Book Review: “Mark, Canonizer of Paul” by Tom Dykstra ...

To summarize Marcion’s thought, we quote Laurent Guyenot (see article above): “Yahweh cannot be the Father of Christ because everything opposes them. The covenants of Moses and Christ are so contrary in their terms that they must have been sealed with deities totally alien to each other.”

The idea of a ‘covenant’, a pact between an all powerful non-human entity and human beings  is so faustian and so antithetical with the idea of God/the Divine, that it should have told all Christians and Muslims about the true nature of the deity the Jews worship. One does not make a ‘deal’ with God; one loves and worships God unconditionally. On the other hand, one makes a deal or a covenant if you prefer, with the Devil.

So, if their god Yahweh is theirs alone (as they keep telling us even in THEIR Old Testament), if he is not the God of Jesus and Muhammad as THEY keep telling us to this very day, then who he is? Who is that supranatural being with whom the Jews made a pact sealed by the blood of the Prophets which they murdered? Christ (PBUH) gave us the answer: They are of their father the devil.

How much clearer can it be? How much more needs to be said before we finally reject the Torah and its satanic verses and give up the insane and arrogant claim that we, Christians and Muslims, know their Torah and understand it better than them? What would have History been like had the Church father followed Marcion and cut off all ties with the Torah? “For one thing, we can conjecture almost assuredly the state of Israel would never have been founded in 1948.” CONTINUE READING

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