomegalovirus that western medicine does not currently test for, which was heavily implicated by Dr Hutschnecker as a causational factor in the incidence of so-called schizophrenia.
See this earlier article on this subject and my comment to that;
Well over half of all schizophrenics have this pathogen in the fluid of their spinal cords and brains, according to the psychiatrist Hutschnecker, former personal doctor to the late POTUS Nixon. He held that cytomegalovirus and its increasingly rapid spread can be seen in direct relation to the correspondingly increasing rate of schizophrenia in the American population. He stated that this increase was in direct proportional relation to the increasing numbers of Jewish immigrants and their sexual proclivities exhibited by their having sex with many other peoples, which had resulted in a demonstrable massive mushrooming spread of schizophrenia throughout America, that could not be attributed to any other cause.
What would also actually be more appropriate to heal people is a more rational and practical approach to healing mental illness, helping people to rise beyond the limiting mentality of the Abrahamic religions, that also being accompanied by giving patients better nutrition. Some protein in wheat, for example, is considered by some medical researchers to have a direct causational correlation with the incidence of schizophrenia, and lack of ‘B’ vitamin Niacin (nicotinamide), for instance, has been found to be a causational factor, as has excessive exposure to coffee. EMF fields are demonstrated to induce mental illness in people, and exposure to these should be limited in treatment and living areas, and a proper medical scan to detect for the presence of cytomegalovirus and other brain-damaging pathogens should also always be used. There are a number of other factors involved that could also be checked out where actual treatment for mental illness is genuinely intended, as it always should be.
The American TV medical series ‘House’ is merely wishful thinking, and very far from actual reality, as in truth, doctors are mostly overstressed, underpaid, overworked, with a recognized mental illness rate of 40% even among themselves, with often very outdated views and understandings, having extremely little time to research new medical discoveries or treatments, and are actually often simply confused and unable when it comes to the position of actually having to make a correct diagnosis, being prone to dishing out often very toxic ‘medication’ (that is often all they have access to, to prescribe) for any number of conditions, both mental and physical. Harley Street professionals have a 70% correct diagnostic rate, NHS state doctors (GP’s) have a 50% correct diagnostic rate, and prison doctors have a correct diagnostic rate of just 20%, sometimes being drawn from the ranks of doctors who have been previously struck off for malpractice, who now find themselves being reemployed in a position where their lack of skill will be seen by their Home Office state employers as a positive asset, as their incompetence and often sadism will be seen as highly appropriate for the prison inmates, who must then accept that grim fate as part of their overall punitive treatment in prison, as the British Home Office loves to employ very often sadistic scum like that, who have even been involved in murders of inmates and the cover-ups of those murders (yet never convicted).
It has always been the same, it always will be the same as long as the present blinkered mentality continues, it is simple brutality, the ‘patients’ are uniformly rendered semi-comatose with ‘liquid cosh’, not because of any real need, or because there is any actual medical benefit to the patient that may result from the administration of such damaging drugs, or even because of any actual violence towards the staff, but simply given to all patients to prevent them from ever being able to offer even the slightest physical protest against their often very abusive ‘treatment’.
In fact, fluoride-containing SSRI drugs increase your rate of death from all causes by 30%, with Citalopram, for instance, having been found in one study to increase the rate of death from all causes by 38% in women, and other drugs, like the anticholinergic (muscarinic) Amitryptaline etc. being found to cause dementia. These drugs are all carcinogenic as well and heavily damage the brain and body in many ways in such a manner as to cause this massive overall increased rate of mortality, which surely corresponds with a similar drop in life expectancy, accepting that incidence of certain illnesses may occur at different ages. In other words, the use of such immensely damaging drugs is actually a subtle introduction to the Liverpool Path mentality of hastening death in those who are seen as non-viable (all Gentiles as far as the Jews themselves are concerned). Of course, not all psychologists are, or have been Jewish, but one of the most famous founding fathers of modern psychology in the west was the Jewish Freud, and many are still heavily influenced by his way of thinking. His student Jung was not Jewish and although he adopted some of what Freud had taught, he was vastly more enlightened and accepted ‘paranormal’ phenomena as realities. Other psychologists, like R.D. Laing, have also made very humanitarian efforts to introduce vastly more understanding and compassion into the fields of psychology and psychiatry. but the blunt end of the stick has no time for this, and in physical reality, patients just get chemically coshed into mental oblivion as a matter of course, and if there is anything remotely able to communicate after that, they will hold that until ‘it’ confesses that they feel ‘better’ after some heavy manipulation and prompting.
