Resolution to block attempt to secure funding for wall sets up a fight that will test Republican support for president’s controversial move
ed note–Before we jump into the meat of the matter, please take a good, long, considerate look at the pic above featuring a very happy Netanyahu staring fondly at Pelosi.
Now, in the 40+ years since the creation of the legal provision by which the US President may declare a national emergency (and which in fact has taken place with every single administration since this provision was created) the number of times that Congress has stepped in and stopped (or attempted to stop) its use and implementation is relegated to one time–now.
The Democrats do not care about a border wall. If it were a liberal administration in power and there were an influx of devout Catholics entering the country illegally for the purposes of affecting the political demographics in the US on issues such as abortion, gay marriage and all the other perverse sacramentals that are part of the Bolshevik left, then that border wall would need to go up INMEDIATAMENTE as they say south of the border and even if it meant bankrupting the country.
What is at stake here is Trump winning this hand of political poker that will see his political winnings turn into a giant mound of political currency with which he can then raise the stakes in the next hand against other players seated at the table, and of those, the most important being Israel and the wall that Trump intends to create in the region via his ‘ultimate peace deal’, and the Jews know this to be the case which is why they are moving heaven, hell and everything in between to deny Trump winning this hand.
Could somebody please explain this part to me:
“the most important being Israel and the wall that Trump intends to create in the region via his ‘ultimate peace deal’, and the Jews know this to be the case which is why they are moving heaven, hell and everything in between to deny Trump winning this hand.”
what does a U.S. border wall have to do with Trump’s ‘ultimate peace deal’ with the Middle East?
as always, i remain teachable.
ed note–dearest Danielle,
while there is no doubt whatsoever that Trump wants this wall for very real, tangible reasons–the safety and security of the US which as Commander in Chief he is charged with protecting, as well there are other considerations as well.
1. Bolstering his political base, as this was one of the promises he made to them during the campaign, and if he fails to deliver, then his political enemies on the left will use this to try and pry his base of support away from him, thus weakening whatever support he has from his political allies in Congress, which then makes the very real outcome of Impeachment all the more possible/likely.
As it pertains to the Middle East, Trump is doing the same thing with this wall that he is trying to do with the Korean situation–2 peoples at war with each other for the same amount of time as the Jews and Arabs have been. As far as the wall, (we believe) he intends to use the victory of this ordeal to push for ‘declared borders’ in the Middle East that can ONLY be facilitated by a legally-binding peace agreement. The Jews know this is where he intends to go with this and it is for this reason that they are doing everything within their considerable power to make sure that he does not succeed in getting his wall built, not because they are against the wall per se, but rather because they know that his success on this issue will strengthen his position when he begins the ‘big push’ for his ‘Ultimate Peace Deal’.