ed note–as we have discussed on this website for many years, the roots of the present drive to destroy Roma Nova–America and the West–cannot be understood without understanding first the war between Rome and Judea that resulted in the destruction of the ‘Jewish State’ at that time and the fact that what we are witnessing today in the real-time destruction of the West by the organized forces of anti-Gentilism is in effect a 2,000 year old plan of revenge and vendetta on the part of yesterday’s Zealots and Siccari in making Rome ‘pay’ for her crimes.
DJT rose at the moment he did in order to put a stop to this with his ‘MAGA’ agenda, a modern-day English version of the same ‘ROMA VICTOR’ that served as the victory cry in the aftermath of all those battles where ancient Rome triumphed over her enemies.
Now as it pertains to the here-and-now–
At present, DC–the ‘New Jerusalem’ that has been the seat of organized Zionist power for half a century–is walled in, fenced in, and surrounded by 25,000 armed troops that–as of this moment and up until 12 pm Wednesday morning–are loyal to POTUS and Commander in Chief Donald J. Trump.
A map showing the strategic nature of DC being walled in by those 25,000 troops still loyal to POTUS DJT is presented below–
The ‘walls’ constructed by those troops still loyal to CiC DJT are not those of the typically waist-high posture, but are over 7 feet tall and joined together in forming what is in effect a steel wall.
As effective in keeping troublemakers IN as it is keeping troublemakers ‘out’.
Much–if not most–of the Deep State will be there celebrating the ‘defeat’ of DJT and the installment of Israel’s choice for POTUS, Biden.
A perfect opportunity for POTUS DJT to have them all arrested and charged with treason, just as he intimated in one of his tweets.
Also keep in mind, per the historical perspective which we cover on this website often–It was the Zealots and Sicarri being walled in within Jerusalem that afforded the Romans under Titus to effectively end–at least that portion of it–the war between Rome and Judea.
And, lest we forget–
‘They’re not taking this White House. We’re going to fight like hell to keep it’