Bottom line, those seen to be increasingly in charge of our system, are acutely psychotic, and lethally dangerous as a collective, as a mutually-supporting, mutually-justifying Tribe, and in that several-thousand-year-old state of collective acute psychosis of their people they have determined that under the Noahide Laws that they propose to be introduced in every nation of the world, this already having been approved to come into force by the UN, all practicing members of all non-Jewish religions throughout the entire world will all be physically executed. How about that for stark raving bonkers? Nothing wrong with that say the criminally insane western heads of government. Rather, they say let’s have more Jewish Holocaust memorials and more laws to prevent any criticism of the Jews, just to ensure that whilst everyone thinks the Jews are the real victims, the Jews can get all the funding to set up the physical apparatus that will be used to genocide most of us, and enslave the few remaining alive after that process.
This is what our armed forces, police forces and intelligence services should be dealing with right now, to combat REAL terrorism, after having been legally and lawfully directed to do so by actually sane governments, by GENTILE governments elected by Gentile peoples that are no longer dominated by 80% MP members of ‘Friends of Israel’ for instance, without any Jewish-controlled MSM swinging their voting decisions any longer, and those armed forces, police forces and intelligence services should all be carefully and forcefully driving these genocidally-intentioned Jewish psychotics right out of our countries, because if they don’t, the Jews will most definitely actually implement exactly what they intend to, the physical extermination of most of us, with the literal physical enslavement of the small proportion of survivors to follow that, just as their Noahide Laws and corresponding scriptural edicts state. The Jewish beta test went just fine after the 1917 Jewish Bolshevik terrorist takeover of Russia, followed by the liquidation of tens of millions of Christians there. We are all next to be slaughtered by one means or another if we don’t all stand up and demand that our governments recognize this very real grave threat and act against it.
The pictures tell a thousand words. They are degenerate and racist to the core.
How immature they are… incredible to have men acting like that… disgusting!
out of the article i picked out this:
“cultural brokers” at the Jewish General Hospital in Montreal.
nuff said.
hey Mr. Devil, will you be my exorcist?
…..”In Western culture, we are socially prepared to ask ourselves how we feel and give names to our emotional states from a very early age.”…..
The writer meant to write in “Judaized cultures”.
The judaizers (among them the purveyors of this pseudo-science called ‘psychology’) are the new priest class.
Absolutely brilliant article. But Gentile westerners are in for a very nasty surprise (without going too far off subject), especially in the UK, if ever they are unfortunate enough to come under the powerful grip of what are mistakenly thought of as psychology or psychiatric health ‘care’ professionals.
There is a huge and disproportionate number of ‘health professionals’ of Jewish background running these ‘professions’, accompanied by a huge number of medical ‘staff’ (heavies) working underneath them to stick the needles in under their direction whenever required. It was Sigmund Freud who is held to have stated: “The West does not suspect the poison that we are bringing”. ‘Western’ psychiatry and psychology are almost a total fraud, as they are in fact being used by a very largely Jewish-controlled medical system in what is actually, in some cases merely a weapon to erase individuality in subjugated peoples. We may remember the fake psychiatric diagnosis of ‘sluggish schizophrenia’ in Russia that was used to forcibly detain and erase the minds of political dissidents, and even those of religious groups not acceptable to the Russian state. Of course, real mental illness does exist in many people, and there can be real solutions for that, but current mainstream psychiatric ‘medicine’ is actually not really curative or helpful at all, but often merely disabling.
