Even before she was sworn into office, she tweeted “Israel has hypnotized the world; may Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel.”

ed note–keep in mind that EVERY SINGLE individual of the non-Gentile persuasion engaged in what is now this obvious concerted and well-organized screeching campaign knows UNEQUIVOCALLY AND WITHOUT AN OUNCE OF AMBIGUITY that what Omar said is 666% true and accurate, AND YET, true to form and consonant with lying, deception, duplicity and all the other dark arts that attend Judaism and its modus vivendi, try to make the case that indeed AIPAC–simply known on Capital Hill as ‘the lobby’–does not control Congress in the same manner as a particular crime family controls gambling, drugs, prostitution, etc within a particular city.

The lesson to be learned in all of this is the importance of language and how control of the narrative decides/dictates what kind of policies follow. The Jews know after thousands of years of stunning success how a particular narrative–written, spoken, or otherwise–leads to concrete actions on the part of human beings as both individuals and groups. What people believe affects how people behave, and if someone such as Omar is allowed to begin a discussion dealing with the corrosive and corrupting power of a group such as AIPAC, then a discussion of this type on the part of one may–just like living cells–then divide into 2, then into 4, then into 8, so on and so on, and the next thing you know there is a resolution being sponsored in Congress for all eyes to see and ears to hear discussing the dangers that exist in a ‘democratic system’ of a singular, well-financed ‘special interest’ group that holds more sway over public policy than do the American people themselves.

What it also shows is how/why the eternal menace spends so much time and energy in sowing disinformation within the ranks of those groups who (at least ostensibly) claim to be working against Jewish/Zionist interests, and whether this disinformation takes the form of ‘Judaism isn’t Zionism’, or ‘Torah isn’t Talmud’ or ‘No one died at Sandy Hook’, what it represents are various smoke grenades that are thrown onto the battlefield of intellectual discourse with the intention of making cloudy and obscure otherwise very clear-to-see and clear-to-understand ideas that–if properly viewed and understood–would indeed result in breaking the hypnotic spell which Jewry uses in incapacitating the Gentile mind as part of the necessary process of controlling public policy.



Newcomer US congresswoman Ilhan Omar is at it again. The Somali-born Democratic representative for Minnesota has not shied away from voicing her support for the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement and expressing anti-Israel opinions.

Even before she was sworn into office – claiming falsely to be the first refugee to enter Congress – a tweet she made in 2012 received new attention and indicated her mindset: “Israel has hypnotized the world; may Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel,” she wrote.

Omar and Rashida Tlaib (D.-Michigan) are the first two Muslim women elected to Congress. Both seem set to use their position to attack Israel and promote a pro-Palestinian agenda.

This week, having been recently appointed to the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Omar decided to take her anti-Israel rhetoric up a notch and showed her true colors, spreading viscous centuries-old antisemitic tropes. This time, she attacked the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), combining two stereotypes of antisemites: Jewish power and Jewish obsession with money.

A response she wrote on Twitter triggered a typical tweeting exchange. Glenn Greenwald wrote that: “GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy threatens punishment for @IlhanMN and @RashidaTlaib over their criticisms of Israel. It’s stunning how much time US political leaders spend defending a foreign nation even if it means attacking free speech rights of Americans.”

Omar replied: “It’s all about the Benjamins baby,” apparently referring to the slang for $100 bills, which sport the image of Benjamin Franklin.

Batya Ungar-Sargon, an opinion editor for The Forward, tweeted back: “Would love to know who @IlhanMN thinks is paying American politicians to be pro-Israel, though I think I can guess. Bad form, Congresswoman. That’s the second antisemitic trope you’ve tweeted.”

Instead of issuing an apology, Omar made it clear what she thought with the single-word response: “AIPAC!”

Ungar-Sargon replied: “Please learn how to talk about Jews in a non- antisemitic way. Sincerely, American Jews.”

Chelsea Clinton responded to Ungar-Sargon, tweeting: “Co-signed as an American. We should expect all elected officials, regardless of party, and all public figures to not traffic in antisemitism.”
Omar replied, “Chelsea – I would be happy to talk. We must call out smears from the GOP and their allies. And I believe we can do that without criticizing people for their faith.”

CEO of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) Jonathan Greenblatt weighed in, saying: “Antisemitism is on the rise in the US and abroad. The use of this tired antisemitic trope about Jews and money is inappropriate and upsetting. As Americans and Jews, we expect our politicians to condemn bigotry, not fuel it.”

Antisemitism is indeed again raising its ugly head in the US, as it is elsewhere in the world. As Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations executive vice chairman Malcolm Hoenlein said last week, a hotline is being inundated with calls from American students suffering from antisemitism on their campuses. In Brooklyn, there have been at least 10 unprovoked attacks on Jews within the last two months. And nobody can – or should – forget the attack at the synagogue in Pittsburgh last year in which 11 Jews were murdered during Shabbat prayers.

The attacks are coming from Left and Right. But they are not coming in a vacuum.

When a congresswoman employs antisemitic images and rhetoric, she is encouraging – not preventing – violent incidents. She should be castigated, not only via Twitter, but in Congress itself by both Democrats and Republicans. That seemed to be the case on Tuesday when many members of Omar’s own party condemned her recent antisemitic comments.

Omar, like all American citizens, has the right to express her opinion. But as a legislator and an elected representative of the American people, she should be aware about the consequences of her statements. No one expects her to become a sudden lover of Jews and Israel, but she should not be allowed to use her position on Capitol Hill to disseminate antisemitism while pretending to represent American values. Spouting antisemitic tropes should never be seen as acceptable. Anywhere.

3 thoughts on “How They Do It– Ilhan Omar’s anti-Shemtism has consequences’”
  1. Too bad Omar isn’t the one with the Palestinian background rather than the vulgar POS that threw the F-bomb at Trump. OK Omar is Muslim, but having the Palestinian background would add some meat to her vocalizations or twattering. Tlaib, like AOC and the ever so lovely Linda Sarsour is just another lefty. Omar is most likely a lefty as well, but she seems to conduct herself with a bit of dignity even though she wound up marrying her brother.

  2. The lesson to be learned in all of this is the importance of …

    The truth. It is paramount. It’s the reason why we’re here.

    As someone very important said, it will set you free.

  3. At least RT.com had the journalistic honesty to point out the very shrill response to Omar’s comments proves her point.


    Also, why is AIPAC NOT required to register as an “agent of a foreign power” under the Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA) the way RT was? Paul Manafort was prosecuted and put in jail for merely advising the Ukranian government as a lawyer, but not being “registered” under FARA>

    Double standard anyone?

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