This may sound like a rant, but when we think about how Judaism is intended to become the ONLY religion in the entire world, then ‘psychology’ and ‘psychiatry’ will most certainly increasingly be used to pave the way for that military-enforced goal, as people will be made to ‘understand’ and accept that all their own cultures are in fact delusory and totally non-valid, so that they will not blink an eyelid when their minds and cultures are erased, and this process most definitely does require an army of psychologists and psychiatrists to prepare the ground, just as an army of Jewish bankers was required to accompany the armed forces of the the invading French Norman King, William the Conqueror in 1066 to subjugate the English under usury after the military defeat of the English at Hastings, putting them in a form of chains that they would never be able to understand or free themselves from, especially fractional reserve banking, hobbling and enslaving the English.
The bloke with the biggest stick decides what is sane and what is not sane in today’s sick society, just as the ‘sane’ governments in the West bomb to death any people they wish to rob, especially on behalf of their master, Israel, as all oil stolen by invading Iraq goes to no other people or nation except Israel. Such bloody monsters as the criminally insane mass-murderers currently occupying government office in the West truly do not give a damn about actually healing any of their goy farm animals, after all, the Gentiles are all supposed by the Jews to be demons and to have come from hell, and to be destined only to return there, so why would our Israel-supporting fanatics in government actually want to ‘heal’ any Gentile? Rather, they will ensure by the means of fake medicine they can actually harm, torture and even murder their subjects. The Jewish-named GP Harold Shipman who murdered around 270 people in the UK was merely too sloppy and aroused too much suspicion and had to be thrown to the wolves so that the government would not be seen in any way as being complicit in his actions. Hastened death by means of the ‘Liverpool Path’ is still a current practice though, even in the US that employs similar methods, and it is simply the case that some doctors get a little too enthusiastic in their application of that actually state-sanctioned program and then have to be publicly disowned by their masters to cover everything up when they go completely off the rails. Read ‘Why Is The US Honoring A Racist Rabbi’ by Alison Weir, Counterpunch, to see what Israel-firsters in our government truly support, they are inhuman monsters.
When the American National Socialist Ezra Pound was committed to an insane ‘asylum’ for what were his political and spiritual understandings in truth, the Jews in power had decided that he had to be declared mentally insane. Indeed, Jews have lobbied to have Holocaust Denial declared as a recognized mental illness, and of course, the Jews would then have the right to compel any holocaust-denier to be forcibly subjected to mental ‘treatment’ (erasure). I suppose that is a variation on the Kremlin’s demand after WWII that every nation in the entire world be made to introduce a law that ‘anti-Semitism’ would be a death penalty offence, as it already was at that time throughout Russia under Stalin. Russian President Putin even in recent times has asked every nation in the world to make it an imprisonable offence to deny the falsely-alleged Holocaust of 6 million Jews, though not every nation complied. Putin continues the program of Stalin and the Bolsheviks before him as best he can.
In the UK, if someone is sectioned under the mental health act (held compulsorily in a mental hospital), the first thing they do with everyone is offer them a plastic beaker of some liquid to drink, and then they ALL start dribbling. If you do not offer to submit to that mental suicide voluntarily, 4 very large, heavily-built male ‘nurses’, will very forcefully drop you and stick a syringe needle in your shoulder or in your buttock, whichever they can get to first, it is just the same in prison as in a mental hospital in the UK, and a black former mental hospital nurse who I was speaking to very recently told me why she had left that profession and entered more general healthcare on the physical side of things because the mental hospital where she had worked had so horrified her in how literally everyone was abused like this, she told me that everyone there had had that done to them, with no exceptions. So much of the fancy, trumped up claims by the ‘ever-caring’ mental healthcare profession that they aim to offer individualized healthcare programs. ‘Doctors’ simply have not got the time, one size fits all, they will simply have people chemically erased in a quick flash of impatient temper, that is all there is to it. The government, of course, puts out all this propaganda about the system actually caring, it does not.
We see a constant stream of news reports of supposed treatments for cancer and everything else that are constantly ‘invented’ by the medical researchers working for the Big Brother state system, though such news reports are in fact mostly feel-good state propaganda to bolster sheep-like trust in the system, with all cures promised to be released to the general public in the next three years or so, and then we never see any mention of those treatments in the media ever again, we never learn, it is all crap and lies. And just the same applies to the mental healthcare profession, they know exactly what they are doing, they are planting people, they only want workers who will turn up to work in factories etc., any’thing’ else is just crap that can be deleted as fast as possible as far as they are concerned, though some who encounter the system on a more superficial level may get away with a few small grazes, and even feel ‘better’ in some small way, unaware that their ‘treatment’ is still very likely to leave them with significant and disabling permanent changes to their mental chemistry and function, and shorten their lifespans by a great number of years if they carry on taking ‘anti-depressants’ for a number of years. Doctors who refer to you as ‘this’ or ‘that’ or ‘it’ do not genuinely have your welfare in mind, you are merely a lump of meat to be processed as far as they are concerned, and NHS doctors have used every single one of those terms to apply to me over the years personally.
The fluoride-based drugs like SSRI’s attract massive amounts of calcium and aluminium into the brain, causing dementia, brain damage, Alzheimer’s, and heavily-calcified areas throughout the entire brain, producing even stones in the brain, where once there was living brain tissue, not just in the more usually publicised pineal gland that many think is the sole area of calcification in the brain that is caused by fluoride, and when DMT production from the pineal is cut off or reduced in the brain, DMT being one of the neurotransmitters that enable psychic phenomena and multidimensional consciousness in the individual, then the normal and natural multidimensional societal interconnectivity of the human being is also reduced or severed, which is another method of destroying society, rather than healing it. The person becomes increasingly isolated psychically on conscious and subconscious levels, and can no longer properly integrate in society with a permanently modified and damaged brain.
The current system badly needs to be replaced. A spiritually scientific means of healing needs to be employed instead, accompanied by such measures as proper nutrition and even medical treatment to detect and remove harmful brain-damaging pathogens, like cytomegalovirus that western medicine does not currently test for, which was heavily implicated by Dr Hutschnecker as a causational factor in the incidence of so-called schizophrenia.
See this earlier article on this subject and my comment to that;
Well over half of all schizophrenics have this pathogen in the fluid of their spinal cords and brains, according to the psychiatrist Hutschnecker, former personal doctor to the late POTUS Nixon. He held that cytomegalovirus and its increasingly rapid spread can be seen in direct relation to the correspondingly increasing rate of schizophrenia in the American population. He stated that this increase was in direct proportional relation to the increasing numbers of Jewish immigrants and their sexual proclivities exhibited by their having sex with many other peoples, which had resulted in a demonstrable massive mushrooming spread of schizophrenia throughout America, that could not be attributed to any other cause.
What would also actually be more appropriate to heal people is a more rational and practical approach to healing mental illness, helping people to rise beyond the limiting mentality of the Abrahamic religions, that also being accompanied by giving patients better nutrition. Some protein in wheat, for example, is considered by some medical researchers to have a direct causational correlation with the incidence of schizophrenia, and lack of ‘B’ vitamin Niacin (nicotinamide), for instance, has been found to be a causational factor, as has excessive exposure to coffee. EMF fields are demonstrated to induce mental illness in people, and exposure to these should be limited in treatment and living areas, and a proper medical scan to detect for the presence of cytomegalovirus and other brain-damaging pathogens should also always be used. There are a number of other factors involved that could also be checked out where actual treatment for mental illness is genuinely intended, as it always should be.
The American TV medical series ‘House’ is merely wishful thinking, and very far from actual reality, as in truth, doctors are mostly overstressed, underpaid, overworked, with a recognized mental illness rate of 40% even among themselves, with often very outdated views and understandings, having extremely little time to research new medical discoveries or treatments, and are actually often simply confused and unable when it comes to the position of actually having to make a correct diagnosis, being prone to dishing out often very toxic ‘medication’ (that is often all they have access to, to prescribe) for any number of conditions, both mental and physical. Harley Street professionals have a 70% correct diagnostic rate, NHS state doctors (GP’s) have a 50% correct diagnostic rate, and prison doctors have a correct diagnostic rate of just 20%, sometimes being drawn from the ranks of doctors who have been previously struck off for malpractice, who now find themselves being reemployed in a position where their lack of skill will be seen by their Home Office state employers as a positive asset, as their incompetence and often sadism will be seen as highly appropriate for the prison inmates, who must then accept that grim fate as part of their overall punitive treatment in prison, as the British Home Office loves to employ very often sadistic scum like that, who have even been involved in murders of inmates and the cover-ups of those murders (yet never convicted).
It has always been the same, it always will be the same as long as the present blinkered mentality continues, it is simple brutality, the ‘patients’ are uniformly rendered semi-comatose with ‘liquid cosh’, not because of any real need, or because there is any actual medical benefit to the patient that may result from the administration of such damaging drugs, or even because of any actual violence towards the staff, but simply given to all patients to prevent them from ever being able to offer even the slightest physical protest against their often very abusive ‘treatment’.
In fact, fluoride-containing SSRI drugs increase your rate of death from all causes by 30%, with Citalopram, for instance, having been found in one study to increase the rate of death from all causes by 38% in women, and other drugs, like the anticholinergic (muscarinic) Amitryptaline etc. being found to cause dementia. These drugs are all carcinogenic as well and heavily damage the brain and body in many ways in such a manner as to cause this massive overall increased rate of mortality, which surely corresponds with a similar drop in life expectancy, accepting that incidence of certain illnesses may occur at different ages. In other words, the use of such immensely damaging drugs is actually a subtle introduction to the Liverpool Path mentality of hastening death in those who are seen as non-viable (all Gentiles as far as the Jews themselves are concerned). Of course, not all psychologists are, or have been Jewish, but one of the most famous founding fathers of modern psychology in the west was the Jewish Freud, and many are still heavily influenced by his way of thinking. His student Jung was not Jewish and although he adopted some of what Freud had taught, he was vastly more enlightened and accepted ‘paranormal’ phenomena as realities. Other psychologists, like R.D. Laing, have also made very humanitarian efforts to introduce vastly more understanding and compassion into the fields of psychology and psychiatry. but the blunt end of the stick has no time for this, and in physical reality, patients just get chemically coshed into mental oblivion as a matter of course, and if there is anything remotely able to communicate after that, they will hold that until ‘it’ confesses that they feel ‘better’ after some heavy manipulation and prompting.
Bottom line, those seen to be increasingly in charge of our system, are acutely psychotic, and lethally dangerous as a collective, as a mutually-supporting, mutually-justifying Tribe, and in that several-thousand-year-old state of collective acute psychosis of their people they have determined that under the Noahide Laws that they propose to be introduced in every nation of the world, this already having been approved to come into force by the UN, all practicing members of all non-Jewish religions throughout the entire world will all be physically executed. How about that for stark raving bonkers? Nothing wrong with that say the criminally insane western heads of government. Rather, they say let’s have more Jewish Holocaust memorials and more laws to prevent any criticism of the Jews, just to ensure that whilst everyone thinks the Jews are the real victims, the Jews can get all the funding to set up the physical apparatus that will be used to genocide most of us, and enslave the few remaining alive after that process.
This is what our armed forces, police forces and intelligence services should be dealing with right now, to combat REAL terrorism, after having been legally and lawfully directed to do so by actually sane governments, by GENTILE governments elected by Gentile peoples that are no longer dominated by 80% MP members of ‘Friends of Israel’ for instance, without any Jewish-controlled MSM swinging their voting decisions any longer, and those armed forces, police forces and intelligence services should all be carefully and forcefully driving these genocidally-intentioned Jewish psychotics right out of our countries, because if they don’t, the Jews will most definitely actually implement exactly what they intend to, the physical extermination of most of us, with the literal physical enslavement of the small proportion of survivors to follow that, just as their Noahide Laws and corresponding scriptural edicts state. The Jewish beta test went just fine after the 1917 Jewish Bolshevik terrorist takeover of Russia, followed by the liquidation of tens of millions of Christians there. We are all next to be slaughtered by one means or another if we don’t all stand up and demand that our governments recognize this very real grave threat and act against it.